The Video Music Awards have finally went by and I have a couple of things to say, I lost respect for Selina Gomez to an extent whilst the only reason that I liked her was because she was attractive, it still was sad to see her portray a way too kind and utterly fake performance, I am sick and tired of seeing everybody say the exact same things, Oh, I'm so happy to be here, and I love you all. I'd like to say that I'd want to go back to whenever people had pzazz and weren't kiss asses but there was never a time when that was the case honestly, oh, and don't even get me started on her singing telling people that they're perfect and are beautiful, yeah, I bet you wouldn't have the same confidence if you actually had a blatant flaw. Jersey Shore started the show and made me want to kill them just a little bit more than what I did before, I can't get over how idiotic the population has to be in-order to watch their disgraceful shows. Lil Wayne closed the show and I was beginning to admittedly have somewhat of a respect for him because he was working with Eminem and seemed to be improving, not by very much, but still showing somewhat promise, however, that was the most horrendous performance that I've ever seen, at times it seemed as if he were just talking (don't give me the, that's all rap is thing either) and wasn't even trying at some points I wanted to say, I can't understand what he says but dammit does it sound emotional or stupid?
Wow, that was really negative, I didn't mean to come across that way, because I've had a really good day and am in a really good mood, but that stuff really gets to me.