lol, careful, he's likely to return the favourMy work has been quite inconsistent with offering shifts. They seem to go through phases when they will or won't allow it. I was declined the first time I requested it. Which might have been Karma, since when a friend was pressured into doing ten hour shifts I was giving him updates on his first 10 hour shift regarding how many seconds were left for him. I think the best was when he got to his previous shift finish time and I pretended to have forgotten and asked him, why he was still working, Then before he could answer was all, OH! That's right, you still have over 7,200 seconds to go! My bad! I forgot!

Aww, thanks @Scarlet RoseI am really sorry to hear, I hope that the rest of your day and weekend improve a lot more for you! Go PGen, gooooo!!!

I tend to do the opposite when I have a hot drink, impatiently wait for it to cool, drink it too soon and burn my mouth, lol.I wish your attempt to drink your hot drink will go better than mine usually do! I often totally forget about it at some point in the process of making it prior to the actual drinking.