Commemorative Super Bowl coin made at Melbourne's Highland Mint
For more than two decades, The Highland Mint in Melbourne has produced the coin for the Super Bowl.
i ride past the highland mint all the time...

For more than two decades, The Highland Mint in Melbourne has produced the coin for the Super Bowl.
MELBOURNE -- The Super Bowl can’t start without something special made in Brevard County.
The Highland Mint in Melbourne has been responsible for making the Super Bowl coin for more than two decades. The mint also makes coins for the World Series, Stanley Cup and NBA Championship.
But nothing is as big as the Super Bowl coin.
The Highland Mint's employees got to work as soon as the AFC and NFC Championship games were decided.
The NFL gave them the design and crews got to work making the coin die, cutting the metal, imprinting the design and cleaning the coins before they're shipped off.
Within hours, they were ready to ship the coins to the NFL.
They made 150 coins for the league, including the one that will determine which team will get starting possession at the Super Bowl.
“We’ve been doing it for 25 years and it never gets old or tired," said Highland Mint President Michael Kott. "You know, the Super Bowl is one of the greatest sporting events on the planet. It’s one of the most watched events and it’s great to be a part of it.”
For all those Seahawks and Patriots fans, mint is also making 10,000 replicas
i ride past the highland mint all the time...