Smooth said:When I was 23 years old I was out and about with a couple guys I'd been hanging out with. We were in my car and one of the guys was driving. We made a stop in an upscale neighborhood where the guys told me we were picking up a bag of weed. I sat in the car while they went in. About 10 minutes later a neighbor pulled his car out and blocked my car in. When he came to my car I rolled down my window and asked what's up? He said he saw what my friends did and I better stay put, because the cops were on their way. Totally confused, I got out of my car and asked him what the hell happened, what was going on??
Turns out, the 2 assholes I was with were not there to buy pot. They pulled a B&E and had emptied the house of a VCR, a stereo, a gaming system and some other stuff. When the cops showed up I told them what I thought we were there for. They laughed and said, "You thought you were gonna get a bag at a JUDGE'S home??! How stupid are you?" The 2 assholes I had been with got their loot then hightailed it across the countryside. The cops called in choppers and dogs to find them. No one believed that I didn't know what was going on and I was convicted of breaking and entering into a judge's home.
Yes I have a felony on my record because of this. Should I not be allowed to vote?
You were innocent and a bad thing happened to you I get that. And thats part of life bad things happen to good people sometimes. That could have happened to anybody.
But the majority of felonies are not mistakes so yes people who commit felonies should never ever see a voting booth ever again. They have proven they cannot not be trusted to do the right thing. Now when they get out of jail they can prove they can live among society and do all the things everyone does but deciding the future of our society, no way!