people only annoy you on new years day? I hate people at the gym, they're always annoying.. they always annoy me. old dudes lifting too much weight, incorrectly.. looking to herniate a disk. young dudes working their biceps like it's the thing to have huge biceps. chicks wearing skin tight outfits and giving dirty looks to all the letch dudes gawking at her ass.
i was once at the gym and some chick was wearing sweat pants, a baggy hoodie and a baseball cap, about the least attractive thing a girl could be wearing at the gym. a girl that clearly does not want attention from men, a girl that just wants to work out.. some dude walked up and spat, 'don't i know you from some where, wow.. are you a model or something?'... fuck,.. she blew him off... like the chump he was.
the only thing worse is the dude that tries to give you unsolicited advice. . . no i don't need a new exercise to isolate my triceps. this is the reason i don't give advice to the countless people lifting wrong... i don't care, and they don't want my advice anyways. full range of motion, nah fuck that.. i want to stack as much weight as possible and pretend i'm lifting that much (this does not count towards those people who are isolating the hardest range of motion with less weight or the easiest with more weight and going for that... you know what your doing, these are the people that care too much about how much they're putting up so they skip the hard part of the lift.. never doing the full motion).
dudes that put on 30 pounds of muscle in a month, develop acne and have constant scowls... we know what you're up to. and if you want to date the ugly chick who got breast implants go for it, no one was interested before the implants.. afterwards we're only looking because we're confused why we didn't notice her before.
HMMM, what else... pick up games of basketball actually mattering to people.. to the point they try to injure each other over a jump ball... fail.
oh, and fat chicks... don't feel self conscious working out at the gym.. i know you do. you should not. fat chicks should feel self conscious eating fast food, ice cream.. or filling their shopping cart with soda and frozen dinners. walking around town for exercise, going to the gym.. you should feel good. no one is going to make fun of you for being fat if you're at the gym trying to get healthy. . if they do, that's on them for being completely delusional. you can't make fun of fat people at the gym.. that's where you're supposed to be spending time.
i'd like to give a big shout out to kirkland's vodka... it's made in france. deal with it.