@Phenom I totally get how you feel. I've been having this strong feeling of anger towards my half brother lately. We don't have much to do with each other. I'm 10 years older than him and he's always started fights or made something up to get me and my mother fighting. He's very manipulative and conniving. My mother almost always takes his side. But gripes when he throws her under the bus with his father.
If you can guess, My mother made some pretty shit decisions with men when I was a child. I had a step father that tried everything to get rid of me and succeeded. When I was 12, he had me sent off to a behavioral facility. They told the facility that I might kill my little brother. I spent 2 months there. After which I went to live with my biological father until I was 15. His new wife didn't want me living with them. So she treated me like shit every waking moment. To make matters worse, he was an alcoholic.
Things were good for awhile when I moved in with my mother. But then, I had to deal with my half brother who turned out to be a sociopath in the making just like his dad. He'd beat on my little sister and they'd let him get away with it. He needed his ass beat just about every day. I hated him then.
I found myself blaming him for the remainder of my childhood going to shit when I moved in with my grandparents. Who by the way, hates my stepfather to this day.
I still hate my half brother because he just screws me over when he wants something. Believes he's leagues better than me. Is abusive in relationships. The sad thing is he can convince people to like him as he was popular in high school. I don't talk to him. Every girl I've dated hated him except for 2 who wanted to sleep with him.
He can be so nice that you want to forgive him and before you know it. I'm in deep shit with my mother about something I'm not guilty of.
For the most part. I'd wish he'd disappear.