In an example of what could be the silliest name ever given to a child, it appears that one mother has christened her baby girl Hashtag Jameson.
However, instead of taking to Twitter, which spawned the now ubiquitous preface, the mother posted the announcement on Facebook, compounding her apparent #fail.
While it is not clear whether the screenshot is a joke, the possibility that a child has been named hashtag still exists.
While some have considered that the little girl will grow up to be the living embodiment of the degradation of the English language, others have simply despaired for the mother, whose last name is Jameson.
The caption that accompanies the photo says: 'Hashtag Jameson was born at 10 oclock last nite. She weys 8 pounds and i luv her so much!!!!!!'
The image has spread across the internet and been met with universal criticism.
The news that there could be a child named after the word most associated with Twitter is reminiscent of the Israeli couple last year who named their girl after the Facebook 'Like' button.
Lior and Vardit Adler were apparently looking to call their child something unique so they stumped for the Facebook moniker to enable their child to stand out from the crowd.
Dumb ass mother cannot even spell the word weighs correctly. I feel sorry for this little girl.
What are your thoughts?