"Deep into that darkness peering,
long I stood there,
wondering, fearing,
dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."
- Edgar Allan Poe
"... but are they real?"
The question came up the other day in an on line forum as one of the subjects of a non-fiction book the Desk was reading.
In the message, they wanted to know if 'ghosts' were real.
The only available short answer was particularly unsatisfying to all involved: "Well, yes, and no. Sort of."
The Desk told them to stand by for a longer answer, which, all things considered, may not be any more satisfying, but it will take longer to read than those six words.
So, here we go, the latest in the Desk's Mystery Series, with assorted tangents, random quotes, a look at that great archetype of horror fiction, and maybe even a couple of Bible verses, all thrown together and well stirred.....