Have you or an ex partner that you were with ever kept score of every bad thing that you ever did?
Did it hurt your relationship more that they did that? Why or why not?
Did it hurt your relationship more that they did that? Why or why not?
Scorekeeping can poison your relationships. Tallying up your disappointments or giving with expectations of what you'll receive in return spell trouble for both romance and friendship.
While it's reasonable to expect some reciprocity, relationships are seldom a matter of 50-50. You'll probably find that you're more of a giver or a taker in different relationships at different times so it tends to even out.
At the same time, when you and your loved ones give 100% to each other, you'll create true partnerships. Find out how to end the competition while creating more contentment and trust.

How To Stop Scorekeeping In Your Relationship | Couples Therapy St. Petersburg FL
Scorekeeping can poison your relationships. Tallying up your disappointments or giving with expectations of what you'll receive in return spell trouble for both romance and friendship. Schedule your first free couples counseling session today with a St. Petersburg, Fl Counselor!