Pool party, not gonna happen. A swim, not unless I have to. The beach, only if I'm a few feet away from the water's edge throwing sticks to my dog (and she knows that if doesn't land at my feet, I'm not wading anywhere to get it; ergo game over).
I keep myself clean, and have a shower every second day, but man, the shuddering and kitten-ish fur ruffling that goes on every time I step in there is a bit comical.
Anyone else really dislike getting wet? Don't like getting rained on, my stupidly curly hair turns into frizz, and it watermarks my glasses so that I can't see, and I regularly thank godde that my parents emigrated from damp England.
I keep myself clean, and have a shower every second day, but man, the shuddering and kitten-ish fur ruffling that goes on every time I step in there is a bit comical.
Anyone else really dislike getting wet? Don't like getting rained on, my stupidly curly hair turns into frizz, and it watermarks my glasses so that I can't see, and I regularly thank godde that my parents emigrated from damp England.