1. double standard
When a situation is desirable for one group but deplorable for another. Typically used in reasons to support feminists feminazi, but completely ignoring the terrible double standard favoring them.
1) a) A father sexually/physically assaults his daughter at a young age. She grows up to fear men and strives to stay away from them. ACCEPTABLE
b) A mother sexually/Physically assaults her son at young age. He grows up to fear men and strives to stay away from them. LABELED AS PROFILING WOMEN AS EVIL AND UNACCEPTABLE.
2) A) A group of girls sees a male walking through a mall. They think he is attractive, and make comments about his butt, abs, or crotch and giggle loudly. ACCEPTABLE
B) A group of boys see a female walking through a mall. They think she is attractive, and make comments about her butt, abs, or breasts while laughing. LABELED AS PIGS WHO ARE ACTING INAPPROPRIATE, TREATING THE GIRL LIKE AN OBJECT
3) A) A married woman does not have a job because she feels that it is the mans place to support his family and survives on his paycheck. ACCEPTABLE
B) A married man does not have a job because he feels that it is the woman's place to support her family and survives on her paycheck. LABELED AS AN ABUSIVE HUSBAND WHO TAKES ADVANTAGE OF HIS WIFE
4) a) A war in america is started, and the military decides to instate a draft. A woman who does not want to fight states her ideas, even though she does not have to worry about it. ACCEPTABLE AND SUPPORTED
b) A war in america is started, and the military decides to instate a draft. A man who does not want to fight states his ideas. VIEWED AS A DESERTER AND A TRAITOR WHO WANTS NOTHING MORE THAN TO AVOID HIS RESPONSIBILITIES.
5) A) A very feminist mother takes her young daughter and her friends out for a party. During the celebrations, a man happens to sit at a table next to them in a restaurant. The mother tells the girls to hurry up eating and leaves in haste because she thinks the man would be a bad influence. ACCEPTABLE, LABELED A BIT OVERPROTECTIVE
b)A father takes his young son and his friends out for a party. During the celebrations, a woman happens to sit next to them in a restaurant. The father tells the children to hurry eating and leaves in haste because he thinks the woman will be a bad influence. VIEWED AS BEING EVIL AND TEACHING YOUNG CHILDREN INCORRECT VIEWS.
6) A) A woman has been treated poorly by men often but not constantly. She can be quoted saying "Damn all men." ACCEPTABLE, PEOPLE ASK QUESTIONS LIKE, "Poor woman, what happened to her?"
B) A man has been treated poorly by women often but not constantly. He can be quoted saying "Damn all women." UNACCEPTABLE, PEOPLE ASK QUESTIONS LIKE "What did that pig do to his wife that made her react a way he did not like?"
7) A) A young group of girls have a get together at someones house, and one boy is invited. The girls spend the whole time by themselves, and do not talk to the boy because they think boys are all stupid and should not be talked to. VIEWED AS NORMAL AND ACCEPTABLE, PARENTS PROBABLY WILL NOT ADDRESS THE INCIDENT.
B) A group of boys have a get together at someones house, and one girl is invited. The boys spend the whole time by themselves, and do not talk to the girl because they think all girls are stupid and should not be talked to. VIEWED AS NORMAL BUT UNACCEPTABLE. THE PARENTS WILL TELL THEM IT IS NOT RIGHT TO TREAT SOMEONE LIKE THAT BECAUSE OF GENDER.
8) A) A group of girls wants to participate in an activity that a group of boys are doing, and the boys say no because girls are idiots. UNACCEPTABLE, IF ADULTS ARE AROUND THEY WILL INSTRUCT THE BOYS TO LET THE GIRLS PARTICIPATE.
B) Later, the same group of boys want to participate in an activity the same group of girls are doing. The girls say no, because boys are disgusting and moronic. ACCEPTABLE, ANY ADULTS WILL TELL THE BOYS TO LEAVE THE GIRLS ALONE, REGARDLESS IF THEY WERE INSTRUCTED TO LET THE GIRLS JOIN EARLIER.
2. double standard
Mathematically speaking, the obnoxious idea that it's OK for 56 to insult 82, but it's NOT OK for 82 to insult 56. Of course, 56 and 82 can be replaced with many different races, religions, etc.
A man sleeps with numerous women: Considered OK
A women sleeps with many men: Considered NOT OK
A woman physically hurts a man because she feels abused: ACCEPTED
A man physically hurts a woman because he feels abused: NOT ACCEPTED
A white person is successful: Assumed to be because of HARD WORK
A black person is successful: Assumed to be because of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION
A black person does poorly on a standardized test: Assumed to be because of BIAS in the test
A white person does poorly on a standardized test: Assumed to be because of LAZINESS, LACK OF EFFORT, etc.
A Christian is a very strong believer and mentions his love of God: Viewed as HEALTHY and PASSIONATE
An Atheist is very strong in his belief of no God: Viewed as CRAZY, CONFUSED, MISLEAD, etc.
An Atheist views Christians as unaccepting as a group: Viewed as NORMAL and is ACCEPTED
A Christian views Atheists as unaccepting as a group: Viewed as being UNFAIR and DOGMATIC
...I could go on forever. Point is: DOWN WITH DOUBLE STANDARDS! People aren't that different, and double standards only enforce all kinds of discrimination! GRRRR...
The above are from UB, more definitions here: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=double+standard
How do you feel about double standards?