Beer drinkers in the US have filed a $5m (ã3.3m) lawsuit accusing Anheuser-Busch of watering down its beer.
The lawsuits, filed in Pennsylvania, California and other states, claim consumers have been cheated out of the alcohol content stated on beer labels.
The suit involves 10 Anheuser-Busch beers including Budweiser and Michelob.
Anheuser-Busch InBev have called the claims completely false, and said in a statement our beers are in full compliance with labelling laws.
The lawsuits are based on information from former employees at breweries owned by the multinational.
Our information comes from former employees at Anheuser-Busch, who have informed us that, as a matter of corporate practice, all of their products mentioned [in the lawsuit] are watered down, lead lawyer Josh Boxer said.
The complaint claimed that Anheuser-Busch employs some of most sophisticated process control technology in the world to precisely monitor the alcohol content at the final stages of production, and then adds additional water to produce beers with significantly lower alcohol contents than is represented on the the labels.
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Wondering if they are suing because the watered down beer makes them pee more.