DrLeftover said:I'll rephrase that question.
If somebody is semi-literate on the keyboard, routinely uses texting English, is annoying and a borderline flamer at the best of times, and then some weekend they were high, and/or drunk.....
How would you tell?
Well, that's even harder to answer than I worded it originally, because I know there are cases when people use that stupid text talk crap just to annoy everyone else, like they'll do it because they like to see the rest of us get pissed at them for doing so, and I'm sure it's almost like stopping a troll, you could warn them in any way imaginable, but their warning would just go flying out the window because they love to see you get pissed, so they'll repeat the behavior just so you can get more pissed at them then you were already. So really, it's kind of hard to tell, because there's a difference between someone posting because they OD'd on the alcohol, and someone just talking text talk just to be a big show off about everything and just to make a nice handful of enemies because of it.