Dee said:
Mr. Kringle said:
Dee said:
seasidemike said:
Oh god, this one. I don't give a shit if you were drunk, you make the conscious decision to alter your state of mind and made up a pathetic excuse for whatever reason. Immature and stupid.
I know right. People should drink responsibly and not put themselves in questionable situations to begin with.
This will never happen, and unfortunately I don't know anyone who drinks who could be considered "responsible". It's one of the many reasons why I hate alcohol and people mixed together.
Well, there are those that let the drink control them, and there are those that control the drink.
I do drink, and I don't mean I sip trendy drinks made with coconut water and cupcake flavored vodka.
When I drink, it is BOOZE booze and no mistake.
Yes, ma'am.
And I do consider myself "responsible" before, during and after said bouts with Ol' Stumpwater. I have as much as I want (or NEED on a bad knee day), then I put it up, and go take a shower. And before you ask, I NEVER drive if I have had more than one of ANYTHING.
And, while we're at it, I know it has been several DECADES since I have been drunk to the point where I was out of control.
And then again, I used to work with a couple of guys who if they had half of a second beer, they either sat there and giggled like a cartoon laugh track, or wanted to fight everybody in the place.
After the second time of going to one of their 'parties', I suddenly had other plans whenever anything like that was ever mentioned again.