Did this one a few weeks ago back when I had hair. And after I had taken a shower. And felt like messing up my hair purposely.
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Investah Sci said:
Did this one a few weeks ago back when I had hair. And after I had taken a shower. And felt like messing up my hair purposely.
Samcro said:I need to get a new one of me posted... Waiting for people to upload pics from our latest gigs
PaperxHeart said:Ew -.-
Madyy said:
MetroidSucker said:You want to see me? No. No, no, no, no NO! Ok...
MetroidSucker said:You want to see me? No. No, no, no, no NO! Ok...
Nebulous said:You look too innocent.
*Takes metroid to a strip club*
Jazzy said:What a great picture and you have gorgeous eyes!
Smooth said:It is the craziest legal party I have ever been to, Jazzy! One of the games we have is luggage cart races in the lobby and clothing is always optional. Seems like clothing is optional at any biker gathering!
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