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A grieving father in Mississippi is furious over an oversight he believes got his daughter killed. He is upset that the suspected killer received a reduced bond and the lack of accountability in his court ordered GPS monitoring device.
Lance Johansen told FOX 17 News that his daughter Lauren was a caring person, intelligent and she loved animals.
“I just never thought she was going to meet an animal that was a human being. This animal is Bricen Rivers. He is the psychopath that killed my daughter,” said Johansen.
Bricen John Rivers is charged with Lauren’s murder. Right now, he is in a Gulfport, Mississippi, jail.
“This is not his first offense,” said Johansen, “There have been arrests for him numerous times for assaults against my daughter.”
There were escalating warning signs. Back in December, Metro police said Lauren was beaten pretty badly. Rivers was initially charged with especially aggravated kidnapping, stalking and witness coercion.
“The only reason that she didn't die is because I was able to use life 360 to find out where she was in the car,” he said.
Court records show Rivers original bond was around $250,000 and it was lowered to $150,000 inside Judge Cheryl Blackburn’s court.
The Nashville DA’s office told FOX 17 News they objected to the reduced bond.
FOX 17 News contacted Judge Blackburn multiple times, but have not heard back.
“We told the judge, the DA, everybody else there, if they let him go, he was going kill her, “Johansen said.
Rivers was released on June 24th by the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office and now Lauren is dead.

Murder victim's father upset at oversight by judicial system
A grieving father in Mississippi is furious over an oversight he believes got his daughter killed. He is upset that the suspected killer received a reduced bond