Favorite YouTuber - Primink or JCS, their commentary, editing skills, and topics are on-par and I love lengthy 'docu-style' videos.
Least favorite YouTuber - Way too many to list, but I'll start with cringey Lilly Singh. I'm not sure if I have to actually say why I hate Lilly Singh. Mostly due to her entitled nature and being so "unfunny" I feel my soul has never been irked more.
I'll list more as this comes along 🤣
Least favorite YouTuber - Way too many to list, but I'll start with cringey Lilly Singh. I'm not sure if I have to actually say why I hate Lilly Singh. Mostly due to her entitled nature and being so "unfunny" I feel my soul has never been irked more.
I'll list more as this comes along 🤣