TRUE LIBERTY said:Princess Alexandros XVII said:According to "a source" (make of this what you will), Brown assaulted the police officer, among other things fracturing his eye socket. was reportedly badly beaten and left with serious facial injuries following the fatal shooting in the St Louis suburb, including an eye socket fracture. The officer was almost knocked unconscious by Brown's blows, according to the source.
The leaked information on Wilson's injuries added yet another dimension to the fatal shooting on August 9 as Attorney-General Eric Holder arrived in Ferguson today to oversee a federal investigation into the cop killing which has ignited Ferguson into violent, racially-charged protests.
The police source told Fox today: 'The Assistant (Police) Chief took him to the hospital, his face all swollen on one side. He was beaten very severely.'
The source continued: 'They ignored him [Wilson] and the officer started to get out of the car to tell them to move. They shoved him right back in, that’s when Michael Brown leans in and starts beating Officer Wilson in the head and the face.'
ABC News also reported on Wednesday that a police source revealed Officer Wilson suffered a 'serious facial injury'.
The Gateway Pundit reported on Tuesday that the officer had suffered an 'orbital blowout fracture'.
A police source has confirmed to MailOnline that Wilson was taken to hospital and treated for facial injuries sustained during the Brown incident but would not elaborate on the severity or nature of those injuries.
Last week, Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson said Wilson had suffered swelling to the side of his face but gave few details of the injuries.
There's so many stories now I have no clue what to believe.
Photos will come out just like they did for the trayvon shooting. Its no wonder it took six shots to take him down. He probably could see straight after getting that kind of damage to your face.
that does make sense. the hits were from the arm up and into the chest and face. that would be consistent with a cop shooting with a blasted eye trying to take down such a big guy charging at him.
don't forgot that wilson needs to have probable cause to make the stop and pissing brown off enough to attack him. this is going to get very ugly before it's over. sure mike brown is a big thug and maybe he did steal those cigars. he definitely roughed up the store clerk, but wilson stopped him for jaywalking.