Captain Pinkbeard and his crew were sailing on the Off Topixian Sea when suddenly they saw an Imperial vessel and needed to hide their treasures.
They docked at Off Topix on 9/20/2009 and hid their 12 treasure chests where no-one'd look: the old threads.
The first member to find all 12 treasure chests will receive an award
and $1,200 Off Topix bucks.
Use this thread to submit your list List must contain the name of the thread and post number where all 12 of the treasure chests are hidden.
All members who change their avatar to match the theme of this contest will receive $25 Off Topix bucks. Please post in this thread if you have changed your avatar so we can issue you your Off Topix bucks.
Good luck mates and happy hunting!
They docked at Off Topix on 9/20/2009 and hid their 12 treasure chests where no-one'd look: the old threads.
The first member to find all 12 treasure chests will receive an award

Use this thread to submit your list List must contain the name of the thread and post number where all 12 of the treasure chests are hidden.
All members who change their avatar to match the theme of this contest will receive $25 Off Topix bucks. Please post in this thread if you have changed your avatar so we can issue you your Off Topix bucks.
Good luck mates and happy hunting!