The word 'kuu' in this context means month, but can be translated as moon also. The full word for month in Finnish is 'kuukausi' which can be translated as 'moon phase' or 'moon season', the latter being probably the more correct literal translation.
Tammikuu - Oak moon
Helmikuu - Pearl moon
Maaliskuu - this doesn't have a direct translation for 'maalis' but it is generally thought to mean earth, as in March a little bit of earth can occasionally already be seen under the snow, the word 'maa' means earth or dirt, the ground.
Huhtikuu - Huhti comes from the word huhta, which means two things, already burned-over clearing or the act of creating a plot of forest of dead trees to be burned later (for agricultural purposes). And it is speculated the name for the month came from the appropriate time to do this around April.
Toukokuu - Touko means the spring field work.
Kesäkuu - Summer moon (which is a bit funny because generally Finnish summer doesn't actually feel like summer until it is July).
Heinäkuu - Hay moon
Elokuu - Elo is short for elonkorjuu which means harvest, Harvest moon.
Syyskuu - Autumn moon
Lokakuu - Dirt moon
Marraskuu - Dead moon
Joulukuu - Christmas moon
I wasn't very sure if this is the appropriate forum for this, but it says I thought if not here then where?
What kind of names (and their meanings) does your native language have for months?
Tammikuu - Oak moon
Helmikuu - Pearl moon
Maaliskuu - this doesn't have a direct translation for 'maalis' but it is generally thought to mean earth, as in March a little bit of earth can occasionally already be seen under the snow, the word 'maa' means earth or dirt, the ground.
Huhtikuu - Huhti comes from the word huhta, which means two things, already burned-over clearing or the act of creating a plot of forest of dead trees to be burned later (for agricultural purposes). And it is speculated the name for the month came from the appropriate time to do this around April.
Toukokuu - Touko means the spring field work.
Kesäkuu - Summer moon (which is a bit funny because generally Finnish summer doesn't actually feel like summer until it is July).
Heinäkuu - Hay moon
Elokuu - Elo is short for elonkorjuu which means harvest, Harvest moon.
Syyskuu - Autumn moon
Lokakuu - Dirt moon
Marraskuu - Dead moon
Joulukuu - Christmas moon
I wasn't very sure if this is the appropriate forum for this, but it says I thought if not here then where?
What kind of names (and their meanings) does your native language have for months?