Even blind clocks are right twice a day....

Finnish PM Says Ukraine Shows That Europe Isn't Strong Enough Without the U.S.
Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin dared to say the

It may seem obvious to most Americans, but Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin dared to say the “brutally honest” truth out loud: Europe is too reliant on the U.S. for its security. It’s no secret, of course. But it’s a topic not discussed or mentioned often in Europe. It’s more likely to be whispered between EU leaders than openly discussed in a conference.
That’s because if Europe were ever to acknowledge the supremacy of the United States and that NATO couldn’t get along without us, alliance members would have to pony up a lot more in Europe’s collective defense than the paltry 2% they are spending now. They know that the United States defense shield allows them to enjoy the luxury of being kept safe while still being able to criticize the United States when their left-wing subjects get their panties in a twist over something America has done — or hasn’t done.
“I must be brutally honest with you, Europe isn’t strong enough right now,” Marin said in remarks at a think tank in Sydney, according to Reuters. “We would be in trouble without the United States.”