Sperm Donor Refuses to Pay Child Support
Sperm Donor Refuses to Pay Child Support
A woman in Atlanta, Georgia has filed a lawsuit against the father of her child for neglecting to pay child support. Le’Shaniqua-isha Jones, who before her most recent child had given birth to three other children in as many years and from as many baby daddies, decided she wanted her next child to be on her own terms. What Jones didn’t know was that the most recent baby daddy would refuse to pay child support.
Upon being reached for comment, the man told the New York Times that he “never agreed to pay child support” when he donated sperm twelve years ago.
Jones claims that wasn’t made clear to her by the clinic and is considering a suit against them, as well. Jones, 23, had not counted on being in this situation. “It seemed like as soon as I had a baby, a few months later I’d be knocked up again,” Le’Shaniqua-isha told a reporter for Fox’s local affiliate in Atlanta, “I would get my body back and head out to da club every night and all dat, but I just figured, you know, that there’s like a delay or some-in' before you can gets pregnant 'gain, know wha I’m sayin?”
But following her third child, Jones was determined to avoid ending up in the same situation. “I went to the sperm bank, picked me out a man who described himself as a black Denzel Washington, and that was that.”
The sperm donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, has hired an attorney who believes Jones’ case will be dismissed before ever being presented in a courtroom. “This woman has no right to file for child support; the decision to have another child, although ill-advised and not that much of a shock, was hers and hers alone. It’s like someone with lung cancer suing the company that made his cigarette lighter; it’s absurd. I don’t even know where this is coming from. I guess welfare isn’t cutting it, anymore.”
Jones, however, feels differently. “That deadbeat wasn’t there for the conception, he wasn’t there for the birth, and now he ain’t even gonna help raise his own child? I’ve given birth to kids whose fathers were scum of the earth, but they at least promise to send me money once they get out of prison before they refuse to pay. My kids deserve better, and my two favorite outfits for the club got stretched out when I was pregnant. We need some money coming in, know wha I’m sayin’?”
Jones’ attorney, the same one who took the case against McDonalds’ coffee being too hot, and against KFC and Wendy’s for making another one of his clients obese, feels optimistic. “If this guy didn’t want the responsibility that comes with being a father, why was he putting his sperm out on the market? Why else would someone donate sperm to a fertility clinic, because they didn’t want someone to have their baby? His offspring is alive and well but he just wants to sit at home with his wife and kids and pretend his sperm is being treated like royalty by some family that should actually be allowed to have a child; what kind of a person is capable of something like that?”
“This is America, and in America women have the right to voluntarily get pregnant without worrying about having enough money to raise the child,” said Jones, “and if I can’t get justice, gonna be seein’ a whole lot less women getting knocked up, and right now this country needs as many home-grown kids as it can get, ’specially with all them Mexicans runnin’ around. We about to become minorities, y’all.”
If successful, this lawsuit could change the way in vitro fertilization clinics do business. “We’d have to start getting the women to sign documents releasing the male donor from any responsibility.” Explained Yvette Wilkins, director of the Hands-On America Sperm Bank in Birmingham, Alabama, “otherwise you’ll probably find that men don’t want to have to pay a chunk of their paycheck every month for the rest of their lives just to donate sperm, especially since they can go down to 10th street and get that for fifteen bucks.”