My friend Amanda has been unemployed now for almost 18 months after being laid off from her job. She has applied to every ad she sees in the paper and has signed up at an employment agency. Things took a turn for the worst when she started to not be able to pay basic bills. She applied for state aide but because she still had a meger savings account and owned her own vehicle, she was denied. Amanda then moved back in with her parents to try and get back on her feet again. Amanda just for conversation sake is 28 years old and has been living and supporting herself on her own since she was 18 years old. I went over to visit her yesterday and was appauld by what I heard. Her father was yelling very loudly If she got off her lazy butt, she'd have a job! I happened to have taken Amanda to a Job Fair not two days earlier. For every job opening, there must have been at least 50 people standing in line to hand in an application. These were minimum wage jobs but she stood in every line and handed in an application. I swear, I felt like yelling back at her father If you think it's so freaking easy to find a job, then go and get one! I''m sorry to say but I dislike people who think like her father does.
Rant over but still angry with people who think it's so freaking easy to find a job.

Rant over but still angry with people who think it's so freaking easy to find a job.