I've never dressed up and gone to work, thought about it though.I used to love Halloween as a kid.
These days don't do anything for it really. Sometimes will dress up, usually if I work that day.

Aww, they're not all brats. They just want to have a little fun and get some candy.No. I dislike the little brats.
Pretty much the same evolution for me. My daughter is grown and still wants to go trick or treating!I am generally fond of Halloween but how I mark the day has evolved.
There was the period pre-child when I usually went to a friend's party or watched horror movies (or watched horror movies at my friend's party).
Then there was post-child when I either shelled out or took my son out
Then he progressed to going to parties instead of going out so I backed off on trick or treat as well.
Now he lives 6 hours away and is married so I usually just stay in my den and read some classic ghost/horror stories. Often something fromGhost Stories of an Antiquary by M.R. James or other writers of that vintage.
Maybe when grands arrive I will get back in the trick or treat game

Do you get a lot of trick or treaters at your house?