Has anyone had a thread on their forum explaining about what type of software they're using and how it generally works? I had this type of thread on my forum, where I linked to a page from Wikipedia explaining about phpBB and how it works. This could probably be a good tatic for new members who've never joined a forum before. Just picture it: What if you joined a forum where you knew nothing of the software the owner was using? Sure, you can use Google or Bing to look up stuff like this in about ten seconds flat, but what if you didn't know what keywords to use in your search? When I started patronizing forums in 2007-2008, I didn't know jack about forums at all! The most I knew about them was that they were like message boards, but that's about all I knew. I knew absolutely zippo about forum software like phpBB or MyBB, and when I looked them up, the most I got were suggestions for forum hosting sites and the like, because I had no clue what to put in for my keywords or anything. Sure, nowdays I know to put things like "What is phpBB?" or "What is MyBB?" but back then I was a total newb to this stuff. When I redid Marie 1988 (which was a revived deal of sorts from one of my first ever forums in 2009) I put myself in the shoes of a newbie forum patronizer, thinking "How would I feel if Marie 1988 was the first ever forum I joined and I didn't know jack about the software I was using? Where could I ask for help on this software?" So I created something like an "about phpBB" thread explaining to potential brand new members what the software was about, how it generally works, etc. One member bashed me for this saying, "EVERYONE knows what phpBB is about!" And while that is true in a physical sense, those of us who have been foruming for years in general, whether as staff or general members, know a great deal about phpBB and other softwares, you would be amazed at how many people DON'T know the general aspects of the software at all! How it works, what it does, what certain features do, etc. I guess the ones who were totally new to foruming probably didn't need to know the admin side of running that software, but it would've given them some idea of some of the behind the scenes stuff, like banning and general permissions, whatever. I didn't mean to get long winded in this thread, this is just a subject that crossed my mind whilst I was on another forum just now. So do you think something like this could be helpful for those who've never joined forums before? I don't mean total newbies who's first site was probably something like Forum Promotion or Forum Advertiser and they found your site through one of them, I'm talking about those who randomly stumble upon your site through a search engine and they're confused because your forum could be the first one they ever joined at all, even before FA or FP. Another by the way: I know FA isn't around anymore, that site was just an example I used because I was a member there and used their services a lot on my forums in its heyday.