Two dogs have been rescued from being put down at the last minute, after a heartbreaking picture of them hugging went viral on Facebook.
Atlanta-based dog rescue charity Angels Among Us Pet Rescue posted the photo of Kala and Keira, two dogs scheduled to be put down at a ‘high kill’ shelter (so called because they have a time limit on how long rescue animals can be housed there before they’re put down to make way for new animals) in north Georgia.
The charity posted the picture on Monday with a plea for help that read: ‘I’m Kala. This is Keira. We’re so scared in here. The people working in the shelters see how scared we are but just told each other that today is our deadline.’
‘If no one saves us, someone will take her away from me. I’ll see her as she goes down the hallway,’ the emotive first-person note continued. ‘She won’t come back and I’ll cry. They’ll come for me next and I won’t be as brave.’
The post concluded: ‘Today is their last day unless we can save them.’
It was shared over 9,000 times and the dogs had offers of homes within three hours.
‘Exactly 2 hours and 6 minutes. That’s how long it took this amazing community of animals lovers to come together to save the lives of two canine friends. We just received word from our Angels volunteer that Kala and Keira are safely in the car and on their way to a vet – all thanks to you,’ the charity later wrote.
‘It is so easy to say, why won’t the shelter do something but they are the ones reaching out to us begging for help,’ the post continued.
Kill shelters are disgusting.. how the people who work in them sleep at night, I will never know. There is no justification for killing a healthy, non-aggressive dog. Thank goodness these two precious dogs got adopted.