Well I am probably one of the oldest members(as in join date not age) here joining all the way back to October 1st of 2009 which is only a few weeks after Nebulous himself "joined" this board. Old enough to remember when Princess was an admin here. I wonder how many don't even know that was a thing once. lol
I found this board this time in an e-mail one day when I just felt like looking through it for anything that might be worth actually reading. I am surprised Wober in any forum or Joe himself would ever return to the world of forums but I always believe that no one can ever really leave for good as the world of forums always finds a way to drag you back eventually so in a way I can't be too surprised to see it and him back. Well not much really to say now so I shall cut this probably terrible intro short so you can all welcome me to the forum or is it welcome me back to the forum?
I found this board this time in an e-mail one day when I just felt like looking through it for anything that might be worth actually reading. I am surprised Wober in any forum or Joe himself would ever return to the world of forums but I always believe that no one can ever really leave for good as the world of forums always finds a way to drag you back eventually so in a way I can't be too surprised to see it and him back. Well not much really to say now so I shall cut this probably terrible intro short so you can all welcome me to the forum or is it welcome me back to the forum?