Let’s take a short look at the leftist violence in the United States.
1. It was Bill Maher who "joked" about Sarah Palin being the first of the useless people to be killed. That’s a real funny one Bill, almost as funny as your face.
2. Ed Schultz on PMSNBC has stated many times that Conservatives need to be killed.
3. SEIU beats down a black Conservative and an elderly Tea Party man.
4. Liberals want to kill Bush.
5. Vandals smashed a large glass door with a section of cinder block at the Republican Party headquarters in downtown Flagstaff.
6. Brownshirts for Kerry.
7. Leftist spits on Major Jerry Boyle, USMC Iraq War Vet and Congress candidate.
8. Joseph Stack crashes his plane into the Federal Building in Austin, TX.
9. Clay Duke walked into a Florida school board with a handgun, spray-painted a "V for Vendetta" (left-wing gang symbol) on the wall, and then tried to shoot the board members before shooting himself. (They tried to pin that one on the right as well.)
10. Norman Leboon (registered Democrat AND Obama donor) shot into Eric Cantor’s office in Virginia. He also wrote a Youtube video manifesto:
"My Congressman Eric Cantor, and you and your cupcake evil wife. Remember Eric, our judgment time, the final Yom Kippur has been given. You are a liar, you’re a Lucifer, you’re a pig, a greedy f*cking pig, you’re an abomination, you receive my bullets in your office, remember they will be placed in your heads. You and your children are Lucifer’s abominations."
11. The Left embraces a film where Bush gets assassinated.
12. An anonymous liberal called Congresswoman Jean Schmitt and left the following message:
"Yeah, I'm glad the president passed health care. Yeah. Funky ass, racist-ass Republicans hate that, don't you? Jean Schmitt, when you got hit by that car, you should've broke your back, b*tch. And Boehner, motherf****r that Mitch McConnell. All you racist f**king Republicans. Why don't you just change your party name to racist? Cuz if one of those f**king Tea baggers had spit on me, I'd have shot all them in the f**king face with my f**king 9 millimeter. F**k all you racist motherf****rs."
But they have a history that goes back to the 60’s.
It was Hanoi John Fonda Kerry who was involved with the Winter Soldier program that worked on a plan to assassinate Congressman/Senators who they disliked for whatever reason.
"In 1971, the pro-Hanoi anti-war group that presidential candidate John Kerry was principal leader and spokesman of debated and voted down a plot to assassinate U.S. Senators who supported the Vietnam War. Numerous media outlets claim witnesses and FBI documents conclusively place Kerry at that November 1971 meeting of Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) in Kansas City."
That Kerry resigned immediately afterwards is not clear but what IS clear is that he never reported the plot to the police. He also lied to the Senate as he slimed American Vietnam Vets.
For example, Valerie Jarrett and Van Jones, both Obomunists, have openly called for violent revolution in America. Van Jones left the Obama Administration and now works for the Soros mouthpiece, that spreads Obama propaganda, Media Matters and Valerie Jarrett is still in this corrupt administration and has Obama's ear.
Sidenote: Valerie Jarrett's father In-law was very involved with the CPUSA and worked with the radical commie pedophile and Obama mentor Frank Marshall Davis.
1. Bill Ayer’s Weather Underground. Grew out of the SDS and Revolutionary Youth Movement (a faction of the SDS). Members included: Karen Ashley, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, John Jacobs, Jeff Jones, Gerry Long, Howie Machtinger, Jim Mellen, Terry Robbins, Mark Rudd, and Steve Tappis. (Many now involved with the Democrat Party)
2. The Black Liberation Army (BLA) helped the WUO rob a Brink’s truck of $1.6 million. They murder a Brink’s guard and two police officers and wounded three others. The BLA is credited with murdering 13 police officers and over 60 acts of left-wing violence from 1970-1980.
3. M19CO was formed in the late 1970s. They had three objectives: to free political prisoners held in American prisons, to use appropriation of capitalist wealth to fund the third stage, and to initiate a series of bombings and terrorist attacks. They also freed JoAnne Chesimard who had murdered a state trooper.
The United Freedom Front: Responsible for 29 known robberies and bombings from October 4, 1975, to September 26, 1984. One of the members, Thomas Manning, was convicted of killing a New Jersey state trooper.
More recently:
In 2009, the Left came through Pittsburgh, smashing windows, setting fire to public and private property, and injuring police officers.
The shootings at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum were committed by a left-wing nutjob by the name of James Von Brunn.
Union thugs harassed the 14 y.o. son of a BoA executive in his home as the police did nothing.
At the RNC in 2008, they attacked buses with Boy Scouts in them and tried to drop rocks, bricks, and sandbags on the buses, trying to kill the drivers AND sprayed Republican delegates with toxic materials.
At the John Liebowitz (Steward) and Stevie Colbert rally, the Left trashed the mall AND the WW2 memorial.
Left-wing eco-terrorist groups like the Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front have set to people’s homes and businesses on the West Coast since 1997. They have also burned down universities, car lots, government offices, ski resorts, and whaling vessels performing legal business on the high seas that the Discovery Channel sees fit to legitimize. (Sea Shepards)
Did WE on the Right erupt in violence when the Left took control of the House and Senate in 2007 and proceeded to run America into the ground? No. Did WE on the Right erupt in violence when the Left selected, what could possibly be an "illegal" president? No. We hold a rally on 8/28 and do it peacefully and cleanly. We vow to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign AND domestic, while the Left seeks to subvert it, bypass it, and shred it. So exactly WHO are the violent criminals in America? It appears that the Left, with people like Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorhn, Rashid Khalidi (friend of Barry's), and all of the radical terrorists that comprise the coalition of the Left are the ones to blame. We on the Right want criminals PUNISHED, the Left wants them FREED, i.e. Abu Mumia, JoAnne Chesimard (BLA), William Morales(FMLN), Tookie, etc., often by violent means.