Tom said:I use Twitter, and it's quite effective! All I do is make a Tweet, insert a link, and use a trending topic link that describes my forum software (like #IPB), genre (like #Technology) and other recent news!
Well if you're like me and have real people following you, they get annoyed by constant Tweets about links... I say make a Tweet once or twice a day with your site's link.
Reviews are better given at a site like TheAdminZone or AdminAddict.
Feedback can be given by members themselves, not people who aren't apart of the community.
Link exchanges have been proven to be ineffective. Let me know if you want an article about that...
Affiliations are okay, but do they work? Nope! They're the same as link exchanges. And most of the time, when you affiliate with a site, your badge is placed at the footer; where nobody ever looks.
I agree. Some may not work as effectively. But when you visit X amount of sites and all those sites show your link, it may tempt you to join. I've ran large forums in the past and those are some of the strategies I've used. I used to never venture out side of the IF/ZB network until recently. Now I'm starting to learn new ways of advertising.