...sometimes, folks, you simply can't make this kind of shit up...
Here's more info on HRC's idea of Summer Fun Camps:
...yeah, that's all we need: government-sponsored camps....can we start with Obama & Company in those camps?
(Gay Patriot) Hillary Clinton thinks there should be Summer Fun Camps for Grown-Ups, because the Democrats are running out of free sh-t they can promise people. “As I have gotten older, I have decided we really need camps for adults,” she said to laughter. “I think we have a huge fun deficit in America. And we need to figure it out how to fill that fun deficit.”
Somehow, I really don’t find the notion of Hillary Clinton putting people in camps entirely implausible.
Here's more info on HRC's idea of Summer Fun Camps:
(Daily Caller) In a paid speech before the New Jersey chapter of the American Camp Association, former Secretary of State Hillary Cinton told the audience that America really needed to implement camps that adults could attend.
"As I have gotten older, I have decided we really need camps for adults,” she said to laughter. “And we need the kind of camps you all run. None of the serious stuff, not of the life-challenging stuff; more fun!” Clinton continued. “I think we have a huge fun deficit in America. And we need to figure it out how to fill that fun deficit, certainly for our kids, but also for the rest.”
In these camps, Clinton wants Americans to really concentrate on the important things. “We need some reminder about life skills from time to time, maybe some enrichment, certainly some time outdoors.” On an entirely unrelated note, “joycamp” was the Newspeak term for forced labor camps in George Orwell’s “1984.”
...yeah, that's all we need: government-sponsored camps....can we start with Obama & Company in those camps?