I have made so many mistakes in my life, my life is falling apart. My grades are going down (It was always down). I barely passed Geometry the first term with a C and failing physics and art. Then today reality hit me again, had to see her again with lots of pain and toughts i dont know what to do with. I tought she was their to hang out turns out its not. Its her 4th period class. Sometimes i like to believe im a hero of some sort or want to be a hero when i grow up but i cant. No one encourages me or talks to me about stuff. The only way i fall asleep is that pretending that someone loves me.
Now i googled Bipolar disorder turns out i think i might have it. I do have a good day one day the next day i have a bad day. Sometimes i have a really good day and get depressed later. I cant live with this anymore i feel like killing myself, my pearents keep telling me to try harder and stuff. They are thinking of taking my ipod and computer away and it feels like if they do that i will kill myself cause this is the only thing that makes me happy and worry less about reality. I really dont think i have a future. My toughts are disorganized so am i in reality. I dont know who the fuck i am. I dont know what to do. Please help me.
Sorry for my grammar.
Now i googled Bipolar disorder turns out i think i might have it. I do have a good day one day the next day i have a bad day. Sometimes i have a really good day and get depressed later. I cant live with this anymore i feel like killing myself, my pearents keep telling me to try harder and stuff. They are thinking of taking my ipod and computer away and it feels like if they do that i will kill myself cause this is the only thing that makes me happy and worry less about reality. I really dont think i have a future. My toughts are disorganized so am i in reality. I dont know who the fuck i am. I dont know what to do. Please help me.
Sorry for my grammar.