I only own 1 forum (with many name changes over the years and the names of my categories are named after them as kind of a throwback) but I do have a backup, a test forum, and theme forum where I keep an archive of my themes..
I am also in the midst of helping out with launching a few businesses and setting up forums for them as well..
And I actually started out on PB, and I'd say more about that service, but my both my mother and late great-grandmother raised me to be a lady.. lol I will say that it was both the software, and how the staff handled the v4 rollout, that soured me on the service, and between what I got from JFB and what I am getting from MyBB (though they have a lot of the same issues, such as the fact that like PB, MyBB was also started by teens, who later grew up and have lives of their own, hence the slowdown in development aside from security fixes..) but both of these reasons is why I will never return to PB.. That said, the entire history of that is on my about page for Talk Nexus.. this is a very long post, but then again, it is 19 years of history..
and I made a post about it over on Jcink Support..
Here is the shortened version of that history..
The conclusion is on the move notice I posted on my old forum
My forum's 19th anniversary will be on 10/11/23.. I hope I won't be too busy to do something for the 20th next year.