"...and get it over with so you can Mitch McConnell's rosy red ass...."
(The Guardian) Senator Joe Manchin, a crucial swing vote for Democrats hoping to get any major legislation through Congress before the end of the year, has issued a statement warning against big spending plans at a time of high inflation.
It reads in part: “For more than a year, leaders in Washington have ignored the serious concerns raised by myself and others about the rising cost of inflation. While Washington seems to now understand this reality, it is time for us to work together to get unnecessary spending under control, produce more energy at home and take more active and serious steps to address this record inflation that now poses a clear and present danger to our economy. No matter what spending aspirations some in Congress may have, it is clear to anyone who visits a grocery store or a gas station that we cannot add any more fuel to this inflation fire.”
Consider it something of a warning shot as Democrats look to pass a major spending package in what could be their final months controlling the House and Senate. Manchin cited his concerns about inflation last year when he torpedoed Build Back Better, a spending plan proposed by Joe Biden to address a range of Democratic priorities, including fighting climate change, which ultimately collapsed after months of negotiations. In recent days, details have leaked out about a renewed effort to reach an agreement that can pass with only Democrats’ votes via the reconciliation process. But with his statement, the West Virginia senator, who has a deep involvement in the coal industry, has reminded the party’s leaders that he won’t be an easy man to convince.
(The Guardian) Senator Joe Manchin, a crucial swing vote for Democrats hoping to get any major legislation through Congress before the end of the year, has issued a statement warning against big spending plans at a time of high inflation.
It reads in part: “For more than a year, leaders in Washington have ignored the serious concerns raised by myself and others about the rising cost of inflation. While Washington seems to now understand this reality, it is time for us to work together to get unnecessary spending under control, produce more energy at home and take more active and serious steps to address this record inflation that now poses a clear and present danger to our economy. No matter what spending aspirations some in Congress may have, it is clear to anyone who visits a grocery store or a gas station that we cannot add any more fuel to this inflation fire.”
Consider it something of a warning shot as Democrats look to pass a major spending package in what could be their final months controlling the House and Senate. Manchin cited his concerns about inflation last year when he torpedoed Build Back Better, a spending plan proposed by Joe Biden to address a range of Democratic priorities, including fighting climate change, which ultimately collapsed after months of negotiations. In recent days, details have leaked out about a renewed effort to reach an agreement that can pass with only Democrats’ votes via the reconciliation process. But with his statement, the West Virginia senator, who has a deep involvement in the coal industry, has reminded the party’s leaders that he won’t be an easy man to convince.