Turn us into a Culturally, economically corrupt America. DONE!
Make rule of law mean nothing and have the ability change it at your leisure. DONE!
Un-arm the people making them helpless to fight back when they have finally had enough. Having a little bit of a harder time with that so the other steps take priority. WORKING ON IT!
But to complete a decline and turn us into a third world nation and banana republic you need to decimate a military. Internally such as dropping the standards to become a soldier like training and allowing mentally ill people who believe they are a opposite sex like transgenders. Working full time to drop those standards to allow woman in the special forces units who otherwise could never pass. And finally start dismantling our current equipment and do not make new equipment to replace it. WORKING ON IT!
Make rule of law mean nothing and have the ability change it at your leisure. DONE!
Un-arm the people making them helpless to fight back when they have finally had enough. Having a little bit of a harder time with that so the other steps take priority. WORKING ON IT!
But to complete a decline and turn us into a third world nation and banana republic you need to decimate a military. Internally such as dropping the standards to become a soldier like training and allowing mentally ill people who believe they are a opposite sex like transgenders. Working full time to drop those standards to allow woman in the special forces units who otherwise could never pass. And finally start dismantling our current equipment and do not make new equipment to replace it. WORKING ON IT!
Thanks to Obama’s INSIDIOUS Comments, We Now Have to Ask the French for Help…
I’m forced to announce something very difficult for me — and no, it’s not that I’m a closet liberal progressive. I’m actually a classical liberal, today’s modern conservative. I’ve no clue what these folks calling themselves liberals today think they are! What I must admit is actually this: the true power of a nation is not embodied in its Army — it’s in its Navy, its maritime force.
This is a lesson well known since the days of the Phoenicians. And what truly made Rome a power was not the power of its Legions; though that would crush their opposition, it was as a result of the Punic Wars with Carthage that Rome realized the power of the sea. The maritime force is not just for military purposes, but also for commerce and trade. Recall the greatness of the Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish and British, as they all recognized how great maritime strength promoted their global hegemonic expansion and economic growth.
American President Theodore Roosevelt embraced the belief in maritime dominance, launching the “Great White Fleet” as part of his manifest destiny vision for America. We saw the Axis powers of Germany and Japan heavily invest in their naval forces. And prior to 9/11, the greatest assault on America came at the hands of the Japanese maritime forces; we made a dedicated effort to kill their great leader, Admiral Yamamoto.
Just so y’all know, our U.S. Navy is being decimated to a 1917 levels. I suppose the progressive socialists of the Obama administration, led by Admiral Valerie Jarrett, believe the oceans are rising as well as shrinking. During the Reagan administration, the U.S. had some 575 naval warships. Today, America’s navy is hovering around 280 vessels, with a goal to reduce our Navy to 230 ships. Now, let me tell you how dire the situation is: the current carrier battle group (CVBG) in the Middle East will have to rotate out — we don’t have a replacement CVBG. So the United States of America will be asking a French CVBG to cover our pulling the current one back to home station before we can deploy a replacement.
OK, so why does all this matter? Well, last week we shared with you the issue of China selling three submarines to Thailand. If you’ve been paying attention — probably so if you’re a Constitutional conservative as opposed to a liberal progressive socialist — you’re aware that China has developed a sophisticated “carrier killer” missile system. And they’re not the only threat.