
How is this even up for debate?
A Pennsylvania man was arrested Saturday after an argument over the merits of basketball players Michael Jordan and LeBron James, the Centre Daily Times first reported.
Though it's unclear who Daniel Mondelice, 22, believes to be the better player, he ultimately lost the argument after being charged with aggravated assault for allegedly resorting to violence to make his point.
After posting a $30,000 unsecured bail, Mondelice returned to the apartment where the argument happened, only to be arrested again after becoming argumentative and refusing to leave. He is now unable to post bail, according to the Associated Press.
Perhaps the true crime is that anyone would compare LeBron and Jordan. Have you forgotten the time Michael Jordan dominated the Jazz in Game 5 of the 1997 NBA finals? In case your memory needs refreshing, Jordan had the flu and still managed to dismantle poor Utah. Check it out:
Of course, Jordan's best game was when he made history defeating a band of evil interstellar aliens in a match that rocked our entire universe. Raw footage of the game shows Jordan dunking from halfway across the court. Beat that, LeBron.
LeBron James Or Michael Jordan?