IF politics and religion can ever start a new family brawl look out here comes money! Let's just talk about the TRUTH of money.
Now I know most of you democrats like to scream Reagen did that but in fact you are lying. So lets cover the TRUTH shall we. Reagen placed the money at the bottom of the economy BECAUSE the natural flow of money is UP. It's not to hard to figure you just won't accept facts.
Money as it changes hands {READ PEOPLE} a little bit each time gets eaten by a tax BUT we at least get to use IT! THAT is the basis for a ttrickle UP economy. You fools designed "TRICKLE DOWN". YOU had money placed at the TOP and expected it to down.
You idiot's really expected that to work? Really? The odds of anyone getting a dime is about equal to you getting hit by an airplane. So you gave money to Solndra and it's gone but WAIT it gets worse! YOU turn Obama into the OWNER of GM and he fires the President of GM.
But HEY democrats let's not shoot for just the economic failures but some of the other questions? What the hell is HE doing as the OWNER of GM? AND he sold OUR stocks BACK at a LOSS! I KNOW my banker AND my stock broker. Where did this PERMISSION he NEEDED come from? Oh yeah DEMOCRATS!
Lofting IS where the MONEY is now. OLD practice OLD. This term comes from farmers who lofted goods during good times. Economics THEN where as important AS eating. You would ALSO see this practice by the farmers wife. Canning, yup fill HER loft. Shelves of them.
Now while the "lofters" are waiting they TRADE stock. A jar of this for a jar of that. The "lofters" cross section their stock like you trade jars.
We need a good quick clean way to re-start the economy. Instead of this running TO every little tax gouge democrats laid on us we just make ONE simple change.
LET"S DOUBLE the deductions on each and EVERY tax payer!
THAT puts the money IN the PERSONS hands. THAT is the very basic economy that IS the TAX PAYER.
Folks we need a prime of at least 5% most of time or as close as it can be. Those lofters are NOT going to put any money on the ground UNTIL they make more then 1 cent on the dollar. Who would?
Obamanomics ARE trickle down and we ALL see the failure. We NEED to do what we DID right AFTER Carter. Don't even fight the stupid democrats just DOUBLE the deductions and watch them scream! Like I said, many of us faced this before. AND we fixed it once. We can do it again.
Now I know most of you democrats like to scream Reagen did that but in fact you are lying. So lets cover the TRUTH shall we. Reagen placed the money at the bottom of the economy BECAUSE the natural flow of money is UP. It's not to hard to figure you just won't accept facts.
Money as it changes hands {READ PEOPLE} a little bit each time gets eaten by a tax BUT we at least get to use IT! THAT is the basis for a ttrickle UP economy. You fools designed "TRICKLE DOWN". YOU had money placed at the TOP and expected it to down.
You idiot's really expected that to work? Really? The odds of anyone getting a dime is about equal to you getting hit by an airplane. So you gave money to Solndra and it's gone but WAIT it gets worse! YOU turn Obama into the OWNER of GM and he fires the President of GM.
But HEY democrats let's not shoot for just the economic failures but some of the other questions? What the hell is HE doing as the OWNER of GM? AND he sold OUR stocks BACK at a LOSS! I KNOW my banker AND my stock broker. Where did this PERMISSION he NEEDED come from? Oh yeah DEMOCRATS!
Lofting IS where the MONEY is now. OLD practice OLD. This term comes from farmers who lofted goods during good times. Economics THEN where as important AS eating. You would ALSO see this practice by the farmers wife. Canning, yup fill HER loft. Shelves of them.
Now while the "lofters" are waiting they TRADE stock. A jar of this for a jar of that. The "lofters" cross section their stock like you trade jars.
We need a good quick clean way to re-start the economy. Instead of this running TO every little tax gouge democrats laid on us we just make ONE simple change.
LET"S DOUBLE the deductions on each and EVERY tax payer!
THAT puts the money IN the PERSONS hands. THAT is the very basic economy that IS the TAX PAYER.
Folks we need a prime of at least 5% most of time or as close as it can be. Those lofters are NOT going to put any money on the ground UNTIL they make more then 1 cent on the dollar. Who would?
Obamanomics ARE trickle down and we ALL see the failure. We NEED to do what we DID right AFTER Carter. Don't even fight the stupid democrats just DOUBLE the deductions and watch them scream! Like I said, many of us faced this before. AND we fixed it once. We can do it again.