What about people that don't want to smell it or be exposed to it because their jobs could be jeopardized by the smell on their clothing? I understand people want it legalized and sure, that's fine and dandy; but, there has to be lines drawn to where people can and cannot smoke it so that those of us, like me, who don't want to smell or be exposed to it can go.
Most jobs now a days actually aren't screening for Weed anymore. Heck the biggest drug testing company (in my opinion), Walmart, doesn't even do drug tests at all anymore. Neither does the bank / auto finance company I work for. These jobs and others also don't really do anything if you have the smell on you.
And to counter your smell point, what about the people that go out of the building and smoke Cigarettes? IMO cigarettes smell way worse than any strain of marijuana on the planet.
Sure it should still be set by job standards that you shouldn't come into work high just like they say you can't come in drunk. Just like drinking though that doesn't stop people from going out on their lunch break and getting a few beers or even a few mixed drinks (I have seen way more do this than go and smoke on their lunch break, which I have done but I can still function just as well high as I can sober).