A physical fight in a supermarket is nothing too shocking, but this is next level.
The two-minute clip shows two women wrestling in the aisle of a Walmart in Indiana, US.
They roll around on the floor and repeatedly swipe at each other as onlookers film and do nothing to stop the fight.
Then one of the women – who’s wearing a top that reads ‘you only live once’ – orders her son to punch the other in the face.
He grabs what appears to be hairspray cans and shampoo and throws them at his mother’s contender before stamping on her head.
Local police were called and succeeded in breaking up the fight, according to local news sources, although it is not clear if anyone involved was arrested or charged.
Define irony...... riding what looks like a disability scooter, but soon finds her legs enough to kick off a fight?!? This woman should have been charged with assault and her brat son should have been spoken to as well. Great role model she is for her son.

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