Hi there my name is Mrs Kyle, I am 18 years old and I live in the United Kingdom with my mum, dad and my dog, Cleo. I'm a very easy person to get along with, and I like to make new friends with new people, I have been joining forums for a few years now, and I can get very addicted to them.
I'm a huge Liverpool FC fan, and have been all of my life, and will continue till the day I die. Most of my family are Liverpool supporters. I don't just support them because my family do, I support them because they are great, and because most of my family do. My favourite Liverpool players are: Steven Gerrard, Jamie Carragher, Fernando Torres & of course, the amazing goal keeper that is, Pepe Raina.
I attended my local College and I did a course called Access To Vocational Education it's designed to help improve English and Maths, and I also did Hospitality, Travel and Tourism, ICT and Customer Service as well. I had been there since September, and I loved it. Although, my time at College has now come to an end and I have finally finished. I hated school so much, I had a horrible time there.
I am now doing a 4 day a week apprenteship as a Sales Assisant, I've been there since January and I guess its OK, gives me something to do during the week.
My desired area of work I would like to go into is Bar work, I'd like the experience of working behind the bar in a pub, its looks like alot of fun and I think I would enjoy it.
I'm trying to get a job in my local pub at the moment, but nothing has come of it yet. I've put my name forward.
Going to look at some other pubs in the meantime though.
I've recently acompanied my niece and my dad and joined our local pipe band.
We practice on a Monday and Wednesday.
I'm learning the tenor drum, which is alot harder than it sounds. Although, I gave it a few weeks, and recently realised it wasn't for me. At least I gave it a go I guess, no harm in trying something new.
I am a huge fan of the gorgeous, phenomenal and amazing british television and radio broadcaster, Jeremy Kyle. I think he's just so amazing. I've seen the very man in person, I will never forget my first time I saw him, such an amazing night. He's such a lovely, down to earth and caring man.
I like all types of music, but I hate really heavy metal, you know, the screamo sort of rubbish, I also hate rap as well. I like: DragonForce, Nickelback, Orson, My Chemical Romance, Disturbed, Fall Out Boy, Skillet & Nightwish. There are some other bands and artists I like, but I can't think of them at the moment.
In my spare time I like to write fan-fictions. For those who don't know, what a fan-fiction is I will explain as best I can. A fan-fiction is basically, a fantasy story based around a famous person you like, weather it be your favourite T.V personality, animated character, it can be based around absolutely anyone you want it to. Mines based around my favourite T.V host, Jeremy Kyle.
Oh and I guess like to use emotions alot, but I will try and cut them down if you want me too, don;t want to cause any annoyance for anyone. Anyway, I guess that should be enough about me, if you want to know more, feel free to ask.
Anyway, I look forward to making some new friends while I'm here.
Take care everyone.
Mrs Kyle

I'm a huge Liverpool FC fan, and have been all of my life, and will continue till the day I die. Most of my family are Liverpool supporters. I don't just support them because my family do, I support them because they are great, and because most of my family do. My favourite Liverpool players are: Steven Gerrard, Jamie Carragher, Fernando Torres & of course, the amazing goal keeper that is, Pepe Raina.

I attended my local College and I did a course called Access To Vocational Education it's designed to help improve English and Maths, and I also did Hospitality, Travel and Tourism, ICT and Customer Service as well. I had been there since September, and I loved it. Although, my time at College has now come to an end and I have finally finished. I hated school so much, I had a horrible time there.

I am now doing a 4 day a week apprenteship as a Sales Assisant, I've been there since January and I guess its OK, gives me something to do during the week.

My desired area of work I would like to go into is Bar work, I'd like the experience of working behind the bar in a pub, its looks like alot of fun and I think I would enjoy it.

I've recently acompanied my niece and my dad and joined our local pipe band.

I am a huge fan of the gorgeous, phenomenal and amazing british television and radio broadcaster, Jeremy Kyle. I think he's just so amazing. I've seen the very man in person, I will never forget my first time I saw him, such an amazing night. He's such a lovely, down to earth and caring man.

I like all types of music, but I hate really heavy metal, you know, the screamo sort of rubbish, I also hate rap as well. I like: DragonForce, Nickelback, Orson, My Chemical Romance, Disturbed, Fall Out Boy, Skillet & Nightwish. There are some other bands and artists I like, but I can't think of them at the moment.
In my spare time I like to write fan-fictions. For those who don't know, what a fan-fiction is I will explain as best I can. A fan-fiction is basically, a fantasy story based around a famous person you like, weather it be your favourite T.V personality, animated character, it can be based around absolutely anyone you want it to. Mines based around my favourite T.V host, Jeremy Kyle.

Oh and I guess like to use emotions alot, but I will try and cut them down if you want me too, don;t want to cause any annoyance for anyone. Anyway, I guess that should be enough about me, if you want to know more, feel free to ask.

Anyway, I look forward to making some new friends while I'm here.

Take care everyone.

Mrs Kyle