....anyone who can cause Thrill-Up-My-Leg Matthews to be speechless should get some respect in my book....
....thoughts?(Washington Examiner) MSNBC's Chris Matthews was at a loss for words Thursday after pressing 2016 Republican candidate Carly Fiorina to explain why she thinks Hillary Clinton is a "liar." As it turns out, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO is not only quick on her feet, but she is apparently able to render one of the loudest cable personalities speechless.
"You called Hillary Clinton a liar tonight on a number of occasions," Matthews said, referring to a GOP primary debate in which Fiorina had just participated. "Do you want to explain why you would use such a — almost end of conversation term for your possible opponent next year?" he asked.
"Because it's true," she replied simply. "One of the things people are tired of in politics — and Republicans do it as well — is we don't use common sense language. We talk in sanitized sound bites. I don't, but most politicians do."
"People are tired of sanitized sound bites and bumper sticker rhetoric. They want to have a conversation about the real issues," she added. "And by any standard, common sense measure, Hillary Clinton has lied: About Benghazi and about her emails and about her server."
Matthews was unsatisfied. "How do you debate someone if it comes to that?" he asked. "Do you really think that's a way to engage in a debate? To call your opponent a liar? I'm astounded by that judgment of yours."
Fiorina pushed back, noting that she was very specific about the subjects where she thinks Clinton has lied. Fiorina claimed she never said Clinton lied "about everything." "You are the one who has made a generalized comment about her. Not me," she told Matthews.
Fiorina continued, launching into a detailed and thorough takedown of Clinton's tenure at the State Department, including her handling of the events surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, as well as her disastrous "reset" with Russia.
Matthews was momentarily speechless. "I see why you stood out tonight," he eventually said, bringing the interview to a close.