I am not sure who needs more professional help the people who come with these insane stalin like ideas and support people with mental issues or the people mutilating there bodies who get support from these stupid people. It is a tough call.
This self-described ‘equality advocate’ has apparently never heard of that pesky thing called the First Amendment.
Via BizPac Review:
….Danielle Moodie-Mills, who calls herself an “equality advocate,” appeared on MSNBC’s “Melissa Harris-Perry” show Sunday advocating her Gestapo position.
“We need to stop misgendering people in the media,” she said, inventing another new word for liberals to use. “There needs to be some type of fine that’s put into place for outlets, for media outlets, whether they be print, online, radio or what have you that decide that they’re just not going to call people be their name, right, and that they’re going to misgender them just because they can.”
Ms. Moodie-Mills might not realize it, but “just because they can,” is another way of saying “the First Amendment guarantees their right to do it.” But being a liberal, she doesn’t worry about niceties like that….