A mum is suing police who she claims stripped and photographed her 20-year-old daughter’s body after she was killed in a car crash.
Christina Mejia has filed a lawsuit against police and is set to appear in court next week.
She says officers removed her daughter Jessica’s t-shirt, jeans and high heels before taking crime scene pictures in the aftermath of the fatal crash on New Year’s Eve 2009.
Mrs Mejia is suing police for emotional distress and says the actions of officers led to false rumors Jessica had been on top of boyfriend Nicholas Sord when they smashed into a pole in Illinois, US.
She told the Chicago Tribune: ‘This was a young lady that just died and was treated with less dignity than a deer carcass you find on the side of the road.
‘People think my daughter died from having sex. By the time everybody else got to the scene, she was partially naked because they made her naked.
‘I don’t feel protected. I feel violated.’
Jessica, a psychology student at a local university, was photographed in clothes before the semi-naked shots of her body were taken.
Sord, who was three times the drink-drive limit, pleaded guilty to drink driving and was jailed for four years and eight months.
Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Cara Smith said ‘the family suffered an unimaginable loss’.
But she added ‘the crime scene photos were taken as our officers investigated this crime and were instrumental in securing a conviction against the person responsible for this tragic death.