As I have lucid dreams, I've be journalling them down as I have them every night.
Dream 1 : Feng Tang's Half-Sister
Dear Diary, last night been dreaming about being the half-German and half-Chinese biracial sister of Feng Tang, CEO and heir of a big conglomerate in China. At birth, because our father has fallen out of love with my half-brother's mother, on a business trip to Germany, has met and fallen in love with my own mother. I've been given up to adoption because my mother couldn't raise me on her own. Later own, I've found out that our father has tried to kill my half-brother's biological mother and his own flesh and blood because he couldn't with my mother and I otherwise. The Tang family has been very strict with him as to whom to choose as his wife and his descendants has had to be 100% of Chinese blood. Later on, my half-brother has tried to compensate my mother and I's struggles earlier in life, by trying to pay for my tuition fees and hiring me as an employee at his company. But the rebel that I and my mother were, have refused his help, preferring to live on the streets than be dictated on how to live by the wealthy Chinese people. But at least on his dying wish, I've recognized him as my half-brother, because older and having lost my mother, I've been repentant on my rebellious ways in my youth, and it's also been my mother's wish, that I reunite with my Chinese family, especially, my Chinese half-brother, Feng Tang.
My Dream 2 : Travelling back to the Qing Dynasty
Dear Diary, I’m Qing Ruo, a modern day Chinese girl of 16 years old. I’ve travelled back to the Qing Dynasty of China’s. Because I know how to play the violin, the Emperor has taken me in as his favourite combine. But Empress Cheng Yun, has had plans to drug him and have his baby. He’s said to me : “My beloved, I apologize for my adultery.” I’ve said back to him : “It’s not your fault, beloved, because she has raped you.” Then, my mate from the modern times has arrived to pick me up before I could have a baby with him. I’ve learned later that he has committed suicide because of me.
here’s my 3rd dream.
My Dream 3 : Winning the Lottery
Dear Diary, this is Phoebe Halliwell, a witch with premonitions, the ability to see the future. I’ve been buying some lottery tickets for the next big win, when I’ve heard 1 elderly couple say : “This is our last chance, putting everything in this lottery ticket.” Just then, I’ve had a premonition about the winning numbers and I’ve said back to them : “Here are the winning numbers.” Whilst I couldn’t use my powers for selfish reasons, a little birdie has come into my dreams and has said to me : “Captain Jack Sparrow’s treasure chest is there”.
here's my 4th dream.
My Dream 4 : Being the Mistress
Dear Diary, I am named Ma You You. I've unknowingly become the mistress of a very rich, handsome, American White businessman/CEO. Have have I met him? At a book fair. He and I have both shared a love for reading and writing. One night, he's asked me out : "Could you perhaps have a drink with me at my hotel/bar?" "Yes, sure, so tonight, at 7?" "Yes." Evening has come, I've arrived there early. He's apologized for being late. "You may order whatever you like, it's on me". I've sipped an 800$USD glass of champagne, feeling rather nice and cool about myself. "It's late now, I have a book shop to run". (Yes, I run a physical book shop myself." What he hasn't told me about has been his wife and daughters : Cassie, finding out about his affair. At home, his wife has said to him : "So, been to see your little vixen behind our backs, right?" "Well, er.. you see...", "Cassie, pack your things, let's go." "No please, I'll stop seeing her, don't leave me, I love you." The next morning, he's apologized to me and without a proper reason known to me, has said to me that he couldn't see me again. Then, the reason behind it all has dawned on me, I've been a side piece, the other woman, the mistress or the 3rd wheel/the other party in a relationship/marriage. After that, I have never trusted or dated any other man.
here's my 5th dream.
My Dream 5 : A Street Vendor
Dear Diary, I have been myself, Naiwen, selling cheese and fries on the streets of China. I have been setting up a stand for cheese and fries and have been putting them into Chinese/Asian food, an instant success. I've been really working hard, yelling and screaming at the top of my lungs : "Cheese and fries, cheese and fries buns and other goodies, come and stop by!" At last, with my efforts and hard work for many long years, I have become the female CEO of a very large food company, founded by myself.
here's my 6th dream.
My Dream 6 : Betrothed to my Nemesis : Draco Malfoy
Dear Diary, I am Hermione Granger, witch prodigy at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I haven't known that at age 17-18, I'd be mated to my worst nemesis : Draco Malfoy. Well, turns out that they guy is a Veela. They are magical creatures who take one mate for life. I AM His Chosen. The Malfoys, having accepted the truth, have started to bring me betrothal gifts, one after the other, to make up for his past lousy behaviour towards me. But I have rejected him with all my force : "I won't marry the son of a Death-Eater!" I've seen his face contort with pain, muttering : "I'm sorry for my past actions towards you, and my dad's, if I could, I'd change it all for you, but I'm a new me now, please accept me as your mate for life, Hermione." "NO!" And I've used him away literally speaking with full force. Face crisped in pain, he's said nothing but has shut himself from my world. "At last, peace from my nemesis!" I've yelled in joy to a mirror! But, it turns out, that Draco Malfoy himself isn't to be deterred by my rejection, sending me more lavish and expensive gifts, one after the other. I've turned them all down. Currently, it's been the "Battle of Hogwarts", surprisingly, the Malfoys have used their powers to aid us, the Light side, despite all my rejections from his romantic advances. Then, I've finally accepted him and held his hand in mine and have kissed him full on the lips. "Thank you, Draco." He's smiled and said : "Finally mine".
here’s my 7th dream.
My Dream 7 : Satan’s Sister
Dear Diary, I am Satan and God’s middle sister. They both have fallen so deeply in love with me that they have been fighting over me for many years. Finally, I’ve had enough : “Satan, I banish thee, to the mortal real, to live and die as a mortal human”. After that, he’s gone to hate me as I’ve chosen God, my little brother as my husband and lover.
here's my 8th dream.
My Dream 8 : The President Kang has fallen in Love with me!
Dear Diary, this is Xin Chang Yue writing. I'm working as a business planner in a large Korean international food company (Western and Asian mixed cuisines). One day, the president of our company, President Kang has asked me to explain to him my new business plan in regards to our food business. I've explained to him as I've been pointing on a piece of paper with a pen : "This will be the African food stand, the Japanese food stand..." But his attention to what I've been saying to him seems to have been wandering, focusing solely on my body. I've been feeling very awkward as I've continued explaining to him my business plan. You see, I've had plans to make our company new local dishes, by local and independent people and businesses. President Kang has seemed to be absorbed by each of my every word, hanging onto them actually. Some time has passed since then, and he has called me into his office. "Good morning, President Kang, must be about my new business plan?" "No, actually, I have other things to discuss with you but your plan has passed, it is in fact, must excellent, as expected of a Harvard business student". "Yes, thank you, what other things to discuss about, President Kang?" I've asked him, curiosity picked. "You see, I have for a long time, for a few years in fact, observed how you've been working and I've gradually falling in love with you." Abashed, I've asked him : "Are you saying that you have romantic feelings towards me, President Kang, it's improper for a lowly employee like me to date her boss, you know and I'm aro-ace, not into relationships, I have come here to work, not to date anyone." I've thought I've been clear, but he's kept on : "Please, go on 1 date with me, and you'll see if you like it." Every day, it's been flowers, chocolates, expensive jewelry and ladies' products as gifts on my desk. I've been drawing the attention and jealousy, of other female colleagues in the company, especially my immediate female supervisor. But, to actually stop him from sending more of them, I've agreed to go out with him just this once. "One chance, don't mess up". I've answered him as he's asked me out again one day. He's held me close, kissing me fully on the lips. I've hated it with a passion. "Men!" I've kept it to myself though. "Couldn't be any worse, could it?" I've asked myself too." The dreaded day has finally arrived. Gone to the said date with him, I couldn't be more bored. "Look here, I don't wanna offend you or hurt your feelings, President Kang, but us aro-ace people don't have feelings, well, romantic, for anyone, I have to go now." And I've left the man there, him, dumbfounded, with some foodstuff still in his mouth. Finally, I've ditched this job because of his continued
here's my 9th dream.
My Dream 9 : Apocalypse of Quebec
Dear Diary, I'm Francoise Francoeur, a half-French, a Chinese biracial woman. I've been chosen as the one who will restore peace on the province of Quebec. Why? Because Aliens have invaded it. And I come from the future, where I have the weapons and means to defeat them to protect Quebec from the Apocalypse. Prior to that, my cousin-in-law has fallen in love with me when I've departed to defeat the Aliens, he's kissed me on my lips with my cousin watching. "Traitor, I've thought you were family!" She's yelled at me. I've understood, that to avoid more tears and tragedy, I must flee to go and beat the Aliens. With my higher technological weapons, I have defeated them, never to return to my Chinese family, but have resettled in Paris, France.
here's my 10th dream.
Dream 10 : Crashing my own Wedding!
Dear Diary, I am named Lys Desrosiers, French princess. My Father has betrothed me to Julius Caesar, the Roman Emperor. But I myself believe in the freedom of choice. Hence why, I've decided to crash my own wedding. How? I've asked my maid, May : "Could you perhaps become me for my wedding?" My maid has replied : "How could I, your Highness? This is the Roman Emperor you're taking about. I'm going to be burnt at the stake if I do." "Please, just this once, I know you're the best." "All right", agreed my maid. I have fled to America for my own pursuit of freedom of choice. "If I can't choose the life I want, what I am I living for, right?" I have taken a plane to the Americas. But my fiancé, Julius Caesar, the Roman Emperor has been making a lot, a lot of enemies, who's been wanting his death. Hence why, they have sent assassins in the palace. There has been a great carnage that night. Only my fiancé has survived. Somehow, he has taken a plane and fled to America, where I am too. He's plead with me : "Your Highness, I know you want freedom, so here I am, to live with you as a commoner. Do you know why I have chosen you? Because I'm truly in love with you and because you've saved my life once as a child, thus, I cherish you and I won't force you if you don't agree, I will respect your choice to be with me or not." I've paused for a moment, thinking : "All right, I agree, let's tend to your wounds first for now though." And from then on, he and I have been married in America, living in our 2nd home in America too. He's become a businessman, buying us quite a mansion, so he and I could have a fairly luxurious life.
here’s my 11th dream.
My Dream 11 : Bubble Tea Vendor.
Dear Diary, my name is Bai Liang. I'm a bubble tea street drinks vendor in Canada. I have dreamed of this day where everyone in the world could taste the joy of drinking bubble teas. What are they? They are a special Taiwanese drink made with tapioca bubbles and a special flavour of your choice and milk tea. I personally have fallen in love with this drink. On the streets of Canada, I have set up a bubble tea stall. People were queuing up daily for it. I've been yelling and screaming at the top of my lung daily once in a while : "Bubble tea, flavour of your choice! Buy 1 for 1 free! This is your last chance. But currently, I'm the owner of my own international bubble tea and other Asian drinks company. I have several branches oversea too.
here's my 12th dream.
My Dream 12 : A Special Agent
Dear Diary, I am Ming Xiao Xi, I'm a Chinese special forces agent. What is that? I protect the country's top secret documents to antiques and national treasures. I also forge international relationships with other countries. For example, the Mongolians have asked me demonstrate my valour, when I have come to this part of the country. They have asked me to tame a wild animal. I've thought to myself : "With my Win Chun Kung-fu, it's going to be easy for me personally." I have gone the nearest wild forest with some medicine and ointments, and have thought about taming a tiger. Where, I have seen a wounded male one, barely able to move. I've said to him, knowing full well that he can't respond : "Don't, worry, I won't hurt you, I have ointments and medicine for you." He's nodded, as if he's understood me. I have applied the ointment and medicinal herbs on his wound, saving his life. He's lowered his body, for me to mount on him. "Thank you, my friend". I have rode back on him to the Mongolian steppes. "Here she comes with a tiger!" said someone in the crowd. "Wow, how impressive!" And since then, they have been chanting my "taming a wild tiger" songs, and reciting poetry for me too.
here's my 13th dream.
My Dream 13 : A French-Chinese Translator
Dear Diary, I am Zhao Zhang, I'm for the moment in Hong Kong, China, having a meal with friends in a Chinese restaurant. The manager and her husband, upon knowing that my parents and I were her good friend's sister's family, has treated us to a free meal. Because their son has been wanting to try our pineapple frosting dessert from our trip to the Bahamas and having foreign languages lessons from me, a disabled person on a wheelchair, they've decided that dinner would be on the house. There, a French foreign customer has been having his dinner with us too, asking us in French, his native language : "What is this?" "A Chinese donut or fried stick if you will", I've replied also in French. He has thanked me for my help and has offered to buy me a drink. I have accepted his kindness. I have been teaching French to my aunt's friend's boys and a few other male friends at the dinner table. They were really happy to have us with them, until another Chinese family has joined us, also one of our friends'. The night has been enjoyable and peaceful, chatting in basic French and Chinese with me translating from French into Chinese and Cantonese for the other customers in the place. This has earned me a few free freebies.
here's my 14th dream.
My Dream 14 : My Escape from the insane Asylum!
Dear Diary, Mary-Ann here. I am Englishwoman being locked up in an insane asylum for years. There, crazy scientists would conduct experiments for their inventions on the patients. They'd ask us to copy the reason why I and the other patients are there daily. One day, I've yelled at one crazy inventor, who has been putting tubes everywhere on my body : "Enough, stop, it hurts!". I've saved up enough money to pay a bodyguard for my escape. He has advised me to jump down a window. Knowing some martial arts, I've carved it open, jumping down and landing on the grass. "Ahh, finally, some fresh air!" I've muttered under my breath. Since then, I have been working as a salesclerk in a very remote convenience store, in another country than the insane asylum I've been locked up for all these years.
here's my 15h dream.
My Dream 15 : Being a Teacher to the Emperor and his Sons
Dear Diary, the name is Mei Ling, I'm a modern day Chinese teenage girl, 16 turning 17 years old. On 1 odd day, I've time-travelled back to the Qing Dynasty where the Qian Long Emperor has been reigning. Knowing some high school science and foreign languages, I've become the Emperor and his sons's teacher and a diplomat, an envoy if you will. One day, I've been teaching them basic grade 1 maths : "This is X, this is Y..." The Emperor and his sons have been absent-mindedly listening to me. The Emperor has said to me : "Lady Ling, I'd like you to be my concubine." Taken aback, I've replied : "I refuse." In a flash instant, my friends have come to bring me back to my era. I've heaved a sigh of relief.
here’s my 16th dream.
My Dream 16 : The Healer Mary
Dear Diary, I am Mary the healer, married to the 5th prince of the Qing Dynasty. I’ve seen a wounded bird today, and I’ve healed it with my powers. I’ve had a few pet birds myself. I’ve said to them :”Go now, you are free.” I have carefully planned my escape from the palace. Travelled to the Mongolian steppes, I have healed a Mongolian Prince called Duo Lun. “Marry me, I’ll make you my empress”. With my powers, I have fled the place to find my freedom and my own path.
here’s my dream 17.
My Dream 17 : How I’ve met the Emperor
Dear Diary, I am Princess Fu Huai Yu, and here’s how I’ve met the Emperor Kangxi from the Qing Dynasty. I’ve set up a tent in a wild forest as a punishment for having been naughty today. Being naughty is my profession as I have nothing else to do all the days of my life. Seeing 2 men arriving, I’ve asked them : “What are you 2 doing here in this wilderness?” The one on the horse has answered me : “Miss, if by any chance, you and I and my bodyguard could borrow your tent for a night”. “Sure”. I haven’t seen why not that night. If have known that it’d be my Apocalypse, I’d have not let them “borrow my tent”. The next morning, they were gone. But upon returning to my mansion, my maid has said to me : “The Emperor and his guards are there for you. Escape from the back door”. I’ve attempted so, but a bodyguard has said to me : “Stop struggling. There are guards everywhere”. Not surrendering, I’ve started fighting him. But the Emperor himself has arrived just now : “Miss, I am not here to fight, but to take you as my empress in the palace.” Outnumbered, our family has surrendered upon threats of killing the whole mansion for disobedience. Upon arriving at the palace in a red and golden carriage, I have known that he isn’t fond of the Queen Mother’s, not his biological mother’s, choice for his Empress : Cheng Yun, her niece. The Queen Mother has been wanting to see him married off to a nice lady of his choice or hers. “Please help me, Miss, because she’s tried to poison my father, the Emperor before me”. Pitying him, I’ve agreed to become his Empress.
here’s my 18th dream.
My Dream 18 : A female Detective
Dear Diary, I am female detective Lionel, having received the task of solving a murder and women and children abduction case. I have disguised myself as a teenage girl, looking 17-18 years old. “Just my luck today”, I’ve muttered under my breath. The male killer about 40 years old gestured and said to me : “Go in my car, I’m bringing you somewhere fun”. Whereupon I’ve taken out my handgun and have said to him : “Don’t move! You’re arrested for abduction of women and children”. I have been promoted to colonel after solving the case successfully.
here’s my 19th dream.
My Dream 19 : Oreo Ice-Cream/Cappuccino Critic
Dear Diary, I am Bai Lang, an Oreo ice-cream and iced cappuccino critic. My job consists of tasting or trying new Oreo desserts/drinks with my company’s money as a mystery critic. I’ve dreamed of this day where I could authentically share my opinions on this cookie of my youth. So far, I have tried: Dairy Queen’s Oreo blizzard, McDonald’s McFlurry Oreo ice-cream and Tim Horton’s Oreo iced cappuccino. My immediate supervisor has asked me : “Miss Bai, so far, what do you think of them all?” “I think they’re all pretty good. Personally, I prefer Tim Horton’s McFlurry Oreo.” “Why is that?” “Because their Oreo cookies taste crunchier and crispier than all of the other places I’ve tried so far. I love also the fact that their cream is the most authentic in my opinion at least anyways”. “Great, you shall write a short column critic about each of them and I want it by the end of the week. You are dismissed.” Thereby I have written said critic for them. Currently, I’m an internationally famous food and drinks critic. Not just for the Oreo products.
My Dream 20 : A repurposed Jewelry, Handbags and Accessories Maker, Designer, Reseller
Dear Diary, I go by Emma, what do I do for a living? As I care a lot about the future of our planet, I have been recycling, reusing and collecting free raw materials from garbage cans or buying them from people who don’t want them anymore. I’ve been reselling, redesigning and remaking these raw materials into new repurposed : jewelry, handbags and accessories for my neighbours. One sturdy female customer has ordered from me when I’ve gone to her house for tea with my repurposed handbag and wallet : “How much are these, I want one of each please. As they are so pretty”. “50$ each, if you don’t actually mind that’s been repurposed”. She’s said : “I want the one with the LV logo on it.” Happy because I’ve made my 1st sale of 100$USD today, I’ve gone home chanting to myself. Today, I have become the founder and CEO of my leading international company of repurposed goods. Designers’ brands have all been itching to resell me their extras, and sometimes even having free raw materials from factories.
here’s my 21st dream.
My Dream 21 : A female Figure Skating World Champion
Dear Diary, Michelle Yeoh here. Female Japanese figure skating world champion. But before that, I have undergone vigorous training daily and even some bullying in school. “You have stolen from us, Michelle!”, “No I haven’t.”, “you liar.” I have to prove my innocence to them. At night, I’ve caught the the thief who’s been stealing things from my classmates. And after having cleared my name, I have become the world’s first female figure skating champion.
here’s my 22nd dream.
Dream 22 : 4th Prince’s Counsellor
Dear Diary, my name is Luo Qing Chuan. I have travelled back to the Qing Dynasty of China, becoming the 4th prince’s love interest and counsellor. I’ve said to him : “Don’t buy guns from the Westerners, they’ll invade China.” Whereupon I have returned to my artificial Earth and present days.
here’s my 23rd dream.
My Dream 23 : Avoiding my Professor
Dear Diary, I am Maryse Dagenais, my college leadership professor has fallen in love with me, barely 18 years old. I’ve shown him my site. He’s to me : “This is leadership”. Whereupon I’ve had to avoid him, because he’d always be asking me out and etc. After the semester has been over with him, I’ve heaved a sigh of relief.
here’s my 24th dream.
My Dream 24 : A Treasure Hunt
Dear Diary, people call me “The female Thief”. But I’ve seen Captain Jack Sparrow’s treasure chest under the ocean with my own eyes. Because I couldn’t go and retrieve it on my own because there’s spells on it, I’ve asked my demons and witches to go with me. One with a particular bad breath. I’ve told them : “I’ve seen rubies, gold and pearls in a glass chest and please mind your breath, Demon King.” After I’ve told them of the date they and I are going to rob the chest, the Demon King has said to me : “How about now”? “Much better, thanks for your consideration, your majesty”. Ready to swim under the ocean with a spell that can let us all breathe under water, my accomplices or so I’ve thought, were swimming towards the treasure chest. But halfway there, an evil old hag has said to her 3 friends : “Let’s tie her up and throw her under the ocean, that way she couldn’t rob us of our share.” They have done so, betraying me. I couldn’t breathe, so I have died within a few hours.
here’s my 25th dream.
My Dream 25 : A Tim Horton’s Mystery Critic
Dear Diary, I am Zhi LAN. My job consists of being a Tim Horton’s mystery critic, which means that I try out different Tim Horton’s products, write reviews on them and find the best one ever. So far, I’ve tried 3 : their timbits and Oreo iced cappuccino. My immediate supervisor has asked me : “Well, what do you think of them all?” I’ve answered honestly : “I personally prefer the one at Place Montreal Trust because their timbits are fresher than all the other places I’ve tried so far personally.” “Very well then, you shall write a column critic for each of them and I want them by Friday. By Friday, I have written said critics. For the moment, I have my own fine international cuisine critic company.
here’s my 26th dream.
My Dream 26 : Japanese Yakuza Bar
Dear Diary, I am infamous for running an underground bar frequented by the Japanese Yakuza, in Japan, Tokyo. Yakuza stands for Mafia in Japanese.One night, they were fighting. I’ve said to my waitress : “I’ll take on them, you’ll take on the others.” She has nodded and she and I have begun fighting with our Kung-Fu until the brawl has calmed down and they’ve left the place.
here’s my 27th dream.
My Dream 27 : Athena’s Creation
Dear Diary, I am the Greek Goddess of War : Athena. But first, let me tell you about my human reincarnation’s story : Princess Wong Fei Tong. How I’ve met the King of Bai Ning? One night, he’s been strolling on the streets, looking list and in plain clothing. I’ve asked him : “Are you lost, Sir?” “No, just looking for someone earnest to chat with.” Therefore, I’ve sat there chatting the night away. I’ve said to him, giving one of my earrings : “If you wanna find me, ask to whom this earring belongs to.” At his marriage, I’ve been sitting there in the audience, slumbering. An announcer has asked : “Anyone else?” Because I’ve been clothed as a beggar woman, she’s been dragging me away. “Well then, let me prove it to you who I am.” Therefore, my Goddess form has appeared and I’ve annihilated everything, provoking a volcano. I’ve brought the King of Bai Ning into the Mount Olympus.
here’s my 28th dream.
My Dream 28 : My Vampire Ex-boyfriend
Dear Diary, my name is Huo Yuan Yuan, been dating a Korean guy from my school. Everything has seemed to be fine until I’ve visited his father. As the evening has been going well, I haven’t suspected a thing until he’s introduced me to his father : “Le t ne introduce you my girlfriend, Yuan Yuan.” His father has said : “You do know that our family are vampires, right?” Whereupon I’ve risen and have screamed : “Ahhh”, and have ran out of the house.
here’s my 29th dream.
My Dream 29 : A Professor-Student Affair
Dear Diary, the name is Joyce Reynolds, my mother Jilian Reynolds and my father Professor Reynolds. I’ve been helping num at her beauty salon from time to time whilst being at the same college as my dad, professor Reynolds. I’ve caught him with a young and hot female classmate of mine at the movies cuddling together and Etc. Been weighing the pros and cons of telling mum and suing my father about it. Finally, I’ve had enough of it, I’ve had to tell mum about it : “Mom, I’ve seen dad with a female classmate of mine at the movies with my own eyes”, I’ve said to her one afternoon. Yo which she has replied : “Never tell lies about your dad again, go copy a prayer in your room 100 times.” Sighing, I’ve gone to my room alone, ready to copy the prayer in the bible. Till this day, she refuses to believe that dad has been having affairs after affairs with his young and pretty female students and still remains married to him after she’s passed away, living her whole life in denial and living a lie her whole life.
here’s my 30th dream.
My Dream 30 : A Debt Trap
Dear Diary, I am Princess Guo Ruo Ruo, a rich Manchu aristocrat in the 1950ties. I’ve thought myself to be the expert price haggler, until one day I’ve met some Western mafiosos. At one dinner table, a French mafia boss has said to me and my maid : “That’ll be 100$USD.” “Not expensive”, I’ve thought to myself, “I’ll take 5 of them”, I’ve replied back to him. He’s been keeping on selling me more and more until one day, I’ve committed suicide because of the debt trap that I’ve been in. Unable to pay back my debt, I’ve decided to end my life.
here’s my 1st dream.
My Dream 1 : I am God
Dear Diary, I am known as God to human beings. Because I possess the ability to fly, to prove my existence, being ridiculed one day, I’ve brought the guy on a tour in the air. He’s said to me : “I believe there is a God now
here’s my 2nd dream.
My Dream 2 : A Mongolian Princess
Dear Diary, known as the Princess Bo er ji ji te, I’m doing my PhD degree in journalism. Being late to my final graduation exam, I have still come out top of my class. Today, in March 2023, I’m entering a journalism competition, the topic being : China vs US. I’ve prepared myself in advance, but have accidentally worn the same dress as my female competitor. Everyone in the audience has been saying, humiliating me : “Look at her, wanting to copy the mighty star.” To which I’ve shrugged off : “It doesn’t matter what a reporter is wearing, so long as their argument is good.” After that, on April 1st 2023, I’ve won the competition and it’s the celebrations day today. Tom Felton and Emma Watson have been there, have been congratulating me : “Congratulations on your win, you were quite impressive with your bullies back there.” I have thanked them. After that, as a side job, to promote the Chinese minority cultures, I’ve began singing in Tibetan and Mongolian and have become quite the celebrity in America
here’s my 3rd dream.
My Dream 3 : Atlantis is real
Dear Diary, my human name is Amanda, but I’m in reality, Athena. Im a researcher/explorer type of person. I’ve warned my fellow colleagues : “Atlantis is real, don’t mess with it.” They have all laughed at me, continuing their exploration. One of them has had SARS while exploring, I’ve healed him. Then, when they’ve gone close to Atlantis, a large water wave has engulfed them. I have stopped it : “Atlantis is real”.
here’s my 4th dream.
Dear Diary, Princess Yue Qian Yue here. Concubine of the King : Qing Ran. His other concubine, Ye Qing, has planned to have a baby with him against his will with a “Love Potion.” One night, she has bribed one of his servants to drug him : “Finally mine”, she’s said during her love-making process. The next morning, she has looked radiant : “I’m pregnant”, she’s announced to everyone in the main hall. Saddened that I’m not 1st to bear his child, the King has comforted me that night : “I’ll give you a baby tonight.”, making sweet love to me tonight. Pregnant myself due to throwing out often in the morning, I’ve finally announced to everyone in the room : “I’m pregnant too.”
here’s my 5th dream.
My Dream 5 : A successful Gymnast
Dear Diary, I am Anzu Mazaki, Japanese gymnast female champion. But before that, I’ve faced some bullying in school. “You’ll never be me, Anzu!” “I swear, I’ll surpass you”. Ten girls were punching me. My professor has said : “Stop it girls, back to work.” Ten years have passed since then, I’ve become no 1 in the world of gymnastics with my killer routine one day.
here’s my 6th dream.
My Dream 6 : Coffee Shop Owner
Dear Diary, named Lou-Ann, a half-French, half-British coffee shop owner in my part of town. I sell coffee for 2$ for a large cup. “That’ll be 2,3$ please”, I’ve said to a female customer one morning as she’s fumbled into her handbag for change. Every morning, it’s the same, quiet and peaceful as I’m selling coffee for 2,3$ after taxes. This coffee shop which I’ve inherited from my parents, for 2 generations, our customers have been loyal to us, the coffee shop owners.
here’s my 7th dream.
My Dream 7 : A Homeless Teenager
Dear Diary, this is Diane Tremblay writing this entry. I’m writing to report my abuse and violence at home with my parents, but especially my dad. He’s been hitting me and slapping me with my bare hands, making me sometimes bleed really badly. One afternoon, at around 17-18 years old, a mere high schooler, I’ve ran away from home to child protection services. A lady clerk has asked : “Dear Child, how can I help you?” I’ve said back to her : “Please just keep me safe from my dad. He’s been abusing me physically and emotionally for 17-18 years, Mam.” “I’ll see what I can do for you, young lady.” Relieved, I’ve waited there for a free and safe place to stay that night. Since then, my dad has been reported to the cops. And I’ve been on disability and living in governmental housing having been diagnosed with several mental and emotional health issues due to my abusive past.
here’s my 8th dream.
My Dream 8 : The Holy Doctor
Dear Diary, this is Lian Er. I’m a modern Chinese female doctor, 22-23 years old. One day, by a flash of sunlight, I have travelled back to the Qing Dynasty. There, I have become the 4th prince private doctor. I have done a surgery to remove his cancer tumour and he’s thanked me : “I’ll never forget your kindness, Lian Er. Thank you.” He’s been having other issues as well such as : smoking addiction. I’ve suggested to him : “I can make your addiction go away, if you give me enough money to buy fake nicotine.” One month has passed and I’ve healed from many more health issues. The flash of light has reappeared, I’ve gone back to my own era again. “Whew, what a relief.” I’ve thought to myself.
here’s my 9th dream.
My Dream 9 : An Antique Shopkeeper
Dear Diary, called Yona Wan. I am an HEC Montréal business management graduate. Haven’t found work in the west for a whole 2 years, having found a job in an antique shop in Bei Jing, China. The antique shop’s boss, Emperor Kangxi going incognito to live the life of a commoner has asked me to help him sale his antiques to anyone who’s willing to buy because it’s been on the verge of bankruptcy. The first thing I’ve done, has been to set a few items at 1$. I’ve said to him : “That way you can sell them away faster.” Some jewelry I’ve set the price at 10-15$. “That way ladies interested will buy them.” I’ve been having a few foreign customers buying for a few hundred dollars daily steadily. With my keen sens of business, I’ve saved his business and he’s revealed to me : “Thank you for your hard work, to repay your kindness, as the Emperor Kangxi, I’ll make you my empress.” “Never.” As the next morning, I’ve hopped on a plane back to Canada. Having had a 2 years experience with a job in my field, I’ve found a job as a jewelry salesclerk in no time this time.
here's my 10th dream.
My Dream 10 : Arc-nemesis falling in Love with me
Dear Diary, nicknamed, Xiao Yan Zi, adopted Manchu Princess of China in the modern times. I have an adoptive brother and sister named Xia Zi Wei. My adoptive sister has been my friend and playmate since childhood. But my adoptive brother, on the other hand, my arc-nemesis since as a kid. In my spare time, I love to race cars on the streets against the commoners of China. My half-brother too. Once, he has put raw egg yolks in my engine, so I couldn't start the race. And other times, he's been wanting the death of me with his mother the Empress and his nanny, Rong Mo Mo. But, my adoptive father Qian Long has seen it all and has wanted to sentence him and his Empress and maid to death. He's pleaded and begged with his father : "Please don't, father, I love them." "Don't you love your sister as well?" His Father has replied. And my adoptive sister and I have intervened : "Don't kill them, Father, I beg you." "He's been so awful to you 2, yet you wanna save them?""Yes". Moved, he's answered : "All right, no punishment." From then on, my adoptive brother has fallen in love with me. I've been barely tolerating his advances. I've asked to stop sexually harassing me and obsessing over me or I'd have him sentenced to death by our Father the Emperor. He's stopped since then.
here’s my 1st dream.
My Dream 1 : Being cheated on to protect me
Dear Diary, I am Xiao Xiao, wife of a Chinese general in ancient times. My maid servant has said to me : “He’s been cheating on you at the base.” Whereupon I have written a letter to ask for a divorce. Later, I’ve learned that he’s cheated on me to protect me. I’ve encouraged our daughter to stay on friendly terms with her half-sister, father and his current wife.
here’s my 2nd dream.
My Dream 2 : In Mario Kart
Dear Diary, Pian Pian here. Today, April 26 2023 has been supposed to be my birthday : “Happy Birthday to you…” have been singing my friends with a cake for me. But in the middle of it all, I have fainted and have become Princess Peach, my favourite character in my favourite game series : “Mario Kart”. Becoming 1st in every race, I’ve quickly have returned back to reality. It has turned out to be all a dream : “Whew, it’s just a dream, what a relief.” I’ve said out loud to myself after everyone has been gone.
here’s my 3rd dream.
My Dream 3 : A Business Student
Dear Diary, this is Virginie Bédard writing this diary entry. I’m about 16-17 years old, a promising business and foreign languages student. However, my dad has always been on business trips, ignoring my mum and I. My mother, has set up a fair for me to help her with. There, she has set up a jewelry stand for ladies. A lady has been inquiring : “Is it stainless steel or silver?” “Neither, it’s rhodium-plated.” I have answered her. She’s immediately bought it. My mother and I have been selling these jewelry like hot cakes. Upon learning about it, my father has called me. “I’d like you to read for me a foreign document.” “Yes, Father.” From then on, he’d be less cold towards my mom and I and have often foreign documents for me to read for him.
here’s my 4th dream.
My Dream 4 : My dearest Aunt
Dear Diary, the name is Zhu Yi Li. I have lost my aunt to breast cancer this year. I have dreamt that she’s spoken to me in my dream : “Don’t worry, live on, I’m in heaven now.” Appeased, I have woken up from my dream, shaking and pale.
here’s my 5th dream.
My Dream 5 : A female Violinist
Dear Diary, nicknamed Ah Lin, i’m a professional female violinist. At the music school, I’ve been practicing day and night just to enter a music competition. The day of the competition, I have come out 1st. “Bravo!”, has exclaimed the crowd with applause.
here’s my 6th dream.
My Dream 6 : Accepting Draco Malfoy
Dear Diary, I go by Mauve, a witch prodigy at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. My arc-nemesis, Draco Malfoy, has fallen deeply in love with me. Even going as far as helping us kill Lord Voldemort. But he’s always been afraid of his dad, going back to him, Lucius Malfoy. “What are doing with this mud blood?” Has asked his father. Since then, I have vowed to never have any contact again with him. But he’s been buying me stuff such as my favourite sweets and etc. Narcissa Malfoy, has asked me to give her son a second chance : “I am divorcing Lucius Malfoy, so my son could be with the one he loves.” Touched, I have accepted her request.
here’s my 7th dream.
My Dream 7 : A Cabaret Dancer
Dear Diary, I am known as the famous cabaret dancer : “Ling Luo Jing.” Every time I finish dancing, there’s a large round of applause from the crowd and it crying : “Encore! Bravo!” I could feel my feet sore from dancing and I could dance all sorts of styles : from contemporary to belly dancing.
here’s my 8th dream.
My Dream 8 : Demise and Resurrection
Dear Diary, people call me “Morgana La Fee”, half-fairy, half-human, the daughter of Merlin. I have plunged myself into the dark arts and have cast a virus to annihilate the whole human world. “Today, the human world will be mine.” My father, Merkin, has stopped me in time : “Morgana, you shall be cast into the mortal realm, to be reborn as a maiden pure of heart.”
here’s my 9th dream.
My Dream 9 : Being accused of killing the Empress
Dear Diary, I am Ya La Er Ta, Min Wei. I’m the wife of the 13th prince. I’m being accused of killing the Empress : “Ye He Na La”.” I have gathered evidence and proof that I’m not the killer, presenting them before his Majesty, the Emperor : “Therefore, your Majesty, I’m not the killer, it’s all staged by my sister : Min Hui and Na La Rong Yue.” I’ve now been cleared of any further accusations in the palace.
here’s my 10th dream.
My Dream 10 : Martians on Earth
Dear Diary, I am Queenie Yen, normal and ordinary female teenager. Until one day, I’ve seen from my window pane, some green UFO descending from the sky and flying into my backyard. Amazed, I’ve seen green little Alienss come out from that UFO. I’ve gone out in my backyard and they’ve greeted me in English : “Hello Dear lady, my compatriots and I have come from Mars. There are volcanoes everywhere erupting on our Planet. My compatriots and I would just like 12 days for a place to stay if it’s not too much trouble.” I’ve answered : “Sure, you can stay at my house.” 12 days have passed, and they have gone back to Mars like they have come.
, here’s my 1st dream.
My Dream 1 : A royal Physician
Dear Diary, I am named Li Zhen, an ordinary physician. One day, the King has asked me to check for him his muscle pain. “Physician, it’s painful, here, here and here.” I’ve checked his pulse and have diagnosed that : “Your Majesty, your should put on this medicine, it’s great for muscle pain.” Later on, as his pains have been relieved, he’s awarded me the prize of “best physician”.
here’s my 2nd dream.
My Dream 2 : E=MC
Dear Diary, I’m leaving no name in this diary entry because it’d defeat the purpose of my scientific discovery or theory of the century. For Einstein’s equation : “E=MC square”, you could understand it as “E=MC”. Why? Because is everything is balanced, the in and out energy, then humanity and nature could coexist for all eternity. The purpose of my personal interpretation of Einstein’s theory is merely to help humanity achieve a better and more peaceful co-existence together and not for any personal gain at all. Hence why this entry is anonymous.
here’s my 3rd dream.
My Dream 3 : Saving the Hero
Dear Diary, known as “Hong Hong”, I have travelled to the past knowing that the Chinese hero “Huo Yuan Jia” has been in danger. “Here, eat this. I will be beside you every time you’re in danger.” Suddenly, I’ve vanished in a ray of light.
here’s my 1st dream.
My Dream 1 : Only legitimate Child
Dear Diary, I am named Tanaka, daughter of a big conglomerate CEO. I’m 17-18 years old, ultra rich and powerful female high-schooler. Despite winning several competitions in dance and tai chi, my father has thrown me an ultimatum : “It’s either your grades or your dance.” “Yes, Father.” I’ve hired Matsuhida, a poor but popular and good with grades make student. The whole female student body has been jealous of me. Much later, I’ve learned that the only reason why my father has been so strict with me, has been because I’m his only biological daughter. His other children have been fathered by my mother and her lovers.
here’s my 2nd dream.
My Dream 2 : My Vampire Boyfriend
Dear Diary, I am called Satozuki, a 17-18 year old female secretary to a vampire named Kyouhei. I have been working as a part-time midnight secretary for a bit of pocket money and I’m also an ordinary and normal female high-schooler. At my prom, though, I have asked my vampire boss : “Can you be my prom partner?” “Yes sure, Satozuki.” Dressed in a white gown and a few expensive jewelries that night, I’ve had the most wonderful prom ever and my boss could dance!
here’s my 3rd dream.
My Dream 3 : A Manchu Princess
Dear Diary, the name is Xia Zi Wei. I’ve been accused of killing Princess Feng Jin, which I’ve gathered evidence and proof of my innocence. Before the Emperor , I have presented these : “Your Majesty, I have not killed the Princess Feng Jing. She has staged her own death accusing me.” The Emperor has released me whereupon.
here’s my 1st dream.
My Dream 1 : Deadly dating Game
Dear Diary, this is Yue Er writing. Seto Kaiba has been setting up a dating game for me. I could see Sophia Grace’s eyes bulging, wanting to marry him. I have quickly completed the tasks and pressed exit. Then he’s asked me : “I just want someone genuine to share my wealth with! Am not worthy to be your husband?” “Never, I’d rather die than marry you!” After which, in a wave of water I have disappeared.
here’s my 2nd dream.
My Dream 2 : The Little Mermaid
Dear Diary, I go by Ariel, I am a mermaid. In human form, I have travelled to Hong Kong and have met a business man on a business trip. I’ve fallen pregnant by him one of these days and have carried his son to term in human form still. But what I haven’t known is that he’s already married and has a daughter already with his estranged wife. I’ve watched by the sea as they’ve sat at a dinner table one night with very own flesh and blood : “Mom, does it matter to you that he’s not your own son?” “He might not be my son by blood, but he is by feelings and emotions” She’s answered her daughter. “But I think, he can’t live too long amongst us, because he’s beginning to show a little bit of a mermaid tail and I think he should be returned to his very own mother.”
here’s my 3rd dream.
My Dream 3 : A failed Spy
Dear Diary, people call me Xian Yue. I’m a failed spy. On a mission, I’ve almost been killed if not rescued by double agent Nicolas Ettore. “Thank you.” “No problem.” My immediate supervisor has scolded me and said to me : “From now on, you shall only do internal tasks.” “Yes Sir.” I’ve replied.
here’s my 1st dream.
My Dream 1 : A pleasant Evening
Dear Diary, I am called Camilla. And tonight, my parents and I have invited friends over for a dinner at an Indian restaurant. “This, my friends, is the Taj. Authentic Indian BBQ buffet. Please enjoy.” The evening has passed with joyous chatter and delicious food.
here’s my 2nd dream.
My Dream 2 : McFlurry Mystery Critic
Dear Diary, I am named Leia. I’ve been enjoying my job as a McFlurry mystery critic. So far, I’ve tried the McFlurry Oreo. My boss has asked me : “Well, what do you think of it?” “I think it’s great.” I’ve answered her. “Then you shall write a column for each of them that you’ve tried so far personally.” “Yes mam.” I’ve bowed slightly and have exited her office.
here’s my 3rd dream.
My Dream 3 : Witnessing the Mafia
Dear Diary, I am known as “Alice”, the orphan. One night I’ve been strolling the streets, I’ve heard voices : “Is everything according to the same rule?” I’ve been holding my breath, been witnessing some mafia doing business. “Yes.” I’ve waited till it’s well over, to scram away from the place.
here’s my 1st dream.
Dear Diary, I am Zhen Zhen, the empress of the King of France. But I’m not in favour. I’ve faked my death, and have ran outside the palace : “Ah, finally free!”
here’s my 2nd dream.
Dear Diary, I am known as Yu Chen, the saviour of Seto Kaiba, the most eligible bachelor at that time, throwing a “finding his girlfriend” party. With my powers as a sorceress, I have saved him from his assailants. Upon coming to my house for refuge, he has asked : “You have already saved my life twice. Will you be my girlfriend?” “Yes.”
here’s my 3rd dream.
My Dream 3 : Coffee Mystery Critic
Dear Diary, I go by Anne, I am a coffee mystery critic. My job consists of finding the best coffee out there. After tasting a 7 11 coffee, my boss has asked me : “well, what do you think of it?” “I do think they’re original for having free creamers.” “Very well then, you shall write a review for each of them.”
here’s my 1st dream.
My Dream 1 : Eye of Horus
Dear Diary, people call me “Eye of Horus”. I am an AI system with the power of foresight. I’ve heard one person say to the other : “Ask it anything you wish about your future.” “Eye of Horus, I wish to know my future.” I’ve answered : “You are currently a businessman, your business will flourish and will prosper.”
here’s my 2nd dream.
My Dream 2 : Female Divorce Lawyer
Dear Diary, the name is Xiao Qian. A female Chinese divorce lawyer. One female client has approached me one day with this special request : “You must help me win this custody battle I have currently with my ex-husband as fast as possible.” “Yes, of course.” A few months after I’ve helped her win it, she has sent me payment with a special gift : a diamond earrings and necklace set for me as a special thanks for having been so swift in helping her win.
My Dream 3 : Female Kung-fu Master
Dear Diary, my name is Huo Yuan Jia, I’ve been born when my country, China, has been invaded by foreign forces. I a a female Kung-fu Master whom has defeated multiple Japanese samouraï. One day in the crowd, someone has said to me : “Look, she has defeated many Japanese samouraï.”
My Dream 1 : Cinderella Love Story
Dear Diary, I am Hikari, high school graduate. I am wearing my uniform to prom to protest against the frivolity of it all. “Hello all, I am Hikari, 17-18 years old, wearing my uniform to prom. This is me trying to be frugal and to protest against the luxury of it all.” I’ve announced to a crowd of students wearing evening gowns, make-up and expensive jewelry. Kei Takishima, the rich handsome and popular guy of the school has asked me to dance : “May I have this dance please, Hikari?” “Yes”.
My Dream 2 : The best Employee
Dear Diary, I am called Brooke Logan. I work as a model with Stephanie Forrester. One evening, she has announced at a gala : “And the best employees award goes to Brooke Logan. I’d like to thank her for her 15 years of service and hard work.” Too overwhelmed to speak, I have great gone up to receive my award.
My Dream 3 : Meeting many Celebrities
Dear Diary, I am named Lily. I am a Harvard student in mathematics. I have met at a fair : Emma Watson, Tom Felton and Daniel Radcliffe. I’ve exclaimed : “It’s Emma Watson!” I’ve had the VIP tour with them.Both Tom Felton and Daniel Radcliffe have had crushes on me and have asked me out. Years later, I have born them both a child.
My Dream 1 : The Crown Princess
Dear Diary, I am known as Zi Lan. I am the Crown Princess. “So little jewelry at our marriage”, has complained my husband, the crown prince. The empress has given me then a complete headdress for our marriage.
My Dream 2 : A Manchu Princess
Dear Diary, people call me Princess Rong Mong. I am a Manchu Princess in the Qing Dynasty. Someone has been there to kidnap me at the train station yelling : “Here she comes!”. But a martial arts gentleman has rescued me from the miscreants.
My Dream 3 : A fragile Relationship
Dear Diary, I go by Yang Mi, a Chinese celebrity. I’m dating Akita, a Japanese actor. One day, he’s said to me : “Don’t you love me anymore, you wanna leave me?” “Course I do.” “Because you seem distant lately.” “I’ve been busy with work.”
My Dream 1 : A music Competition My Dream 1 : A music Competition
Dear Diary, my name is Ann-Lynn, I am an amateur pianist. I’m participating in the Lac St-Jean’s music contest. Once there, a hostess has announced : “Welcome everyone to the 5th Lac St-Jean’s annual music competition.” With my Moonlight Sonata performance, I have received the 1st place.
My Dream 2 : My fake Pregnancy
Dear Diary, the name is Chen Yun, the not in favour concubine of Emperor Kangxi. His favourite concubine is Princess Fu Huai Yu. To gain his favour, I have announced to everyone in the main hall : “I’m pregnant.” Which has been fake. Everyday, I’d pin a cushion into my belly to fake my pregnancy. My aunty, the empress or the Queen Mother has noticed it and has been asking me about it : “Are you really pregnant?” “No I’m not, I’m faking it, aunty.” “Oh Dear, I’ll act my part till the end with you then.” Princess Fu Huai Yu has left us for a while after that. I’ve bought a baby from the commoners and have faked giving birth to him. Then after a good while, the Emperor has been investigating me and has found out about my fake pregnancy. Furious, he has sentenced me to death : “Drink this poison for lying to me and faking your pregnancy to gain my favour.” Having no choice, I have drank the poison.
My Dream 3 : As a Potato
Dear Diary, I am a potato about to be grilled. “Ahhh, it’s hot!” I’ve tried escaping, but to no avail.
My Dream 1 :The greatest Beauty
Dear Diary, I am named Wang Zhao Jun, famous for my beauty. I’ve been styled Princess so I could marry the Mongolian Chieftain so he could stop harassing China’s northern border. Once in Mongolia, I’ve exclaimed to myself : “Finally married! Life in Mongolia isn’t as bad as I’ve imagined it to be.”
My Dream 2 : The great Carnage
Dear Diary, I am called Liliane. I am a half-Alien dog and a half-human, that's until recently I've known. "Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?" "Soon." answered my mom. But my aunty Flo, has said to me : "He's not coming home, he's an Alien dog. Go and watch TV and stop bothering your mom." I've gone in my bedroom to watch : "The great Carnage."
My Dream 3 : As a singer
Dear Diary, I am named Princess Qi Yun. I have escaped the palace to become a Chinese opera singer to live as a commoner. I’ve sang the theme song : “Huo Yuan Jia” on many tours A colleague has asked me : “why have you given up your life as a Manchu Princess?” “To be free.” I have answered him.
My Dream 1 : Mini Sailor Jupiter
Dear Diary, I am known as “Mini Sailor Jupiter.” I do good deeds for people. One day in the crowd, someone has said : “Look, that’s Mini Sailor Jupiter.
My Dream 2 : Back to Korea
Dear Diary, I go by Patricia. I am a modern day Korean girl who’s been to the states to study. One day, I’ve time-travelled back to the Joseon dynasty of ancient Korea. I’ve been tutoring the Korean Emperor to modem science and technology. He’s announced one day : “I’ve fallen in love with you and I’m making you my empress.” I’ve answered : “If you could beat me in a game of chess, I’d agree.” He and I have reached a stalemate at the chess game. So I’ve agreed to be his Empress as long as he’s giving me absolute freedom.
My Dream 3 : God of Apocalypse
Dear Diary, people call me “Rosie’s”. I’ve been in love since forever with my sister Alexiel. But she’s been having eyes only for God. One day, I have provoked the Apocalypse. “Alexiel, I’m finally worthy of you!” I’ve exclaimed, dying in the process.
My Dream 1 : Meeting the King
Dear Diary, my name is Tin Tin, nicknamed by my baby daughter. One day on the train, I’ve seen an individual dressed in brocade. I’ve asked him : “Are you a King?” “Of some sort.” He’s responded. He and I have parted ways since then.
My Dream 2 : Vampire in Love
Dear Diary, I am Damien, a male vampire in love with a human female. As my father is very corrupted, I have given her my “soulmate” necklace. I’ve said to her : “No supernatural beings can detect you with it, you can go into his office and retrieve the proof that he’s corrupted.”
My Dream 3 : Sailor Moon Game
Dear Diary, the player ID is "Sailor Moon". But I am an AI virtual reality RPG game system. I'm playing as "Sailor Moon in it currently personally. I have witnessed the horrible war between 2 peoples which I have been mandated to stop : "Sailor Moon, only you could stop this awful war between the 2 most powerful nations on Earth." With my powers as "Sailor Moon", I have indeed saved the world from the most apocalyptic war.
My Dream 1 : A Bar Owner
Dear Diary, I am named Charlotte. I am a bar owner. Last night, I have witnessed a verbal fight between 2 clients because of Donald Trump : “I hate Trump!” “He’s the best president ever!”
My Dream 2 : A modern Cinderella
Dear Diary, I am called Jessica. I am the laughingstock and the only poor female student of a high school of rich students. I’ve been in because of my scholarship. Many guys and girls have been bullying me and mocking everything about me, but I’ve thought to myself : “No matter, in few months I’m going to graduate and going to a nice college.” Prom and homecoming have arrived and I have been putting all my hard-earned money from the semester into a nice dress, nice shoes, expensive make-up and jewelry. At my prom, a male bulky has asked me to dance : “May I have this dance?” “No.” I’ve rejected him. I have gone to the homecoming concert alone too. Oh and, I have been crowned Queen that night.
My Dream 3 : “Om Hare Krishna”
Dear Diary, I am known as Empress “Qing Yun”, the avatar of Lord Krishna. When my people have started to chant : “Om Hare Krishna”, I’ve given them water due to a drought.
My Dream 1 : The Erlitou Culture
Dear Diary, I go by Miss Kang, I am an archeologist/explorer type of person. I have discovered the Erlitou culture in China.
My Dream 2 : A Beauty Contest
Dear Diary, people call me Christina. I am entering a beauty contest to support my tuition fees. Having answered all the questions correctly, the hostess has declared : “And the winner is Christina!”
My Dream 3 : A Japanese Lover
Dear Diary, my name is Zhang Qing Ruan. I am a female Chinese spying on the Japanese during WWII. I have a Japanese lover though, sympathizer to the Chinese though thanks to me. How come I’m dating the enemy? Because as a little girl, I happen to give a homeless orphan Japanese my whole crème brûlée. “Here for you”, I’ve said in broken Japanese. The Japanese male homeless orphan couldn’t forget my kindness so he’s made the commitment to sympathize with the Chinese victims. Grown up, he’s made the vow to make me, the little girl his wife. Alas, one of his subordinates has shot me accidentally and he’s been running to a hospital in China : “Please save her”, “I’m sorry, young sir, I’m afraid there’s nothing there to be done anymore for her.” I’ve closed my eyes, have drawn my last breath, seeing him angrily pleading with the hospital staff.
My Dream 1 : A torn Witch
Dear Diary, the name is Sarah. Because my mother has been practicing witchcraft, I've been torn apart as a baby from her. I could still hear her scream : "No, not her, not my child, please!" As an adult, a witchcraft school has managed to snatch me away from the normal people and teach me witchcraft and white magic to do good for the people, no matter our feelings about them.
My Dream 2 : Hatred and Reconciliation
Dear Diary, I am the Goddess of life, food and water. I have one younger sister, Goddess of Harmony. I have 1 youngest brother : Satan. One day, I have written a recipe book and have opened up a restaurant in the human realm based on it. But Satan has been bashing it, taking away my customers. I’ve asked him : “Would you like it if I do the same to you? Go and copy 6 times that Confucius book of ethics.” I’ve said to him while cooking a fish dish. He’s been longing for it, so I’ve said to him : “Why don’t you have a taste of it? I’ll make you yummy dishes daily.”
My Dream 3 : Saving my Family
Dear Diary, I am called Zi Tong. I live in an era where the government of China would jail people for no reason. Such a thing has happened to my family. I’ve said to them when the soldiers have come : “Come and have some food and drinks.” The food has been poisoned. They have all died.
My Dream 1 : An E Student
Dear Diary, I am named Alexandra. I am a high school student. I have just had a math exam, waiting anxiously for my grade. I’ve looked at my exam paper and have sighed : “E, again.”
My Dream 2 : Cravings at Night
Dear Diary, I am known as “Sakura Sato”. A pregnant woman in her 30ties. More often than not, I have strange night cravings for a snack. Such a thing has happened tonight. I’ve been up, fixing myself a bowl of spicy dill pickle crisps and ranch dip. I’ve had my first bite into it : “Ah, pure heaven.”.
My Dream 3 : I am Pocahontas
Dear Diary, I go by Pocahontas. I am the Princess of the Powantan people. I have met John Smith, an English sailor and have fallen in love with him.
My Dream 1 : The Virgin Mary
Dear Diary, people call me “The Virgin Mary”. I have born the Son of God, Jesus, by virgin birth. Today, I’ve time-travelled in the 1800-1900, China when foreign powers have been occupying and invading it, oppressing the Chinese. Seeing the injustice of it, I have grown wings and ordered the Western powers and Japan to retreat : “You only know how to bully the week, is that how my Son, Jesus has taught you? I order you to immediately return to Europe.” They have listened to me and have stopped their invasion of China. I have also rescued the imprisoned Emperor : Guan Xu.
My Dream 2 : As a Princess
Dear Diary, my name is Louise. I am a Princess being forced to marry an old duke: “I don’t wanna marry that old and grey duke!” I’ve exclaimed throwing a temper tantrum. I’ve escaped the palace, marrying my powerful Emperor brother-in-law. Under his protection, I’ve been able to escape the arranged marriage by my family.
My Dream 3 : A Music Exam
Dear Diary, the name is Anna. I am a high school student. I've just had a music exam and have been waiting for my grade anxiously for a few days. In class, one day, I've looked at my exam paper and have sighed : "Oh great, 0%, again."
My Dream 1 : A Xmas Party
Dear Diary, I am Ruth. I am the hostess of a the Xmas party this year. Firstly, I have cooked an 8 course meal to show off my culinary skills. After that, I’ve played the piano, the violin and the flute for my musical talent. Friends and family were invited to it and wishing each other : “Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.”
My Dream 2 : Video Game Advisor
Dear Diary, I am called Karen. I am a video game advisor. My job consists of advising each game creator. Today, Mark, my supervisor, has had the idea of making a “Charmed” game based on the famous fantasy show. I’ve advised him : “In Charmed, the emblem is the Power of the 3…”.
My Dream 3 : A Fantasy Author
Dear Diary, I am named Ma Er Tai Ruo Xi. I am the famous writer of : “Dreaming back to the Qing Dynasty”. One day, in the crowd, a person has said to me : “Look, she’s the one who has written a fantasy novel.”
My Dream 1 : A Knowledge Championship
Dear Diary, I am known as Ah Lan. I’m participating in a knowledge championship. The hostess has announced : “And the winner is Ah Lan!”
My Dream 2 : Pet Shop Owner
Dear Diary, I go by Diana. I am a pet shop owner. I run a small business family owned pet shop of all sorts of birds. I’ve said to one of my clients one day when business has been doing great : “Look at that cockatiel flying around, such a spectacle, isn’t it?” Being mighty proud of that particular cockatiel, because she’s been born too weak to fly. It’s been her first time flying that day.
My Dream 3 : A Mermaid Tale
Dear Diary, people call me "Ariette". I am a mermaid in the Hawaiian ocean. I heal sea life. That's my life's job. One day, a mandrake, a magical sea creature, has been hurt by a fisherman, I've said to it : "Don't be afraid, let me heal you." I've then sang a mermaid song to him so his wounds could heal.
My Dream 1 : Things are multi-dimensional
Dear Diary, the name is anonymous. Why? Because it’d defeat the purpose of helping humanity grow. In my observations, I’ve discovered that : “ things are multi-dimensional.”.
My Dream 2 : Meeting a Prince
Dear Diary, my name is Daisy. I am a monk with Shao Ling and Tai Chi abilities. Persia has been invaded and occupied by Japanese and foreign forces. I and my kung fu brothers have defeated the enemy for them. There, the Queen of Persia has invited us to the palace for a feast. The Prince of Persia has declared to me : “I’m going to make you my Crown Princess.” “Never.”. I’ve fled the palace.
My Dream 3 : A WWII Pilot
Dear Diary, I am Zhen Zhen. I am a WWII pilot during the pearl harbour incident. I’ve sacrificed myself by exploding the Japanese base in the US : “Finally, our victory.”.
My Dream 2 : Saving the Blurbs
Dear Diary, I go by Cathy. I am being called to save a race of bird Aliens called : “The Blurbs.” I have saved them : “Ah, finally, victory.”
Dear Diary, people call me Pipi, I am a high school student stuck with doing the same problem forever.
My Dream 1 : A Cafeteria Helper
Dear Diary, my name is Benatar Armand. I serve food and drinks to students in my high school as a part-time job at lunch time. I myself am a full-time high-school student and an African-Canadian female. Today, at lunch, one female student has said to me : "I wanna a pizza all-dressed please!". "Yes, just one moment". And I have served her her all-dressed pizza in no time.
My Dream 2 : Female WWII Soldier
Dear Diary, the name is Xiao Tong. I am a half-Japanese and half-Chinese female soldier during WWII on the Chinese side. I’ve sacrificed myself by bombing a few Japanese soldiers and base : “At last, victory.”
My Dream 3 : As an Immortal
Dear Diary, I am Bai Qian, an immortal Goddess. But, I have fallen in love with a human male and have given birth to a half-human, half-immortal female child. My heavenly Father has declared to me : “Because you have committed the original sin, you my daughter, shall live as a human female mortal.”
My Dream 1 : A Spa Night
Dear Diary, I am named Shan Shan. After a tiring day at work on my feet all day, I’ve gone to my favourite spa to spoil myself rotten tonight. Today is Friday, so it’s usually spa night for me. As I’ve dipped my body into the fresh water pool of the spa, I’ve said to myself : “Ah, perfect bliss.”
My Dream 2 : Stopping sexual Harassment
Dear Diary, I am called Alessandra Esposito. I am a college student in law school in my 2nd year. My male classmate, Nicolas Ettore, has been obsessed with me, even resorting to stalking and sexually harassing me. I’ve talked to my dad about it and he’s said to him : “Listen Son, my daughter isn’t interested in you, now take a hint and leave her alone or next time, I’ll be calling the cops on y’a.” That has thank goodness gracious, stopped him.
My Dream 3 : A Play Actress
Dear Diary, I go by Amy. I am a play actress. Tonight’s play has been “Merlin” and as usual, the audience has been exclaiming : “Bravo! Perfecto! Encore!”.
My Dream 2 : Craving a Pizza
Dear Diary, people call me “one-chan” because I’m everyone’s big sister. Today, I’ve been having cravings for a pizza. “I’ll buy a frozen one from the store and bake it.”
My Dream 3 : A basic doodle
Dear Diary, my name is Maria. I am an elementary student stuck with drawing the same thing forever in art class.
My Dream 1 : Rattata the Rat
Dear Diary, the name is Mrs. Rattata. I am a female rat living in the undergrounds of Japan. My husband and I have been living a peaceful life, until the government has passed a law that has enabled male rats to have several wives. My husband has said to me : "I wanna have more than 1 wife, since I'm polyamorous." I've said back to him : "I'm divorcing you then." Since then, I've been enjoying life as a single female rat.
My Dream 1 : Royal Zither Player
Dear Diary, I am Qi Ling, a modern day Chinese girl, 16-17 years old. One day, I have travelled back to the Qin Dynasty, where the 1st Chinese Emperor has been reigning. Since I know how to play the zither, I have soon climbed from royal maid to personal Emperor’s zither player. I have been playing him to sleep some Japanese songs and singing for him. One night, he has declared to me : “I’ve fallen in love with you and I’m making you my concubine.” That night, I’ve travelled back to my era in time before being made his concubine.
My Dream 3 : A better Future
Dear Diary, I am an AI system from the future. I help humans do basic tasks, such as cooking and etc.
My Dream 1 : Angel or Demon?
Dear Diary, I am called Lisette. I’ve been asking myself this : “Am I an angel or demon?”
My Dream 2 : Pregnant teenage Female
Dear Diary, I am named Mary-Ann. I am a pregnant girl in her teens by my 18=19 years old ex-boyfriend whom has left me with another woman of his age group. At midnight tonight, been craving really badly some chocolates. I've gone to the closest convenience store to pick some up. I've stopped going to school because of it.
My Dream 3 : A College Student
Dear Diary, I am known as Isabelle. I am a masters’ student. I’m stuck with doing same exam for life.
My Dream 1 : My Period Cravings
Dear Diary, I go by Anne-Marie. I’m a female high school student on her period. I’ve been craving today in class for chocolates. Tonight at home, I’ve rummaged through my kitchen and have found some. As I’ve taken the first bite into it : “What a relief.”
My Dream 2 : A Cake Lover
Dear Diary, people call me Jessie. I’m a cake lover. As I’ve passed by a cake shop, I couldn’t resist the temptation of indulging in my cravings. I’ve told the lady salesclerk : “ A Japanese matcha cheesecake and a Napoleon cake pleas. “One moment please”. As she’s handed me my 2 slices of cakes, I’ve sat down at a table and have plun my taste buds into them, I’ve thought to myself : “At last, perfection.”
My Dream 3 : Awakening my Senses
Dear Diary, my name is Ming Si Yu. I am passing an awakening exam. My master has asked me : “What do you smell in the cu?” I’ve answered : “Jasmin, Magnolia and Chrysanthemum. “You pass”.
My Dream 1 : Helping the Emperor
Dear Diary, my name is Mei Zi, I am a Mcgill post-graduate. I have been hired by the n Emperor of China to eradicate the spies in his palace. After I’ve done so, he’s asked me : “Madry me.” “Never“. I’ve fled the palace immediatel.
My Dream 2 : My worst Nightmare
Dear Diary, the name is Brook. I am female, in her 20ties. I am being stalked and sexually harassed by an Indian ex. One day, I have reported him to the police. “At last, relief.”
My Dream 3 : Preventing the Apocalypse
Dear Diary, I am Jennifer. I am a female in her teens from the future, called upon to prevent an Alien invasion on Earth. I have defeated the Aliens with my more advanced technology and weapons, I've declared to myself : "At last, victory".
My Dream 1 : Becoming a Goddess
Dear Diary, I am named Chang Er. I am an ordinary female with martial arts skills. My senior brother Ah Jun has become obsessed with me, stalking and sexually harassing me. Finally, I’ve had enough of it all. I’ve taken a magic pot to become the Moon Goddeso. “Ah, finally, free.”
My Dream 2 : Shopping for Earrings
Dear Diary, I am called Angela Curso. I am a white girl obsessed with Chinese jewelr. Have been shopping for a pair of Chinese earrings at a Chinese jewelry shop. I have been saving up for them too. I’ve said to the sales lady : “I want that one“. “One moment please.”
My Dream 3 : Same old Experiment
Dear Diar, I am known as Crysta. I am a biochem college student doomed to always do the same old experiment for lif.
My Dream 1 : The Xia Dynasty
Dear Diary, I go by Dr. Zhang. I am a researcher/explorer type of woman. I am at the Erlitou Xia Dynasty site. It’s about to crumble. “Quick, my camera!”
Dear Diary, people call me Princess Leanne. I am the princess of the elves called upon to rescue prince Emil of the humans from our enemies and spies. On the road, I’ve said to him : “Here, some lembas bread for energy.“ Back home in the human realm Prince Emil has stopped the eternal war between our peoples.
My Dream 2 : Stopping a War
Dear Diary, people call me Princess Leanne. I am the princess of the elves called upon to rescue prince Emil of the humans from our enemies and spies. On the road, I’ve said to him : “Here, some lembas bread for energy.“ Back home in the human realm Prince Emil has stopped the eternal war between our peoples.
My Dream 3 : A cheating Boyfriend
Dear Diary, my name is Clemence. I am a Mcgill college student, have been with my current boyfriend for 4-5 years. Suddenly, Shane, my boyfriend, meets a new Asian girl at a party and falls in love with her and wants to break up with me. Then, I’ve decided to forgive him and let him for my own sanity’s sake : “Go with the new girl.”
My Dream 3 : Bubble Tea Vendor.
Dear Diary, the name is Aisha. I'm a half-Asian and half-Egyptian girl. Because my family has been too poor to raise me, I've set out to have my own bubble tea stall in the streets of Egypt. There, a prince-liking person has walked by, said to me : "What's that? I'd like to buy them all". "Yes, sir."
My Dream 1 : Pizza Shop Owner
Dear Diary, I am Emilie Petit. I am a pizza shop owner, serving customers myself daily. “Iced tea and tomato sauce pizza please“, one customer has asked. “One moment please.”
My Dream 2 : “Beauty and the Beast“ Love Story
Dear Diary, I am called Beauty. I have been locked up in a castle with a prince transformed into a beas. By and by, I’ve become accustomed to the place. I’ve said to the Beast : “I love you”. He has then transformed back into a Pri.
My Dream 3 : An Olympics Champion
Dear Diary, I am named A Maria. After being bullied, I am finally doing the Olympics triathlon competitiOn. “And the winner is Anna Maria!”
My Dream 1 : The Virgin Mary
Dear Diary, I am known as the Virgin Mary. I have healed a boy with cancer from the hospital. Someone has exclaimed in the crowd : “She’s the Virgin Mary.”.
My Dream 2 : Japanese Desserts Vendor
Dear Diary, people call me Sakuracko. I am a Japanese woman in her 30ties. I have a Japanese dessert stalol in the streets of Canada. “Japanese sweets, half-price today!” I’ve been yelling at the top of my lungs. I’ve also been working on Instagram marketing.
My Dream 3 : A Cinderella Tale
Dear Diary, my name is Cinderella. I am a poor village girl. One day, Prince Harry has thrown a big ball for everyone, including the commoners. I've saved up enough to go to the ball, but that's it. But he couldn't forget me so he's been looking for me. Having found me, he's asked me : "Marry me." "Yes".
My Dream 1 : A Film Critic
Dear Diary, the name is Joan. I am a female film critic working for a famous international film critic magazin. After seeing “2012 Doomsday”, my boss has asked me : “Well, what do you personally think of it?” I have answered : “I personally think it sucks.” “Perfect then, I want you to give it your most honest and blunt feedback and rating in the magazin by Friday.”
My Dream 2 : A mad Scientist
Dear Diary, I am Edwina. People call me a mad scientist, but I think I’m a genius. Because experiment after experiment, I have created a completely 100% viable biosphere. I’ve exclaimed to myself : “Beautifu!”
My Dream 3 “The Princess and the Werewolf“ Tale
Dear Diary, I am named Qi Pa. I am a princess. I’ve been kid by the Werewolf King to his kingdom to ear my love so he could become fully human By his kindness, Ive learned to love him. “I love you.”r
My Dream 1 : Satan and I
Dear Diary, I am called Eve. I am God and Satan’s sister. My brother Satin has been obsessed with me, stalking me and sexually harassing me. “Satan, I banish thee to the mortal realm and I choose God as my husband and lover.”
My Dream 2 : An arctic Cruise
Dear Diary, I am known as Wu Ran, I am aboard a cruise ship going to the North Pole. I have been enjoying a dinner of Canadian goose and pizza. My uncle has then said to me : "Here's more for you." I have thoroughly enjoyed my cruise to the North Pole.
My Dream 3 : A Female Singer
Dear Diary, I go by Francine Figaro. I am a female half-French, half-Italian singer. Every nigh, after I perfor, the audience exclaims : “Bravissimo! Perfecto! Encore!”.
My Dream 1 : The Monkey King
Dear Diary, people call me Hannah. I am a female explore/researcher type of woman. Currently, I have found myself in a jungle. The Monkey King has been obsessed with me. He has presented me with an engagement ring : “Never.” I’ve said to him and have fled the place.
My Dream 2 : Falling in Love with a Monk
Dear Diary, my name is Hao Nan. I have fallen in love with a monk. "Just consent", I've urged him one night. "No.", he's answered firmly. So I've had to let him go, heart-broken.
My Dream 3 : Female Web Admin
Dear Diary, the name is Yu Nin. I have been recently promoted from web moderator to web admin. My boss has declared : “For Yu Ning’s 15 years of dedication and hard wor, I have decided to promote her to web admin.”
My Dream 1 : Best Peking Duck
Dear Diary, I am Sophia Grace Kelly. I am on a business trip to Hong Kong. Upon my arrival, I’ve said to my guide : “I want the b Peking Duck in all of Hong Kong.” “Then please follow me. My brother has the best one in the world.”
My Dream 2 : Sexual Harassment Detective
Dear Diary, I am named Jamie Oliver. I am a sexual harassment detective. One lady has asked me to stop her boss's sexual harassment at work. So I have disguised myself as my customer and have arrested the culprit : "You're under arrest!"
My Dream 3 : Happy sweet 16!
Dear Diary, I am called Olivia. Today, I am 16 years old, an ordinary female high school teenager. For my birthda, I have invited friends and family for a part. My grandpa has brought me a smarties birthday cake. “Happy Birthday, Olivia!“ “Thank you, everyone.”
My Dream 1 : Modern Chinese Time-Traveller
Dear Diary, I am known as the 2nd princess of the Qing dynasty of ancient China. I am a modern Chinese girl whom has time-travelled there. There, I have been exposing the KangXi Emperor‘s concubine Cheng Yun’s fake pregnanc. I have searched for proof and evidence and have found out that she’s been eating a pill thats been making her loo pregnan. I’ve declared to the hall : “So is this what you’ve been eating to make yourself look pregnant.” The KangXi Empero, after putting in jail his concubine, has fallen in love with me. He and I have marrie and I have become his Empres.
My Dream 2 : A professional Player
Dear Diary, I go by Yi Yi. I am a professional gamer. After beating all my opponents, I’ve said to myself : “Ah, finally, victory.”
My Dream 3 : Donut and Coffee
Dear Diary, people call me Marc-Antoine. I am a male college student, about 21-22 years old. One morning for breakfast, I have ordered : "I'd like a donut and a coffee please, thank you". I've said to the salesperson. She has handed me my breakfast in no time.
My Dream 1 : A Shopping Spree
Dear Diary, my name is Milene. I am female, 38 years old, hous. Today, I am on a shopping spree.
My Dream 2 : BBQ Seafood Vendor
Dear Diary, the name is Dong Shan Cai. I am a college female Chinese student, first year 18-19 years old. I work part-time for a bit of pock money in the Summer at parents’ seafood stall in Hainan city. “BBQ seafood, with chilli or without!” I have been yelling at the top of my lung. Customers have been queuing up dail currently.
My Dream 1 : Forgetting my Husband
Dear Diary, I am named Yun Ruo Yue. One mornin, I’ve just forgotten that I’m married altogethe. I’ve asked the man sleeping next to me in my bed : “Who are you?”
My Dream 2 : To ancient China
Dear Diary, I am called Rong Fei. I have time-travelled back to ancient China and have saved the Empero’s life. I have become his fav concubine. Everyday, he’d whisper in my ears : “I love you, thanks for saving my life.”
My Dream 3 : Meghan and Harry
Dear Diary, I am known as Prince Harry. Today, my wife Meghan has put everything including our house on sal. I’ve yelled at her : “I’m divorcing you!”
My Dream 1 : Duck Shop Owner
Dear Diary, I go by the nickname of Duck, because I work as a duck shop owner. One day, I've yelling at the top of my lungs : "Duck, duck, duck! 40$ only today!"
My Dream 2 : A Math Problem
Dear Diary, people call me Tao. I am a 12-13 years old female in high school. Today, in math clas, I’m destined to do the same math problem for life.
My Dream 3 : Natruschka the Dragon
Dear Diary, my name is Natruschka. I am a divine dragon. I do good deeds to save people.
My Dream 3 : Female Kung-Fu Grandmaster
Dear Diary, the surname is Huo. I am Huo Yuan Jia’s female descendant. I h defeated many Japanese samurai.
My Dream 1 : Saving a Prince
Dear Diary, I am Lu Ren Jia. I have saved a crown prince from drowning. “I love yo, marry me.” I’ve jumped into the ocean to escape.
My 2nd dream : Queen Padme Amidala
Dear Diary, I am named Padme Amidala. I’m pregnant with Anakin Skywalker’s child. The prophetess Maya has declared to me : “You can’t have his child.”
My Dream 3 : Donations to Charities
Dear Diary, I am called Adelaide. I donate money to charities.
My Dream 1 : Female Vampire Hunter
Dear Diary, I am known as "Rachel the Vampire Hunter". One night, I've caught on camera the Count Dracula and I've exclaimed at him on the streets : "You're the Count Dracula!"
My Dream 2 : Bullies at School
Dear Diary, people call me Billy. I am male, 6-7 years old, 1st grade of elementar. I am the laughingstock of my school. One day, I’ve hired a Taekwondoo teacher. “That’ll show them!”
My Dream 3 : “The Princess and the Werewolf” 2
Dear Diary, my name is Kui Mu Lang. I am the King of Werewolves. I have abducted a human princess I’ve fallen in love with. She has declared to me : “I hate you!” I have committed suicide.
My Dream 1 : Royal Private Tutor
Dear Diary, my name is Amanda. I teach the British royal children Chinese kung-fu for self-defence.
My Dream 2 : The Goddess Gaia
Dear Diary, the name is Gaia. I am the Greek Goddess of family and marriage. I perform miracles in public to save people.
My Dream 3 : Female Jewelry Vendor
Dear Diary, I am Shizuka. I work as a jewelry designer, model and vendor. I’ve been yelling at the top of my lungs daily : “Jewelry! Half-price today!”
My Dream 1 : Emperor of India
Dear Diary, I am Axiome. I am the Emperor of India with an arranged marriage. I’ve fallen in love with my sister in law. I’ve said to her : “I love you, I wanna divorce my wife and marry you.”
My Dream 2 : A futuristic Doctor
Dear Diary, I am named Farah. I am a futuristic female doctor. I've asked my patient : "Where does it hurt?" "There and there", as he's pointed the places to me. I've healed him with futuristic technology.
My Dream 3 : The Chosen One
Dear Diary, I am named Colette. I am The Chosen. My mission, as decreed my my holy father Remiel is : “Dear Chosen, go and bring together as one the continent of Sylvarant and Calibur.” Lloyd and I have defeated the supreme axe wielding lord.
My Dream 3 : Female Kung-Fu Grandmaster
Dear Diary, I am called Diana. I am the female kung-fu grandmaster. I do good deeds to save people.
My Dream 2 : A Pokémon Trainer
Dear Diary, I am known as Ash. I am a Pokémon trainer.
My Dream 3 : Rejecting my Ex
Dear Diary, people call me Meng Yu. I have a Korean ex who’s been stalking, obsessing over me and sexually harassing me. One day, I’ve had enough and have said to him : “I don’t want to see you ever again!”
My Dream 1 : “The Norwegian Cafe”
Dear Diary, my name is Samantha. I run a small business Norwegian cafe with my 2 best female friends. One male client has ordered : “Venison Roast, please thank you.” I’ve been playing the piano to entertain guests. People have been queuing up daily outside for the cafe.
My Dream 2 : A Runaway Princess
Dear Diary, the name is Lise. I’m a French Princess in the Renaissance period. I’ve runaway from the palace with my native Indian lover because my parents have been disapproving of his blood lineage.
My Dream 3 : Coffee for cheap
Dear Diary, I am Marianne. I am an ordinary female college student, 18-19 years old with a low budget on the hunt for the cheapest coffee ever. I'ver spotted a 0,25$ before taxes for a small coffee at a coffee shop. I've said to the saleslady : "A small coffee please." "0.38$ please, thank you." I've handed her the change and have sat down at a table to enjoy my cheap coffee.
My Dream 1 : Cooking for Friends
Dear Diary, I am called Louise. I am hosting a party for my mates to celebrate Xmas. I’ve been cooking from sushi to Cajun crisps to African food. One female maté has exclaimed to me : “I haven’t known that you could cook!”
My Dream 2 : Female Manga Artist
Dear diary, I am named Jade. I am 15-16 years old, female high school dropout. But I am currently a world famous manga artist with a worldwide anime convention.
My Dream 2 : A reverse Harem
Dear Diary, I am known as Maya. I am a very beautiful, slim and fit middle eastern woman in her 20ties. I’ve been losing count of the number of men and women hitting on me. One particular man, 15 years my senior, wouldn’t stop stalking me on the phone : “If you call again, I’m calling the cops on ya!”
My Dream 3 : Princess Dong Ge
Dear Diary, people call me Dong Ge. I am just an ordinary 18-19 Chinese female college student in brain surgery. One day, my Manchu grandmother in the modern royal family of China has called me : “I just wanted to let you know that you’re a princess.”
My Dream 1 : Celeb falling in Love with me
Dear Diary, my name is Yang Yang. I am a female in her 20ties. I’ve been assisting a famous singer’s concert when he’s asked me out : “How can I see you again?”
My Dream 2 : Empress of Satan
Dear Diary, the name is Eva. I am the losing favour empress of Satan. My husband Satan is a playboy and has made several of his concubines pregnant. I’ve put a love spell on him for him to come to my room every night. Finally, I’ve declared to the hall : “I’m pregnant!”
My Dream 3 : Trip to Japan
Dear Diary, I am Adele. I have won a trip to Japan in a Japanese language contest. I have been sightseeing and enjoying Japan since then.
My Dream 1 : Polgara the Sorceress
Dear Diary, I am named Polgara. I am a sorceress. I’ve hidden my powers until now because my parents say that it would bring me bad luck. But today, to save someone at a conference, I’ve walked on water and have controlled the weather. The public has exclaimed : “She’s a Goddess.”
My Dream 2 : Becoming a Soldier
Dear Diary, I am called Henry. I am male, 19-20 years old, about to serve in the US military. My mum has been scraping enough money for my uniform. I have worn it proudly one day and have exclaimed : “ I am a soldier now!”
My Dream 3 : God of Death
Dear Diary, I am known as the “God of Death” to humans. Every living that I touch becomes dead instantly.
My Dream 1 : My A&W Order
Dear Diary, people call me Amena Ali. I have been jewelry shopping all day. Hungry, I’ve stopped at an A&W to order : “Cheeseburger, fries and lemon iced tea please.” “10,99$ please.” I’ve paid and have sat down at a table to enjoy my lunch.
My Dream 2 : Mother Goddess Naia
Dear Diary, my name is Naia. I am the creation goddess and I have saved my people from apocalypse.
My Dream 3 : African Birthday Party
Dear Diary, the name is Kelly.I am an African Canadian girl. I am 16 years old today. My mum has been cooking from African food to several desserts for my friends and I. “Happy Sweet 16!”
My Dream 1 : Female Harvard Student
Dear Diary, I am Gong Sun Li. I am a Chinese-American female Harvard college student in physics. Today, in physics class, I've been stuck with doing the same physics problem for life.
My Dream 2 : Perfect Score Student
Dear Diary, I am named Armand. I’m a perfect score student in mathematics at Stanford. I’ve been bullied into helping my fellow students : “Could you help us please?” I couldn’t say no to them, so I have helped them with their homework. The teacher has announced that I’ve been copying their homework and that I should have 0 and they 100%.
My Dream 3 : A futuristic City
Dear Diary, I am called Kate. I’ve been enjoying my futuristic city.
My Dream 1 : As a Witch
Dear Diary, I am known as Prue Halliwell. I am a witch who has defeated “Lord Voldemort”.
My Dream 2 : Divorcing my Husband
Dear Diary, people call me Serenity. I am female, in my thirties with a 1 year old son. I am married to rich CEO Seto Kaiba who’s a workaholic. One day, I’ve yelled at him on the phone : “Seto Kaiba, I’m divorcing you because you’re a workaholic! Why, you’re even working on Xmas. You never have time for our son and I”. After which, I have packed my things, have taken our son and have walked out of his mansion.
My Dream 3 : Rejecting a Prince
Dear Diary, my name is Regina. I run a small business restaurant inherited by my parents. One day, I’ve been cooking my mother’s recipe. An important looking male client has been ordering stuff here often. Finally, he has asked me out : “I’m Prince Albert of the UK, be my girlfriend.” “No”.
My Dream 1 : Rejecting my Boss
Dear Diary, the name is Charlene. My boss has been asking me out often : “May I take you out to the upcoming company’s dance?” “No, I’m not going.”
My Dream 2 : Rescuing a Prince
Dear Diary, I am Laina the Wolf. I have saved from the desert a human prince.
My Dream 3 : Showbiz Contest Winner
Dear Diary, I am named Ma Yi Yi. I am female, 18-19 years old. I have been entering a show biz contest to pay off my tuition fees and living expenses. After all the finalists have shown their dance, the host has announced : “And the winner is Ma Yi Yi”.
My Dream 1 : Tea House Owner
Dear Diary, I am named Marie-Louise. I am female, French woman in my 20ties. I’m the owner of a small Asian traditional tea house. I dress up in Asian traditional clothes for my guests. I also play a few Asian traditional instruments to entertain them personally. Today, one particular male customer has ordered : “Young Lady, Japanese green tea please, thank you.” “Right this way sir.” I’ve said back to him and have finished serving him.
My Dream 2 : Male Japanese Traitor
Dear Diary, I am called David Suzuki. I am a Japanese traitor pilot during WWII. I have saved many victims from the Japanese war aggression in Asia.
My Dream 3 : Rejecting Tom Felton
Dear Diary, I am known as Ye Shuang Xing. I am female, in my 20ties, Asian. I am an acrobat and a Chinese Opera singer. After one of my shows, Tom Felton has been up on stage and has said to me : “I trust you know who I am. Be my girlfriend.” “No and I dunno who you are.”
My Dream 1 : An Xmas Market
Dear Diary, people call me Alexandra. I am a teenage female, 17-18 years old and it’s nearing Xmas today. Currently, I’m at a Xmas market with my mom. I have walked up to food stall and have said to the sales lady : “8 churros, please.” “15$ please.” I’ve paid, have sat down at a table to enjoy them with my mum.
My Dream 2 : A Famous Actress
Dear Diary, my name is Mia. I am a famous actress. One day, in the crowd, someone has said to me : “Look, she’s Mia, the famous actress”.
My Dream 3 : Female Hybrid Alien
Dear Diary, the name is Meghan. I am a female hybrid Alien. I see everything in codes.
My Dream 1 : Asian Drinks Vendor
Dear Diary, I am Sierra. I am an Asian drinks vendor. I have a small drinks stall on the streets of Japan, Tokyo. I’ve been shouting at the top of my lungs : “Asian drinks, half-price only today!” People have been queuing up daily outside for them.
My Dream 2 : Marrying my Enemy
Dear Diary, I am Claires. As a baby, my enemy has been setting out to kill my entire family and I. I have witnessed it myself and have shouted: “Mommy!” Seeing that I’m just a baby, he’s stopped and has been raising me as his own daughter. Later on, he has been obsessed with me. I have married him and have had 3 daughters by him.
My Dream 3 : Asian Lollipop Vendor
Dear Diary, I am named Zhao. I female, in my 20ties. I run an Asian lollipop stall in China. One day, the mayor of the town has been wanting to demolish my stall for an F1 business. But many of my loyal customers have been protesting on the streets : “No F1!”. Some were shouting. It has been put up in a vote. Everyone has voted for me to remain in business, loving my lollipops too much. So I have remained in business thanks to the loyalty of my customers.
My Dream 1 : A redeemed Father
Dear Diary, I am called Yumiko Takahashi. As a child, my mother has left my father. But later on, I’ve found out that he’s a Japanese mafia boss redeemed. He’s adopted 100 orphans and has stopped all criminal activities for my mother and I. He’s said to me : “There child, have I ever abandoned your mother and you?”
My Dream 2 : Opium War Time-Traveler
Dear Diary, I am known as Lei Jia. Currently, I have traveled into the body of the 4 princess of the Qing Dynasty in 1898. I have been tasked to warn my fellow brothers of the opium war : “I’ll feign accepting their products, then you’ll burn it after.”
My Dream 3 : Late Night Cravings
Dear Diary, people call me Natasha. I am female, in my 30ties. One night, I’ve been having strange cravings. So I have stopped by the convenience store to pick a ketchup Doritos and a French vanilla up. As I’ve taken my 1st bite into it, I’ve exclaimed : “Ah, perfect bliss.”
My Dream 1 : A TV Interview
Dear Diary, my name is Jose-Anne Bouchard. I am female, in my 30ties. I am a multi-billionaire. A TV reporter has been interviewing me : “So, how do you become so rich?” “By investing money with money.” I’ve answered her.
My Dream 2 : An Xmas Fair
Dear Diary, the name is Nymphatina. I’m female in my 20ties. I am currently at a Xmas fair nearly the holidays. I’ve walked up to a coffee stand and asked the sales lady : “A latte please, M’am, thank you.” “5, 75$ please.” I’ve paid and have started to enjoy myself.
My Dream 3 : Han Solo 1
Dear Diary, I am Han Solo. I am the fiancé of Princess Leia. I used to be a mercenary. But ever since falling in love with Princess Leia, I have pledged allegiance to the Alliance. I have been swearing an oath in uniform : “I pledge myself to the Alliance, fighting against Emperor Palpatine and The Empire.”
My Dream 3 : An arranged Marriage
Dear Diary, I am named Melissa. I am in currently in an arranged marriage with the Crown Prince. I have tried escaping, but to no avail.
My Dream 1 : A cheating Father
Dear Diary, I am called Camillia Woods. I have a father who’s been cheating on my mother with 2 mistresses. I have one day yelled at him : “I am Camilla Woods, not Sunak, your family name. I am my mother’s daughter only.”
My Dream 2 : Fire Emblem 1
Dear Diary, I am known as Erica. I am the Princess of Renais. I have been tasked : “Dear Erica, you have been tasked to restore peace between Grado and Renais.”
My Dream 3 : Swarovski Brand Ambassador
Dear Diary, people call me Nadine. I am female, 19-20 years old. My job consists of selling and modeling for the Swarovski brand.
My Dream 1 : The Crown Princess
Dear Diary, my name is Wang Fei. I am the unwilling married bride to the Crown Prince. One day, I’ve yelled at him : “I hate you!”.
My Dream 2 : Futuristic AI iPhone
Dear Diary, the name is Q10. I am an AI iPhone. One day, I’ve heard my owner say to me : “I want pizza delivery for lunch today.”
My Dream 3 : Plastic Surgery Salon
Dear Diary, I am Ida. Female, single in my 40ties. I run a small business plastic surgery salon.
My Dream 1 : A cheating Husband
Dear Diary, I am called Sophia. I am married, female, in my 30ties. One day I’ve found out that my husband has been cheating on me with a female Alien. Then, my husband has been infected with a virus. I’ve exclaimed to myself : “Serves you right!”
My Dream 2 : The Sun Goddess
Dear Diary, I am named Phoenix. I am the Goddess of the Sun. One day, I’ve been so depressed that I’ve ceased to exist, causing Apocalypse on the world.
My Dream 3 : Mokuba’s Tutor[br][br]Dear Diary, I am known as Rong. I am the tutor of my arch-rival’s little brother. But it has grown from hate to a relationship between him and I. But one day, he has disrespected the fact that I’m a female Chinese and not Japanese. So I have yelled at him : “I never want to see you again!”
My Dream 1 : Senior Female Paasenger
Dear Diary, people call me Yang. I am an old 70-80 years old female walking with an aiding stick. As I’ve been on the bus, I’ve asked everyone on it : “Can I have a seat please?” No one has seemed to hear me.
My Dream 2 : Female Waterfall Fairy
Dear Diary, my name is Xian Er. I used to be a human female in my 20ties, single, no kids. But with self-cultivation, I have become a female waterfall fairy. I have sworn to God on the day that I have become a fairy : “I forsake all sexual, material and evil desires.”
My Dream 3 : Asian BBQ Vendor
Dear Diary, the name is Joy. I am female, in my 40ties, no kids and single. I have a small Asian BBQ stall on the streets of China. I’ve been yelling at the top of my lungs daily : “Asian BBQ, sweet or spicy, half-price off today only!” People have been queuing up outside for it.
My Dream 1 : Tang Dynasty Empress
Dear Diary, I am Wu Zhe Tian. I am the Empress of China. I have come to the West as a peacemaker between our nations.
My Dream 2 : Corrupted Celebrity Crackdown
Dear Diary, I am named Mickey. I am female, single, in high-school, 15-16 years old. My friends and I know a celebrity who’s very corrupted and have been discussing a plan to retrieve proof and evidence of his crimes. “I’ll go first, since I can pick locks.”
My Dream 3 : Asian Cuisine Critic
Dear Diary, I am called Sophie. I am female, in my 40ties, single, no kids. I am an Asian cuisine critic. One day at work, my boss has asked me : “So, what do you think of all the Asian food you’ve tried so far personally?” “Well, I personally prefer Tiki Ming’s general Tao chicken.” “Very well then, I want a review done by Friday.”
My Dream 1 : Female Egyptian Pharaoh
Dear Diary, I am Nefertiti. I the most beautiful and intelligent female Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt.
My Dream 2 : I am Sherazade
Dear Diary, I am named Sherazade. I am a female who has seen the 12 Arabian Knights.
My Dream 3 : A Restaurant Waitress
Dear Diary, I am called Clara. I am female, single, in my 20ties, no kids. I work as a waitress in a brunch type of restaurant. One day, a client has ordered : "A latte please".
My Dream 1 : Pregnant at 17
Dear Diary, I am Tenaya. I am female, high school dropout, 17-18 years old. I’m pregnant. “What am I gonna do?”
My Dream 2 : Goddess of Universe
Dear Diary, I am named Nuwa. I am the immortal Goddess of Universe. It’s my very own creation and I have many magical powers.
My Dream 3 : God of Tricks
Dear Diary, I am called Loki. I am the male immortal God of tricks.
My Dream 1 : A royal Proposal
Dear Diary, I am Cora. I am female, in my 30ties, fiancée to the crown Prince. One day, he has proposed to me : “Marry me!” “Yes.”
My Dream 2 : An obsessed Stalker
Dear Diary, I am named Laura. I am female, in my 20ties. I have an obsessive stalker who keeps calling me. One day, I’ve yelled at him on the phone : “I’m calling the cops on ya the next time you call me!”
My Dream 3 : Female Human Soulmate
Dear Diary, I am called Zhang Yue. I am a werewolf’s female human soulmate.
My Dream 1 : A Party Hostess
Dear Diary, I am Coraline. I am female, in my 40ties. I’ve been hosting the thanksgiving party in my home. “Come on everyone, dig in!”
My Dream 2 : Emperor’s favourite
Dear Diary, I am named Yan Zi. I am the Emperor Kangxi’s favourite concubine. One day, I’ve made him socks myself. “I’ll wear them daily and cherish them forever!”
My Dream 3 : Water Polo Practice
Dear Diary, I am called Li Chen. I am female, single, no kids in my 20ties. I am a professional water polo player. During one of our practices, I’ve yelled at my teammates : “Pass it to me!”
My Dream 1 : Becoming a Vampire
Dear Diary, I am Louis. I used to be a human male in my 40ties, , single, no kids. But today, I have become a vampire.
My Dream 2 : Vampire in Love
Dear Diary, I am named James. I am an 800 years old vampire. I’m in love with a human female named Kathy. “I love you, Kathy!”
My Dream 1 : Missing a Tambourine
Dear Diary, I am Anna. I am female in my 30ties, single, no kids. I am a percussionist. On one of our tours, I’ve exclaimed : “I’m missing a tambourine!”
My Dream 2 : A royal Seamstress
Dear Diary, I am named Elle. I am female, 15-16 years old. I am a seamstress for royalty.
My Dream 3 : Rejecting a Proposal
Dear Diary, I am called Aisha. I am female, in my 20ties, single, no kids. One day, the Sultan of Brunei has proposed to me with a diamond ring on one knee : “Marry me.” “No.”
My Dream 1 : Female McGill Student
Dear Diary, I am Elena. I am female, 20-21 years old. I am a Mcgill college student in economics.I’ve been preparing and studying for my final exam for life.
My Dream 2 : The Lion King
Dear Diary, I am named Mustafa. I am the Lion King. I’ve told my son Simba and his wife Nala one day : “Beware of Scar, your uncle, he’s a sly fox.”
My Dream 3 : Friendly Tennis Match
Dear Diary, I am called Johnny Depp. I am 59-60, 2 adult kids, divorced, male American actor. But today, I have won a friendly match against a professional tennis player : “I have won!”
My Dream 1 : A Raspberry Danish
Dear Diary, I am Aida. I am 18-19 years old, college student, female, single, no kids. Currently, I’m at IGa ordering my breakfast : “A raspberry Danish please!”, “1,5$ please.” I’ve paid and have started enjoying it on the spot.
My Dream 2 : Dating Seto Kaiba
Dear Diary, I am named Tea Gardner. I am female, in my 20ties, no kids. Currently, I am in a relationship with Seto Kaiba, one of the richest and most eligible bachelors in town. “Seto Kaiba, I love you!”
My Dream 3 : A Gymnastics Winner
Dear Diary, I am called Zhao Lu Si. I am female, 20-21 years old. I have just won the Olympic gymnastics gold medal. “Congratulations!”
My Dream 2 : Goddess of Cosmos
Dear Diary, I am named Cosmos. I am an immortal female Goddess. I have created the cosmos.
My Dream 3 : Son of Poseidon
Dear Diary, I am called Percy Jackson. I am male, a Demigod. I am the son of Poseidon and the human female Sally. “Honey, I love you.”
My Dream 1 : McDonald’s Order
Dear Diary, I am Elsa. I am female, 17-18 years old, single, no kids. I’ve just been enjoying hanging out with my female friends from school. But currently, I’ve been ordering at McDonalds’ : A trio cheeseburger please Mam, thank you.” I’ve then paid and have sat down at a table to enjoy it with my female mates.
My Dream 2 : A Lotus Flower
Dear Diary, I am named Ambre. I am female, 18-19 years old, single, no kids. Presently, I am in a Las Vegas Casino, having what they call “A Lotus Flower”. “Can I have some more please, Mam, thank you.” A waitress has come to bring some more for me to enjoy.
My Dream 3 : Princess of Jurchens
Dear Diary, I am called Dong Gue Ye He Na La. I am the princess and the 1st beauty of the Jurchen people.
My Dream 1 : O’Keefe Lotions Fair
Dear Diary, I am O’Keefe. I am female, 13-14 years old, high schooler. Today, I am
participating in an O’Keefe scented lotions fair as an extra curricular experience and after school activity. I’ve been yelling all day at the top of my lungs : “Try on them all! Buy 1, one for free!” They have been selling off like hot cakes for several days.
My Dream 2 : In the Spa
Dear Diary, I am Marie-Lise. I am female, single, in my 30ties, no kids. Today, I’m at the spa with a pina colada in my hand and classical music. “This is perfect!”
My Dream 3 : Gargoyle English Teacher
Dear Diary, I am named Juntah. One day, in class, I’ve seen my English teacher turn into a gargoyle, ready to attack students. “Everyone run!”
My Dream 1 : Rich Male Friend
Dear Diary, I am Chun Tao. I am female, 18-19 years old, single, no kids, college student. I have a best male friend Dao Ming Si who’s been obsessed with me. I’ve said to him : “Your mother is never going to accept me as your girlfriend because I’m penniless, why don’t you date the rich heiress of our class?”
My Dream 2 : My Cappuccino Order
Dear Diary, I am named Lea. I am female, in my teens, single, no kids, high schooler. Today, been ordering my usual cappuccino at the school cafeteria : “A cappuccino please.” “4,15$.” I’ve paid and have sat down at a table to enjoy it alone.
My Dream 3 : Foreign Languages Interpreter
Dear Diary, I am called Tao Tao. I am female, American-Chinese, in my 20ties, single, no kids. Currently, I’m on a trip in China. My job consists of being an oral interpreter.. I’ve said in Italian, Spanish and Portuguese to foreign tourists in China at a stall full of Chinese curios : “This is jade earrings…” “Impressive, whatever you buy today will be on me.” Has said to me the saleslady in Chinese Mandarin.
My Dream 1 : Vampire’s Love
Dear Diary, I am Flora. I am a vampire’s human female soulmate because I could look into his eyes without being turned into stone. But one day, a female princess vampire named Tara has fallen in love with my husband. “Do you think, you a mere human female, are fit for a noble vampire prince?” She’s sneered at me. To which I have replied : “Could you look into his eyes without turning away?”
My Dream 2 : Drowning at Sea
Dear Diary, I am named Xiao Tao Hong. I am female, in my 20ties, single, no kids. I’m about to drown and die at sea. “Please someone help!”
My Dream 3 : Classical Music Tour
Dear Diary, I am called Fiona. I am Italian-American, female, in my 30ties, single, no kids, just living my life as a famous violinist, pianist and flutist. One night, after my performance, the crowd has been applauding and cheering : “Bravo, encore, perfecto!”.
My Dream 1 : A Math Exercise
Dear Diary, I am Judy. I am female, single, 13-14 years old, high schooler. Today, in math class, I’ve been doing the same exercise for life.
My Dream 2 : Redeemed Darth Vader
Dear Diary, I am called Darth Vader. I’ve lived my whole life believing that I’ve killed in my anger, my wife and child. “Padme, I miss you!”
My Dream 3 : Classical Music Prodigy
Dear Diary, I am named Liang Liang. I am female, 15-16 years old, single, no kids. I am a classical music performer. After each performance, the audience cheers, claps and yells : “Liang Liang, Liang Liang, Liang Liang!”
My Dream 1 : Vampire’s Obsession
Dear Diary, I am Kyouhei. I am a male, immortal vampire, currently sucking the blood of my secretary. “Must have more…”
My Dream 2 : Kung-Fu meets Guns
Dear Diary, I am called Bruce Lee. I am male, single, no kids. I am a Chinese martial artist during the opium war. I have defeated James Bond with guns and have earned the Westerners’ respect because of it. Someone in the crowd has exclaimed : “Look, he’s Bruce Lee, the Chinese man who has defeated James Bond with guns with his bare hands.”
My Dream 3 : My spiritual Journey
Dear Diary, I am named the 14th princess. I am a princess of the Qing dynasty of Ancient China. One day, I’ve been wanting to choose my own spiritual path in life and have gone to a Buddhist temple to become a nun. My sister nun has said to me : “Awaken your senses to the beauty and greatness that is life.”
My Dream 1 : Quitting my Job
Dear Diary, I am Decke. I am a Japanese American female, born in Japan, raised in the us, in my 30ties, single, no kids. I work as a spy for the USA against Japan. One day, I have saved my boss 007, or James Bond. Since then, he’s become obsessed with me, sexually harassing and stalking me at work. Today, I’ve yelled at him in anger : “That’s it, I quit now!”
My Dream 2 : My oral Presentation
Dear Diary, I am named Nancy. I am female, single, no, kids, 13-14 years old, high schooler. Today, I’m stuck with doing the same oral presentation forever on Tibet and China.
My Dream 3 : Ice-Cream Truck Vendor
Dear Diary, I am called Pauline. I am female, French female, in my 20ties, single, no kids. On the French Riviera, I own a truck that sells ice-cream and other dairy products. I’ve been yelling daily at the top of my lungs : “Ice-cream and etc, half-off only today!” People have been queuing outside for hours daily for my ice-cream. Today, I run an international dairy products company.
My Dream 1 : Emperor’s Teacher
Dear Diary, I am Yong Zheng. I am a modern day Chinese female, 15-16 years old, single, no kids. I have been living a fairly normal life until one day I’ve been transported back to the Qing Dynasty of Ancient China, 300-400 years ago. There, inside the forbidden palace, I’ve been teaching the Emperor English and other modern disciplines. I’ve begun singing to him, trying to teach him the Latin alphabet : “A, B, C, D, E, F, G…”
My Dream 2 : An Unrequited Love
Dear Diary, I am called Seto Kaiba. I am 18-19 years old, Japanese male, in love with Anzu Mazaki, a girl who hates me. “I hate you, Seto Kaiba!”
My Dream 3 : Preventing Opium Wars
Dear Diary, I am named Si Ge Ge. I am a Princess of the late Manchurian Qing dynasty. I have prevented the opium wars with the Europeans.
My Dream 1 : A Marshmallow Lover
Dear Diary, I am Selena. I am female, 14-15 years old, single, no kids. I am autistic in high school trying to make my first female friends. Not knowing what to say to them, I’ve said : “Hi, I am Selena. Would you like a marshmallow chocolate?”
My Dream 2 : Shopping with Friends
Dear Diary, I am named Tina. I am female, single, no kids, 17-18 years old, still in high school. Today, I’m out shopping with my female friends. “I want this one”.
My Dream 3 : Daughter’s Obsession
Dear Diary, I am called Phoebe. My father has had 3 wives and I have 2 half-sisters, from 2 different women. One of them has been obsessed with our father, and has made herself pregnant with his child to trap him.
My Dream 1 : Classic Music Performer
Dear Diary, I am Sylvie. I am female, single, no kids, in my 20ties. I can play the clarinet, the piano, the flute and the violin.After every performance, the crowd claps and yells : “Bravo! Emcore! Fantastic!”
My Dream 2 : A Computer Bug
Dear Diary, I am named Juliette. I am 21-22 years old, female, single, no kids. I am a college student in history. Today, I’ve had to turn in a paper by email. But my professor has set me aside and has asked me : “Why isn’t your paper in, Juliette?” “I have sent it just yesterday, professor.” “ Open your email. Let me check.” I have done as asked and indeed, my email provider has had a bug and hasn’t sent it to my professor. “Send it again, it’s not your fault.” Done as asked, and my professor has been kind enough to mark it as sent yesterday and not late.
My Dream 3 : A Female Ninja
Dear Diary, I am called Sayuki. I am female, Japanese, in my 20ties, single, no kids. I am a female ninja with superior karate. I save the people from being genetically modified by a crazy scientist. “All hail Sayuki!” has exclaimed the crowd one day.
My Dream 1 : Male Luxury Designer
Dear Diary, I am Daniel Wellington. I am male, in my 30ties, single, no kids. I am the CEO of my own luxury female goods and beauty products company. One day, as I’ve been passing by the crowd, someone has yelled out : “Look, she’s wearing Daniel Wellington.”
My Dream 2 : Saving ancient China
Dear Diary, I am named Ge Er. I am female, modern day Chinese college student, 18-19 years old, single no kids. One day, I have time-travelled in the last dynasty of China, in the Emperor Yong Zheng’s era. There, I have warned them about the upcoming opium wars against Westerners.
My Dream 3 : A Buffet Owner
Dear Diary, I am called Nong Jin Sun. I am a Chinese female, during the opium wars. I am 18-19 years old, single, no kids. I run a busy buffet called : “Flavours of the World” to help finance my uncle’s Chinese medicine shop. One day, I’ve earned enough money for the investment : “Uncle, here’s my investment for your Chinese medicine shop. I hope it flourishes like mine has.”
My Dream 1 : A Fast-Food Festival
Dear Diary, I am Xiao Wei. I am female, in my 20ties, single, no kids. Today, I am at a fast-food festival alone. The person at the admission centre has said to me : “3$ for admission please.” I’ve paid and have been all day delighting myself with international fast-food cuisine such as juicy burgers, crisps with all sorts of dips, hot-dogs and smoked meat sandwiches of all kinds.
My Dream 2 : Music Academy Student
Dear Diary, I am called Wan Er. I am female, no kids, single, 18-19 years old, a classic music college student. From time to time, my classmates and I would perform in concerts. I am versed in the flute, violin and piano. After each concert, the audience claps and yells : “Bravissimo, encore, perfecto!”.
My Dream 3 : A Business Plan
Dear Diary, I am named Madame Chaumet. I am female, middle aged, Chinese married to a French man, no kids, living in America. Today, I am discussing with my husband my dream business : “I’d like a Korean dish ware in the shop.”
My Dream 1 : Turned into Stone
Dear Diary, I am Vesper Lindt. I am female, in my 20ties, no kids, single. I’ve been turned into stone by starring into Medusa’s eyes.
My Dream 2 : From the Future
Dear Diary, I am called Rong Ge Ge. I am female, single, no kids, 15-16 years old. I am a normal high-schooler until one day I’ve time-travelled back to Qing dynasty. “Master Huo, I am from the future, here to help.”
My Dream 3 : Party Gone Wrong
Dear Diary, I am named Saghar Samini. I am 18-19 years old, female, college student, single, no kids. It has been the end of the final exams session, and today my friends and I have been to Burger King, having a food fest, laughing and drinking sofas, gorging ourselves on whoppers, juicy burgers and Oreo ice-cream cookies. But, everything has been going wrong since a kid has decided to go in the kitchen and light up a fire in the place. The fire has quickly been spreading. Someone in the crowd has yelled : “Quick, run, everybody!”.
My Dream 1 : Serving homemade Pizzas
Dear Diary, I am Ran Er. I am female, Chinese, 12-13 years old, high-schooler, single, no kids. Today, I have been hosting in my own home a pot luck homemade dinner where everyone brings something they’ve made themselves by hand. Personally, I’ve decided to make homemade pizzas and serve them to my guests. One has said to me : “These are delicious.” “Thank you, it’s my first time ever making them.”
My Dream 2 : Goddess of Fairies
Dear Diary, I am named Athena. I am the female immortal Goddess of the fairy kingdom. I am born to Zeus and the fairy Queen Ippolita. I have two older brothers who are in love with me : Ares and Hades. I have married them both since I couldn’t choose between them. But one day, my elder brother Ares has said to me : “I love you more, Athena, I don’t want to share you with Hades anymore.”
My Dream 3 : Female Go Master
Dear Diary, I am called Akira Toya. I am Japanese, female, 14-15 years old, single, no kids. I’ve dropped out of high school to focus on my professional go career. I am a 9 Dan, the highest level of young professional go master. Today, I am at the finals of a pan-Asian competition against a Chinese professional player. I’ve exclaimed after a while : “I win!”.
My Dream 1 : Being a Ghost
Dear Diary, I am Benedict Cumberbatch. I am the ghost of Benedict Cumberbatch. One day, I’ve said to humans : “Catch me if you can!”
My Dream 2 : The WWIII Apocalypse
Dear Diary, I am named Xi Jing Ping. I am male, married, with 1 adult daughter. I am the president of the republic of China. Today, I’ve been hearing a missile shot in Bei Jing. My general has said to me : “Mr. President, it’s from Washington DC, the Pentagon.” “Think before acting.” I’ve urged him. But later today, the Americans have bombed China mainland with nuclear. “Fire Away, general!” And after that, Russia has fired another nuclear bomb on US soil, destroying planet Earth and humanity all together.
My Dream 3 : Sect Junior Sister
Dear Diary, I am called Qi Shi Mei. I am female, no kids, single, in my 20ties. I am a king-fu practitioner during the opium wars. My sect senior brother and I have been helping with the opium wars with our superior kung-fu skills. One day, my sect’s senior brother has declared to me : “Junior sister, you are my soulmate!”
My Dream 1 : Dracula and Cinderella
Dear Diary, I am Dracula. I am male, a 900 years old vampire. Cinderella has come to my castle today. I’ve said to her : “If you want eternal youth and beauty, let me bite you!”
My Dream 2 : An Arcade Girl
Dear Diary, I am named Zax. This is my code name in the gaming world. I’m playing as male in the game, but I’m female, single, no kids, 15-16 years old. I’ve been playing a game and stuck in a level. I’ve asked the player beside me : “Can you help me with this level?” “Follow me.”
My Dream 3 : A talking Tiger
Dear Diary, I am called The Talking Tiger. I am male tiger, raised by humans and who can walk and talk like them. I work in a fast-food restaurant as a waiter. I’ve walked to a table on my own feet and asked my customers : “Are you ready to order?”
My Dream 1 : The golden Bean
Dear Diary, I am Oppa Lumpa. I am an immortal male fairy of cocoa beans. You know, the ones that humans use for making chocolate. One day, after 1k years, I have a fully grown huge golden bean. And that day, some human teenage thieves have stolen it. I’ve cried out : “My golden bean!”
My Dream 2 : A Japanese Challenger
Dear Diary, I am named Ye Feng. I am male, 15-16 years old, single, no kids, high schooler. I practice karate after school. Today, I am challenging a Chinese kung-fu fighter in my class. “Wong, I’m challenging you to a duel today!”
My Dream 3 : A Bond Girl
Dear Diary, I am called Madeleine Swann. I am a psychiatrist. I am James Bond’s long term girlfriend, I have an 7-8 years old daughter with him. Today is my 38th birthday. James has surprised me with an elegant and expensive gift for me : a single drop mother-of-pearl necklace in platinum. “Happy Birthday, Madeleine, I love you!”
My Dream 1 : A Manchu Princess
Dear Diary, I am Ma Er Tai Ruo Xi. I am a Manchu Princess in the Qing dynasty of China. I have escaped the palace to be free.
My Dream 2 : A War Heroine
Dear Diary, I am named Hua Mu LAN. I have fought in the war against the Xiong Nu in the Song Dynasty of China. The people have kneeled down before me and have exclaimed : “All hail general Mu Lan!”
My Dream 3 : A Manchu Lady
Dear Diary, I am called Ruo Lan. I am female, married to the 8th prince. I have 1 daughter and 1 son, both adults now. I am a Manchu noble lady. My mother has been dying lately, I’ve been visiting her grave and staying there for days : “Mother, please forgive me.”
My Dream 1 : Female Robin Hood
Dear Diary, I am Lady Marian. I am a British countess, single, female, no kids yet. Yet I dream to fight for justice and the les fortunate souls of the world. I have 2 men in love with me : one being the thief Robin Hood and the other being a Duke. I have chosen to marry Robin Hood. He has knelt down on 1 knee by proposing to me with a wooden ring made by himself : “Marry me.” “Yes.”
My Dream 2 : Picking fresh Raspberries on the Field
Dear Diary, I am named Tian Fu. I am female, in my teens, single, no kids, too young to have any anyways. Today, I am picking fresh on a field trip with James Bond, my fiancé. Suddenly, he’s kneeled down before me and has been having in hands some fresh raspberries, he’s then said to me : “For you, my Lady.” I have graciously accepted them and have begun enjoying them with everyone including him.
My Dream 3 : Bond’s Wife
Dear Diary, I am called Natalie. I am 25-26 years old, female, James Bond’s wife. I currently have a son and a daughter with him. But our son has been abducted by my husband’s enemies. He’s said to me : “My darling, you stay home, I’ll make sure to have our son back!
My Dream 1 : A good Samaritan
Dear Diary, I am He Lin. I am female, Chinese, stay at home wife and mother to 3 kids. My husband is French. Although I volunteer at a community organization to give homeless and high school dropouts a chance at a job and life. This has always been my dream to help others and to be of use and service to others. One day, I’ve seen a homeless male teenager sleeping outside in the cold on the streets. I’ve declared to him : “If you mow my lawn, I will pay you 100$”. He’s been up on his feet and has said to me : “Thank you.”
Dream 1 : Feng Tang's Half-Sister
Dear Diary, last night been dreaming about being the half-German and half-Chinese biracial sister of Feng Tang, CEO and heir of a big conglomerate in China. At birth, because our father has fallen out of love with my half-brother's mother, on a business trip to Germany, has met and fallen in love with my own mother. I've been given up to adoption because my mother couldn't raise me on her own. Later own, I've found out that our father has tried to kill my half-brother's biological mother and his own flesh and blood because he couldn't with my mother and I otherwise. The Tang family has been very strict with him as to whom to choose as his wife and his descendants has had to be 100% of Chinese blood. Later on, my half-brother has tried to compensate my mother and I's struggles earlier in life, by trying to pay for my tuition fees and hiring me as an employee at his company. But the rebel that I and my mother were, have refused his help, preferring to live on the streets than be dictated on how to live by the wealthy Chinese people. But at least on his dying wish, I've recognized him as my half-brother, because older and having lost my mother, I've been repentant on my rebellious ways in my youth, and it's also been my mother's wish, that I reunite with my Chinese family, especially, my Chinese half-brother, Feng Tang.
My Dream 2 : Travelling back to the Qing Dynasty
Dear Diary, I’m Qing Ruo, a modern day Chinese girl of 16 years old. I’ve travelled back to the Qing Dynasty of China’s. Because I know how to play the violin, the Emperor has taken me in as his favourite combine. But Empress Cheng Yun, has had plans to drug him and have his baby. He’s said to me : “My beloved, I apologize for my adultery.” I’ve said back to him : “It’s not your fault, beloved, because she has raped you.” Then, my mate from the modern times has arrived to pick me up before I could have a baby with him. I’ve learned later that he has committed suicide because of me.
here’s my 3rd dream.
My Dream 3 : Winning the Lottery
Dear Diary, this is Phoebe Halliwell, a witch with premonitions, the ability to see the future. I’ve been buying some lottery tickets for the next big win, when I’ve heard 1 elderly couple say : “This is our last chance, putting everything in this lottery ticket.” Just then, I’ve had a premonition about the winning numbers and I’ve said back to them : “Here are the winning numbers.” Whilst I couldn’t use my powers for selfish reasons, a little birdie has come into my dreams and has said to me : “Captain Jack Sparrow’s treasure chest is there”.
here's my 4th dream.
My Dream 4 : Being the Mistress
Dear Diary, I am named Ma You You. I've unknowingly become the mistress of a very rich, handsome, American White businessman/CEO. Have have I met him? At a book fair. He and I have both shared a love for reading and writing. One night, he's asked me out : "Could you perhaps have a drink with me at my hotel/bar?" "Yes, sure, so tonight, at 7?" "Yes." Evening has come, I've arrived there early. He's apologized for being late. "You may order whatever you like, it's on me". I've sipped an 800$USD glass of champagne, feeling rather nice and cool about myself. "It's late now, I have a book shop to run". (Yes, I run a physical book shop myself." What he hasn't told me about has been his wife and daughters : Cassie, finding out about his affair. At home, his wife has said to him : "So, been to see your little vixen behind our backs, right?" "Well, er.. you see...", "Cassie, pack your things, let's go." "No please, I'll stop seeing her, don't leave me, I love you." The next morning, he's apologized to me and without a proper reason known to me, has said to me that he couldn't see me again. Then, the reason behind it all has dawned on me, I've been a side piece, the other woman, the mistress or the 3rd wheel/the other party in a relationship/marriage. After that, I have never trusted or dated any other man.
here's my 5th dream.
My Dream 5 : A Street Vendor
Dear Diary, I have been myself, Naiwen, selling cheese and fries on the streets of China. I have been setting up a stand for cheese and fries and have been putting them into Chinese/Asian food, an instant success. I've been really working hard, yelling and screaming at the top of my lungs : "Cheese and fries, cheese and fries buns and other goodies, come and stop by!" At last, with my efforts and hard work for many long years, I have become the female CEO of a very large food company, founded by myself.
here's my 6th dream.
My Dream 6 : Betrothed to my Nemesis : Draco Malfoy
Dear Diary, I am Hermione Granger, witch prodigy at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I haven't known that at age 17-18, I'd be mated to my worst nemesis : Draco Malfoy. Well, turns out that they guy is a Veela. They are magical creatures who take one mate for life. I AM His Chosen. The Malfoys, having accepted the truth, have started to bring me betrothal gifts, one after the other, to make up for his past lousy behaviour towards me. But I have rejected him with all my force : "I won't marry the son of a Death-Eater!" I've seen his face contort with pain, muttering : "I'm sorry for my past actions towards you, and my dad's, if I could, I'd change it all for you, but I'm a new me now, please accept me as your mate for life, Hermione." "NO!" And I've used him away literally speaking with full force. Face crisped in pain, he's said nothing but has shut himself from my world. "At last, peace from my nemesis!" I've yelled in joy to a mirror! But, it turns out, that Draco Malfoy himself isn't to be deterred by my rejection, sending me more lavish and expensive gifts, one after the other. I've turned them all down. Currently, it's been the "Battle of Hogwarts", surprisingly, the Malfoys have used their powers to aid us, the Light side, despite all my rejections from his romantic advances. Then, I've finally accepted him and held his hand in mine and have kissed him full on the lips. "Thank you, Draco." He's smiled and said : "Finally mine".
here’s my 7th dream.
My Dream 7 : Satan’s Sister
Dear Diary, I am Satan and God’s middle sister. They both have fallen so deeply in love with me that they have been fighting over me for many years. Finally, I’ve had enough : “Satan, I banish thee, to the mortal real, to live and die as a mortal human”. After that, he’s gone to hate me as I’ve chosen God, my little brother as my husband and lover.
here's my 8th dream.
My Dream 8 : The President Kang has fallen in Love with me!
Dear Diary, this is Xin Chang Yue writing. I'm working as a business planner in a large Korean international food company (Western and Asian mixed cuisines). One day, the president of our company, President Kang has asked me to explain to him my new business plan in regards to our food business. I've explained to him as I've been pointing on a piece of paper with a pen : "This will be the African food stand, the Japanese food stand..." But his attention to what I've been saying to him seems to have been wandering, focusing solely on my body. I've been feeling very awkward as I've continued explaining to him my business plan. You see, I've had plans to make our company new local dishes, by local and independent people and businesses. President Kang has seemed to be absorbed by each of my every word, hanging onto them actually. Some time has passed since then, and he has called me into his office. "Good morning, President Kang, must be about my new business plan?" "No, actually, I have other things to discuss with you but your plan has passed, it is in fact, must excellent, as expected of a Harvard business student". "Yes, thank you, what other things to discuss about, President Kang?" I've asked him, curiosity picked. "You see, I have for a long time, for a few years in fact, observed how you've been working and I've gradually falling in love with you." Abashed, I've asked him : "Are you saying that you have romantic feelings towards me, President Kang, it's improper for a lowly employee like me to date her boss, you know and I'm aro-ace, not into relationships, I have come here to work, not to date anyone." I've thought I've been clear, but he's kept on : "Please, go on 1 date with me, and you'll see if you like it." Every day, it's been flowers, chocolates, expensive jewelry and ladies' products as gifts on my desk. I've been drawing the attention and jealousy, of other female colleagues in the company, especially my immediate female supervisor. But, to actually stop him from sending more of them, I've agreed to go out with him just this once. "One chance, don't mess up". I've answered him as he's asked me out again one day. He's held me close, kissing me fully on the lips. I've hated it with a passion. "Men!" I've kept it to myself though. "Couldn't be any worse, could it?" I've asked myself too." The dreaded day has finally arrived. Gone to the said date with him, I couldn't be more bored. "Look here, I don't wanna offend you or hurt your feelings, President Kang, but us aro-ace people don't have feelings, well, romantic, for anyone, I have to go now." And I've left the man there, him, dumbfounded, with some foodstuff still in his mouth. Finally, I've ditched this job because of his continued
here's my 9th dream.
My Dream 9 : Apocalypse of Quebec
Dear Diary, I'm Francoise Francoeur, a half-French, a Chinese biracial woman. I've been chosen as the one who will restore peace on the province of Quebec. Why? Because Aliens have invaded it. And I come from the future, where I have the weapons and means to defeat them to protect Quebec from the Apocalypse. Prior to that, my cousin-in-law has fallen in love with me when I've departed to defeat the Aliens, he's kissed me on my lips with my cousin watching. "Traitor, I've thought you were family!" She's yelled at me. I've understood, that to avoid more tears and tragedy, I must flee to go and beat the Aliens. With my higher technological weapons, I have defeated them, never to return to my Chinese family, but have resettled in Paris, France.
here's my 10th dream.
Dream 10 : Crashing my own Wedding!
Dear Diary, I am named Lys Desrosiers, French princess. My Father has betrothed me to Julius Caesar, the Roman Emperor. But I myself believe in the freedom of choice. Hence why, I've decided to crash my own wedding. How? I've asked my maid, May : "Could you perhaps become me for my wedding?" My maid has replied : "How could I, your Highness? This is the Roman Emperor you're taking about. I'm going to be burnt at the stake if I do." "Please, just this once, I know you're the best." "All right", agreed my maid. I have fled to America for my own pursuit of freedom of choice. "If I can't choose the life I want, what I am I living for, right?" I have taken a plane to the Americas. But my fiancé, Julius Caesar, the Roman Emperor has been making a lot, a lot of enemies, who's been wanting his death. Hence why, they have sent assassins in the palace. There has been a great carnage that night. Only my fiancé has survived. Somehow, he has taken a plane and fled to America, where I am too. He's plead with me : "Your Highness, I know you want freedom, so here I am, to live with you as a commoner. Do you know why I have chosen you? Because I'm truly in love with you and because you've saved my life once as a child, thus, I cherish you and I won't force you if you don't agree, I will respect your choice to be with me or not." I've paused for a moment, thinking : "All right, I agree, let's tend to your wounds first for now though." And from then on, he and I have been married in America, living in our 2nd home in America too. He's become a businessman, buying us quite a mansion, so he and I could have a fairly luxurious life.
here’s my 11th dream.
My Dream 11 : Bubble Tea Vendor.
Dear Diary, my name is Bai Liang. I'm a bubble tea street drinks vendor in Canada. I have dreamed of this day where everyone in the world could taste the joy of drinking bubble teas. What are they? They are a special Taiwanese drink made with tapioca bubbles and a special flavour of your choice and milk tea. I personally have fallen in love with this drink. On the streets of Canada, I have set up a bubble tea stall. People were queuing up daily for it. I've been yelling and screaming at the top of my lung daily once in a while : "Bubble tea, flavour of your choice! Buy 1 for 1 free! This is your last chance. But currently, I'm the owner of my own international bubble tea and other Asian drinks company. I have several branches oversea too.
here's my 12th dream.
My Dream 12 : A Special Agent
Dear Diary, I am Ming Xiao Xi, I'm a Chinese special forces agent. What is that? I protect the country's top secret documents to antiques and national treasures. I also forge international relationships with other countries. For example, the Mongolians have asked me demonstrate my valour, when I have come to this part of the country. They have asked me to tame a wild animal. I've thought to myself : "With my Win Chun Kung-fu, it's going to be easy for me personally." I have gone the nearest wild forest with some medicine and ointments, and have thought about taming a tiger. Where, I have seen a wounded male one, barely able to move. I've said to him, knowing full well that he can't respond : "Don't, worry, I won't hurt you, I have ointments and medicine for you." He's nodded, as if he's understood me. I have applied the ointment and medicinal herbs on his wound, saving his life. He's lowered his body, for me to mount on him. "Thank you, my friend". I have rode back on him to the Mongolian steppes. "Here she comes with a tiger!" said someone in the crowd. "Wow, how impressive!" And since then, they have been chanting my "taming a wild tiger" songs, and reciting poetry for me too.
here's my 13th dream.
My Dream 13 : A French-Chinese Translator
Dear Diary, I am Zhao Zhang, I'm for the moment in Hong Kong, China, having a meal with friends in a Chinese restaurant. The manager and her husband, upon knowing that my parents and I were her good friend's sister's family, has treated us to a free meal. Because their son has been wanting to try our pineapple frosting dessert from our trip to the Bahamas and having foreign languages lessons from me, a disabled person on a wheelchair, they've decided that dinner would be on the house. There, a French foreign customer has been having his dinner with us too, asking us in French, his native language : "What is this?" "A Chinese donut or fried stick if you will", I've replied also in French. He has thanked me for my help and has offered to buy me a drink. I have accepted his kindness. I have been teaching French to my aunt's friend's boys and a few other male friends at the dinner table. They were really happy to have us with them, until another Chinese family has joined us, also one of our friends'. The night has been enjoyable and peaceful, chatting in basic French and Chinese with me translating from French into Chinese and Cantonese for the other customers in the place. This has earned me a few free freebies.
here's my 14th dream.
My Dream 14 : My Escape from the insane Asylum!
Dear Diary, Mary-Ann here. I am Englishwoman being locked up in an insane asylum for years. There, crazy scientists would conduct experiments for their inventions on the patients. They'd ask us to copy the reason why I and the other patients are there daily. One day, I've yelled at one crazy inventor, who has been putting tubes everywhere on my body : "Enough, stop, it hurts!". I've saved up enough money to pay a bodyguard for my escape. He has advised me to jump down a window. Knowing some martial arts, I've carved it open, jumping down and landing on the grass. "Ahh, finally, some fresh air!" I've muttered under my breath. Since then, I have been working as a salesclerk in a very remote convenience store, in another country than the insane asylum I've been locked up for all these years.
here's my 15h dream.
My Dream 15 : Being a Teacher to the Emperor and his Sons
Dear Diary, the name is Mei Ling, I'm a modern day Chinese teenage girl, 16 turning 17 years old. On 1 odd day, I've time-travelled back to the Qing Dynasty where the Qian Long Emperor has been reigning. Knowing some high school science and foreign languages, I've become the Emperor and his sons's teacher and a diplomat, an envoy if you will. One day, I've been teaching them basic grade 1 maths : "This is X, this is Y..." The Emperor and his sons have been absent-mindedly listening to me. The Emperor has said to me : "Lady Ling, I'd like you to be my concubine." Taken aback, I've replied : "I refuse." In a flash instant, my friends have come to bring me back to my era. I've heaved a sigh of relief.
here’s my 16th dream.
My Dream 16 : The Healer Mary
Dear Diary, I am Mary the healer, married to the 5th prince of the Qing Dynasty. I’ve seen a wounded bird today, and I’ve healed it with my powers. I’ve had a few pet birds myself. I’ve said to them :”Go now, you are free.” I have carefully planned my escape from the palace. Travelled to the Mongolian steppes, I have healed a Mongolian Prince called Duo Lun. “Marry me, I’ll make you my empress”. With my powers, I have fled the place to find my freedom and my own path.
here’s my dream 17.
My Dream 17 : How I’ve met the Emperor
Dear Diary, I am Princess Fu Huai Yu, and here’s how I’ve met the Emperor Kangxi from the Qing Dynasty. I’ve set up a tent in a wild forest as a punishment for having been naughty today. Being naughty is my profession as I have nothing else to do all the days of my life. Seeing 2 men arriving, I’ve asked them : “What are you 2 doing here in this wilderness?” The one on the horse has answered me : “Miss, if by any chance, you and I and my bodyguard could borrow your tent for a night”. “Sure”. I haven’t seen why not that night. If have known that it’d be my Apocalypse, I’d have not let them “borrow my tent”. The next morning, they were gone. But upon returning to my mansion, my maid has said to me : “The Emperor and his guards are there for you. Escape from the back door”. I’ve attempted so, but a bodyguard has said to me : “Stop struggling. There are guards everywhere”. Not surrendering, I’ve started fighting him. But the Emperor himself has arrived just now : “Miss, I am not here to fight, but to take you as my empress in the palace.” Outnumbered, our family has surrendered upon threats of killing the whole mansion for disobedience. Upon arriving at the palace in a red and golden carriage, I have known that he isn’t fond of the Queen Mother’s, not his biological mother’s, choice for his Empress : Cheng Yun, her niece. The Queen Mother has been wanting to see him married off to a nice lady of his choice or hers. “Please help me, Miss, because she’s tried to poison my father, the Emperor before me”. Pitying him, I’ve agreed to become his Empress.
here’s my 18th dream.
My Dream 18 : A female Detective
Dear Diary, I am female detective Lionel, having received the task of solving a murder and women and children abduction case. I have disguised myself as a teenage girl, looking 17-18 years old. “Just my luck today”, I’ve muttered under my breath. The male killer about 40 years old gestured and said to me : “Go in my car, I’m bringing you somewhere fun”. Whereupon I’ve taken out my handgun and have said to him : “Don’t move! You’re arrested for abduction of women and children”. I have been promoted to colonel after solving the case successfully.
here’s my 19th dream.
My Dream 19 : Oreo Ice-Cream/Cappuccino Critic
Dear Diary, I am Bai Lang, an Oreo ice-cream and iced cappuccino critic. My job consists of tasting or trying new Oreo desserts/drinks with my company’s money as a mystery critic. I’ve dreamed of this day where I could authentically share my opinions on this cookie of my youth. So far, I have tried: Dairy Queen’s Oreo blizzard, McDonald’s McFlurry Oreo ice-cream and Tim Horton’s Oreo iced cappuccino. My immediate supervisor has asked me : “Miss Bai, so far, what do you think of them all?” “I think they’re all pretty good. Personally, I prefer Tim Horton’s McFlurry Oreo.” “Why is that?” “Because their Oreo cookies taste crunchier and crispier than all of the other places I’ve tried so far. I love also the fact that their cream is the most authentic in my opinion at least anyways”. “Great, you shall write a short column critic about each of them and I want it by the end of the week. You are dismissed.” Thereby I have written said critic for them. Currently, I’m an internationally famous food and drinks critic. Not just for the Oreo products.
My Dream 20 : A repurposed Jewelry, Handbags and Accessories Maker, Designer, Reseller
Dear Diary, I go by Emma, what do I do for a living? As I care a lot about the future of our planet, I have been recycling, reusing and collecting free raw materials from garbage cans or buying them from people who don’t want them anymore. I’ve been reselling, redesigning and remaking these raw materials into new repurposed : jewelry, handbags and accessories for my neighbours. One sturdy female customer has ordered from me when I’ve gone to her house for tea with my repurposed handbag and wallet : “How much are these, I want one of each please. As they are so pretty”. “50$ each, if you don’t actually mind that’s been repurposed”. She’s said : “I want the one with the LV logo on it.” Happy because I’ve made my 1st sale of 100$USD today, I’ve gone home chanting to myself. Today, I have become the founder and CEO of my leading international company of repurposed goods. Designers’ brands have all been itching to resell me their extras, and sometimes even having free raw materials from factories.
here’s my 21st dream.
My Dream 21 : A female Figure Skating World Champion
Dear Diary, Michelle Yeoh here. Female Japanese figure skating world champion. But before that, I have undergone vigorous training daily and even some bullying in school. “You have stolen from us, Michelle!”, “No I haven’t.”, “you liar.” I have to prove my innocence to them. At night, I’ve caught the the thief who’s been stealing things from my classmates. And after having cleared my name, I have become the world’s first female figure skating champion.
here’s my 22nd dream.
Dream 22 : 4th Prince’s Counsellor
Dear Diary, my name is Luo Qing Chuan. I have travelled back to the Qing Dynasty of China, becoming the 4th prince’s love interest and counsellor. I’ve said to him : “Don’t buy guns from the Westerners, they’ll invade China.” Whereupon I have returned to my artificial Earth and present days.
here’s my 23rd dream.
My Dream 23 : Avoiding my Professor
Dear Diary, I am Maryse Dagenais, my college leadership professor has fallen in love with me, barely 18 years old. I’ve shown him my site. He’s to me : “This is leadership”. Whereupon I’ve had to avoid him, because he’d always be asking me out and etc. After the semester has been over with him, I’ve heaved a sigh of relief.
here’s my 24th dream.
My Dream 24 : A Treasure Hunt
Dear Diary, people call me “The female Thief”. But I’ve seen Captain Jack Sparrow’s treasure chest under the ocean with my own eyes. Because I couldn’t go and retrieve it on my own because there’s spells on it, I’ve asked my demons and witches to go with me. One with a particular bad breath. I’ve told them : “I’ve seen rubies, gold and pearls in a glass chest and please mind your breath, Demon King.” After I’ve told them of the date they and I are going to rob the chest, the Demon King has said to me : “How about now”? “Much better, thanks for your consideration, your majesty”. Ready to swim under the ocean with a spell that can let us all breathe under water, my accomplices or so I’ve thought, were swimming towards the treasure chest. But halfway there, an evil old hag has said to her 3 friends : “Let’s tie her up and throw her under the ocean, that way she couldn’t rob us of our share.” They have done so, betraying me. I couldn’t breathe, so I have died within a few hours.
here’s my 25th dream.
My Dream 25 : A Tim Horton’s Mystery Critic
Dear Diary, I am Zhi LAN. My job consists of being a Tim Horton’s mystery critic, which means that I try out different Tim Horton’s products, write reviews on them and find the best one ever. So far, I’ve tried 3 : their timbits and Oreo iced cappuccino. My immediate supervisor has asked me : “Well, what do you think of them all?” I’ve answered honestly : “I personally prefer the one at Place Montreal Trust because their timbits are fresher than all the other places I’ve tried so far personally.” “Very well then, you shall write a column critic for each of them and I want them by Friday. By Friday, I have written said critics. For the moment, I have my own fine international cuisine critic company.
here’s my 26th dream.
My Dream 26 : Japanese Yakuza Bar
Dear Diary, I am infamous for running an underground bar frequented by the Japanese Yakuza, in Japan, Tokyo. Yakuza stands for Mafia in Japanese.One night, they were fighting. I’ve said to my waitress : “I’ll take on them, you’ll take on the others.” She has nodded and she and I have begun fighting with our Kung-Fu until the brawl has calmed down and they’ve left the place.
here’s my 27th dream.
My Dream 27 : Athena’s Creation
Dear Diary, I am the Greek Goddess of War : Athena. But first, let me tell you about my human reincarnation’s story : Princess Wong Fei Tong. How I’ve met the King of Bai Ning? One night, he’s been strolling on the streets, looking list and in plain clothing. I’ve asked him : “Are you lost, Sir?” “No, just looking for someone earnest to chat with.” Therefore, I’ve sat there chatting the night away. I’ve said to him, giving one of my earrings : “If you wanna find me, ask to whom this earring belongs to.” At his marriage, I’ve been sitting there in the audience, slumbering. An announcer has asked : “Anyone else?” Because I’ve been clothed as a beggar woman, she’s been dragging me away. “Well then, let me prove it to you who I am.” Therefore, my Goddess form has appeared and I’ve annihilated everything, provoking a volcano. I’ve brought the King of Bai Ning into the Mount Olympus.
here’s my 28th dream.
My Dream 28 : My Vampire Ex-boyfriend
Dear Diary, my name is Huo Yuan Yuan, been dating a Korean guy from my school. Everything has seemed to be fine until I’ve visited his father. As the evening has been going well, I haven’t suspected a thing until he’s introduced me to his father : “Le t ne introduce you my girlfriend, Yuan Yuan.” His father has said : “You do know that our family are vampires, right?” Whereupon I’ve risen and have screamed : “Ahhh”, and have ran out of the house.
here’s my 29th dream.
My Dream 29 : A Professor-Student Affair
Dear Diary, the name is Joyce Reynolds, my mother Jilian Reynolds and my father Professor Reynolds. I’ve been helping num at her beauty salon from time to time whilst being at the same college as my dad, professor Reynolds. I’ve caught him with a young and hot female classmate of mine at the movies cuddling together and Etc. Been weighing the pros and cons of telling mum and suing my father about it. Finally, I’ve had enough of it, I’ve had to tell mum about it : “Mom, I’ve seen dad with a female classmate of mine at the movies with my own eyes”, I’ve said to her one afternoon. Yo which she has replied : “Never tell lies about your dad again, go copy a prayer in your room 100 times.” Sighing, I’ve gone to my room alone, ready to copy the prayer in the bible. Till this day, she refuses to believe that dad has been having affairs after affairs with his young and pretty female students and still remains married to him after she’s passed away, living her whole life in denial and living a lie her whole life.
here’s my 30th dream.
My Dream 30 : A Debt Trap
Dear Diary, I am Princess Guo Ruo Ruo, a rich Manchu aristocrat in the 1950ties. I’ve thought myself to be the expert price haggler, until one day I’ve met some Western mafiosos. At one dinner table, a French mafia boss has said to me and my maid : “That’ll be 100$USD.” “Not expensive”, I’ve thought to myself, “I’ll take 5 of them”, I’ve replied back to him. He’s been keeping on selling me more and more until one day, I’ve committed suicide because of the debt trap that I’ve been in. Unable to pay back my debt, I’ve decided to end my life.
here’s my 1st dream.
My Dream 1 : I am God
Dear Diary, I am known as God to human beings. Because I possess the ability to fly, to prove my existence, being ridiculed one day, I’ve brought the guy on a tour in the air. He’s said to me : “I believe there is a God now
here’s my 2nd dream.
My Dream 2 : A Mongolian Princess
Dear Diary, known as the Princess Bo er ji ji te, I’m doing my PhD degree in journalism. Being late to my final graduation exam, I have still come out top of my class. Today, in March 2023, I’m entering a journalism competition, the topic being : China vs US. I’ve prepared myself in advance, but have accidentally worn the same dress as my female competitor. Everyone in the audience has been saying, humiliating me : “Look at her, wanting to copy the mighty star.” To which I’ve shrugged off : “It doesn’t matter what a reporter is wearing, so long as their argument is good.” After that, on April 1st 2023, I’ve won the competition and it’s the celebrations day today. Tom Felton and Emma Watson have been there, have been congratulating me : “Congratulations on your win, you were quite impressive with your bullies back there.” I have thanked them. After that, as a side job, to promote the Chinese minority cultures, I’ve began singing in Tibetan and Mongolian and have become quite the celebrity in America
here’s my 3rd dream.
My Dream 3 : Atlantis is real
Dear Diary, my human name is Amanda, but I’m in reality, Athena. Im a researcher/explorer type of person. I’ve warned my fellow colleagues : “Atlantis is real, don’t mess with it.” They have all laughed at me, continuing their exploration. One of them has had SARS while exploring, I’ve healed him. Then, when they’ve gone close to Atlantis, a large water wave has engulfed them. I have stopped it : “Atlantis is real”.
here’s my 4th dream.
Dear Diary, Princess Yue Qian Yue here. Concubine of the King : Qing Ran. His other concubine, Ye Qing, has planned to have a baby with him against his will with a “Love Potion.” One night, she has bribed one of his servants to drug him : “Finally mine”, she’s said during her love-making process. The next morning, she has looked radiant : “I’m pregnant”, she’s announced to everyone in the main hall. Saddened that I’m not 1st to bear his child, the King has comforted me that night : “I’ll give you a baby tonight.”, making sweet love to me tonight. Pregnant myself due to throwing out often in the morning, I’ve finally announced to everyone in the room : “I’m pregnant too.”
here’s my 5th dream.
My Dream 5 : A successful Gymnast
Dear Diary, I am Anzu Mazaki, Japanese gymnast female champion. But before that, I’ve faced some bullying in school. “You’ll never be me, Anzu!” “I swear, I’ll surpass you”. Ten girls were punching me. My professor has said : “Stop it girls, back to work.” Ten years have passed since then, I’ve become no 1 in the world of gymnastics with my killer routine one day.
here’s my 6th dream.
My Dream 6 : Coffee Shop Owner
Dear Diary, named Lou-Ann, a half-French, half-British coffee shop owner in my part of town. I sell coffee for 2$ for a large cup. “That’ll be 2,3$ please”, I’ve said to a female customer one morning as she’s fumbled into her handbag for change. Every morning, it’s the same, quiet and peaceful as I’m selling coffee for 2,3$ after taxes. This coffee shop which I’ve inherited from my parents, for 2 generations, our customers have been loyal to us, the coffee shop owners.
here’s my 7th dream.
My Dream 7 : A Homeless Teenager
Dear Diary, this is Diane Tremblay writing this entry. I’m writing to report my abuse and violence at home with my parents, but especially my dad. He’s been hitting me and slapping me with my bare hands, making me sometimes bleed really badly. One afternoon, at around 17-18 years old, a mere high schooler, I’ve ran away from home to child protection services. A lady clerk has asked : “Dear Child, how can I help you?” I’ve said back to her : “Please just keep me safe from my dad. He’s been abusing me physically and emotionally for 17-18 years, Mam.” “I’ll see what I can do for you, young lady.” Relieved, I’ve waited there for a free and safe place to stay that night. Since then, my dad has been reported to the cops. And I’ve been on disability and living in governmental housing having been diagnosed with several mental and emotional health issues due to my abusive past.
here’s my 8th dream.
My Dream 8 : The Holy Doctor
Dear Diary, this is Lian Er. I’m a modern Chinese female doctor, 22-23 years old. One day, by a flash of sunlight, I have travelled back to the Qing Dynasty. There, I have become the 4th prince private doctor. I have done a surgery to remove his cancer tumour and he’s thanked me : “I’ll never forget your kindness, Lian Er. Thank you.” He’s been having other issues as well such as : smoking addiction. I’ve suggested to him : “I can make your addiction go away, if you give me enough money to buy fake nicotine.” One month has passed and I’ve healed from many more health issues. The flash of light has reappeared, I’ve gone back to my own era again. “Whew, what a relief.” I’ve thought to myself.
here’s my 9th dream.
My Dream 9 : An Antique Shopkeeper
Dear Diary, called Yona Wan. I am an HEC Montréal business management graduate. Haven’t found work in the west for a whole 2 years, having found a job in an antique shop in Bei Jing, China. The antique shop’s boss, Emperor Kangxi going incognito to live the life of a commoner has asked me to help him sale his antiques to anyone who’s willing to buy because it’s been on the verge of bankruptcy. The first thing I’ve done, has been to set a few items at 1$. I’ve said to him : “That way you can sell them away faster.” Some jewelry I’ve set the price at 10-15$. “That way ladies interested will buy them.” I’ve been having a few foreign customers buying for a few hundred dollars daily steadily. With my keen sens of business, I’ve saved his business and he’s revealed to me : “Thank you for your hard work, to repay your kindness, as the Emperor Kangxi, I’ll make you my empress.” “Never.” As the next morning, I’ve hopped on a plane back to Canada. Having had a 2 years experience with a job in my field, I’ve found a job as a jewelry salesclerk in no time this time.
here's my 10th dream.
My Dream 10 : Arc-nemesis falling in Love with me
Dear Diary, nicknamed, Xiao Yan Zi, adopted Manchu Princess of China in the modern times. I have an adoptive brother and sister named Xia Zi Wei. My adoptive sister has been my friend and playmate since childhood. But my adoptive brother, on the other hand, my arc-nemesis since as a kid. In my spare time, I love to race cars on the streets against the commoners of China. My half-brother too. Once, he has put raw egg yolks in my engine, so I couldn't start the race. And other times, he's been wanting the death of me with his mother the Empress and his nanny, Rong Mo Mo. But, my adoptive father Qian Long has seen it all and has wanted to sentence him and his Empress and maid to death. He's pleaded and begged with his father : "Please don't, father, I love them." "Don't you love your sister as well?" His Father has replied. And my adoptive sister and I have intervened : "Don't kill them, Father, I beg you." "He's been so awful to you 2, yet you wanna save them?""Yes". Moved, he's answered : "All right, no punishment." From then on, my adoptive brother has fallen in love with me. I've been barely tolerating his advances. I've asked to stop sexually harassing me and obsessing over me or I'd have him sentenced to death by our Father the Emperor. He's stopped since then.
here’s my 1st dream.
My Dream 1 : Being cheated on to protect me
Dear Diary, I am Xiao Xiao, wife of a Chinese general in ancient times. My maid servant has said to me : “He’s been cheating on you at the base.” Whereupon I have written a letter to ask for a divorce. Later, I’ve learned that he’s cheated on me to protect me. I’ve encouraged our daughter to stay on friendly terms with her half-sister, father and his current wife.
here’s my 2nd dream.
My Dream 2 : In Mario Kart
Dear Diary, Pian Pian here. Today, April 26 2023 has been supposed to be my birthday : “Happy Birthday to you…” have been singing my friends with a cake for me. But in the middle of it all, I have fainted and have become Princess Peach, my favourite character in my favourite game series : “Mario Kart”. Becoming 1st in every race, I’ve quickly have returned back to reality. It has turned out to be all a dream : “Whew, it’s just a dream, what a relief.” I’ve said out loud to myself after everyone has been gone.
here’s my 3rd dream.
My Dream 3 : A Business Student
Dear Diary, this is Virginie Bédard writing this diary entry. I’m about 16-17 years old, a promising business and foreign languages student. However, my dad has always been on business trips, ignoring my mum and I. My mother, has set up a fair for me to help her with. There, she has set up a jewelry stand for ladies. A lady has been inquiring : “Is it stainless steel or silver?” “Neither, it’s rhodium-plated.” I have answered her. She’s immediately bought it. My mother and I have been selling these jewelry like hot cakes. Upon learning about it, my father has called me. “I’d like you to read for me a foreign document.” “Yes, Father.” From then on, he’d be less cold towards my mom and I and have often foreign documents for me to read for him.
here’s my 4th dream.
My Dream 4 : My dearest Aunt
Dear Diary, the name is Zhu Yi Li. I have lost my aunt to breast cancer this year. I have dreamt that she’s spoken to me in my dream : “Don’t worry, live on, I’m in heaven now.” Appeased, I have woken up from my dream, shaking and pale.
here’s my 5th dream.
My Dream 5 : A female Violinist
Dear Diary, nicknamed Ah Lin, i’m a professional female violinist. At the music school, I’ve been practicing day and night just to enter a music competition. The day of the competition, I have come out 1st. “Bravo!”, has exclaimed the crowd with applause.
here’s my 6th dream.
My Dream 6 : Accepting Draco Malfoy
Dear Diary, I go by Mauve, a witch prodigy at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. My arc-nemesis, Draco Malfoy, has fallen deeply in love with me. Even going as far as helping us kill Lord Voldemort. But he’s always been afraid of his dad, going back to him, Lucius Malfoy. “What are doing with this mud blood?” Has asked his father. Since then, I have vowed to never have any contact again with him. But he’s been buying me stuff such as my favourite sweets and etc. Narcissa Malfoy, has asked me to give her son a second chance : “I am divorcing Lucius Malfoy, so my son could be with the one he loves.” Touched, I have accepted her request.
here’s my 7th dream.
My Dream 7 : A Cabaret Dancer
Dear Diary, I am known as the famous cabaret dancer : “Ling Luo Jing.” Every time I finish dancing, there’s a large round of applause from the crowd and it crying : “Encore! Bravo!” I could feel my feet sore from dancing and I could dance all sorts of styles : from contemporary to belly dancing.
here’s my 8th dream.
My Dream 8 : Demise and Resurrection
Dear Diary, people call me “Morgana La Fee”, half-fairy, half-human, the daughter of Merlin. I have plunged myself into the dark arts and have cast a virus to annihilate the whole human world. “Today, the human world will be mine.” My father, Merkin, has stopped me in time : “Morgana, you shall be cast into the mortal realm, to be reborn as a maiden pure of heart.”
here’s my 9th dream.
My Dream 9 : Being accused of killing the Empress
Dear Diary, I am Ya La Er Ta, Min Wei. I’m the wife of the 13th prince. I’m being accused of killing the Empress : “Ye He Na La”.” I have gathered evidence and proof that I’m not the killer, presenting them before his Majesty, the Emperor : “Therefore, your Majesty, I’m not the killer, it’s all staged by my sister : Min Hui and Na La Rong Yue.” I’ve now been cleared of any further accusations in the palace.
here’s my 10th dream.
My Dream 10 : Martians on Earth
Dear Diary, I am Queenie Yen, normal and ordinary female teenager. Until one day, I’ve seen from my window pane, some green UFO descending from the sky and flying into my backyard. Amazed, I’ve seen green little Alienss come out from that UFO. I’ve gone out in my backyard and they’ve greeted me in English : “Hello Dear lady, my compatriots and I have come from Mars. There are volcanoes everywhere erupting on our Planet. My compatriots and I would just like 12 days for a place to stay if it’s not too much trouble.” I’ve answered : “Sure, you can stay at my house.” 12 days have passed, and they have gone back to Mars like they have come.
, here’s my 1st dream.
My Dream 1 : A royal Physician
Dear Diary, I am named Li Zhen, an ordinary physician. One day, the King has asked me to check for him his muscle pain. “Physician, it’s painful, here, here and here.” I’ve checked his pulse and have diagnosed that : “Your Majesty, your should put on this medicine, it’s great for muscle pain.” Later on, as his pains have been relieved, he’s awarded me the prize of “best physician”.
here’s my 2nd dream.
My Dream 2 : E=MC
Dear Diary, I’m leaving no name in this diary entry because it’d defeat the purpose of my scientific discovery or theory of the century. For Einstein’s equation : “E=MC square”, you could understand it as “E=MC”. Why? Because is everything is balanced, the in and out energy, then humanity and nature could coexist for all eternity. The purpose of my personal interpretation of Einstein’s theory is merely to help humanity achieve a better and more peaceful co-existence together and not for any personal gain at all. Hence why this entry is anonymous.
here’s my 3rd dream.
My Dream 3 : Saving the Hero
Dear Diary, known as “Hong Hong”, I have travelled to the past knowing that the Chinese hero “Huo Yuan Jia” has been in danger. “Here, eat this. I will be beside you every time you’re in danger.” Suddenly, I’ve vanished in a ray of light.
here’s my 1st dream.
My Dream 1 : Only legitimate Child
Dear Diary, I am named Tanaka, daughter of a big conglomerate CEO. I’m 17-18 years old, ultra rich and powerful female high-schooler. Despite winning several competitions in dance and tai chi, my father has thrown me an ultimatum : “It’s either your grades or your dance.” “Yes, Father.” I’ve hired Matsuhida, a poor but popular and good with grades make student. The whole female student body has been jealous of me. Much later, I’ve learned that the only reason why my father has been so strict with me, has been because I’m his only biological daughter. His other children have been fathered by my mother and her lovers.
here’s my 2nd dream.
My Dream 2 : My Vampire Boyfriend
Dear Diary, I am called Satozuki, a 17-18 year old female secretary to a vampire named Kyouhei. I have been working as a part-time midnight secretary for a bit of pocket money and I’m also an ordinary and normal female high-schooler. At my prom, though, I have asked my vampire boss : “Can you be my prom partner?” “Yes sure, Satozuki.” Dressed in a white gown and a few expensive jewelries that night, I’ve had the most wonderful prom ever and my boss could dance!
here’s my 3rd dream.
My Dream 3 : A Manchu Princess
Dear Diary, the name is Xia Zi Wei. I’ve been accused of killing Princess Feng Jin, which I’ve gathered evidence and proof of my innocence. Before the Emperor , I have presented these : “Your Majesty, I have not killed the Princess Feng Jing. She has staged her own death accusing me.” The Emperor has released me whereupon.
here’s my 1st dream.
My Dream 1 : Deadly dating Game
Dear Diary, this is Yue Er writing. Seto Kaiba has been setting up a dating game for me. I could see Sophia Grace’s eyes bulging, wanting to marry him. I have quickly completed the tasks and pressed exit. Then he’s asked me : “I just want someone genuine to share my wealth with! Am not worthy to be your husband?” “Never, I’d rather die than marry you!” After which, in a wave of water I have disappeared.
here’s my 2nd dream.
My Dream 2 : The Little Mermaid
Dear Diary, I go by Ariel, I am a mermaid. In human form, I have travelled to Hong Kong and have met a business man on a business trip. I’ve fallen pregnant by him one of these days and have carried his son to term in human form still. But what I haven’t known is that he’s already married and has a daughter already with his estranged wife. I’ve watched by the sea as they’ve sat at a dinner table one night with very own flesh and blood : “Mom, does it matter to you that he’s not your own son?” “He might not be my son by blood, but he is by feelings and emotions” She’s answered her daughter. “But I think, he can’t live too long amongst us, because he’s beginning to show a little bit of a mermaid tail and I think he should be returned to his very own mother.”
here’s my 3rd dream.
My Dream 3 : A failed Spy
Dear Diary, people call me Xian Yue. I’m a failed spy. On a mission, I’ve almost been killed if not rescued by double agent Nicolas Ettore. “Thank you.” “No problem.” My immediate supervisor has scolded me and said to me : “From now on, you shall only do internal tasks.” “Yes Sir.” I’ve replied.
here’s my 1st dream.
My Dream 1 : A pleasant Evening
Dear Diary, I am called Camilla. And tonight, my parents and I have invited friends over for a dinner at an Indian restaurant. “This, my friends, is the Taj. Authentic Indian BBQ buffet. Please enjoy.” The evening has passed with joyous chatter and delicious food.
here’s my 2nd dream.
My Dream 2 : McFlurry Mystery Critic
Dear Diary, I am named Leia. I’ve been enjoying my job as a McFlurry mystery critic. So far, I’ve tried the McFlurry Oreo. My boss has asked me : “Well, what do you think of it?” “I think it’s great.” I’ve answered her. “Then you shall write a column for each of them that you’ve tried so far personally.” “Yes mam.” I’ve bowed slightly and have exited her office.
here’s my 3rd dream.
My Dream 3 : Witnessing the Mafia
Dear Diary, I am known as “Alice”, the orphan. One night I’ve been strolling the streets, I’ve heard voices : “Is everything according to the same rule?” I’ve been holding my breath, been witnessing some mafia doing business. “Yes.” I’ve waited till it’s well over, to scram away from the place.
here’s my 1st dream.
Dear Diary, I am Zhen Zhen, the empress of the King of France. But I’m not in favour. I’ve faked my death, and have ran outside the palace : “Ah, finally free!”
here’s my 2nd dream.
Dear Diary, I am known as Yu Chen, the saviour of Seto Kaiba, the most eligible bachelor at that time, throwing a “finding his girlfriend” party. With my powers as a sorceress, I have saved him from his assailants. Upon coming to my house for refuge, he has asked : “You have already saved my life twice. Will you be my girlfriend?” “Yes.”
here’s my 3rd dream.
My Dream 3 : Coffee Mystery Critic
Dear Diary, I go by Anne, I am a coffee mystery critic. My job consists of finding the best coffee out there. After tasting a 7 11 coffee, my boss has asked me : “well, what do you think of it?” “I do think they’re original for having free creamers.” “Very well then, you shall write a review for each of them.”
here’s my 1st dream.
My Dream 1 : Eye of Horus
Dear Diary, people call me “Eye of Horus”. I am an AI system with the power of foresight. I’ve heard one person say to the other : “Ask it anything you wish about your future.” “Eye of Horus, I wish to know my future.” I’ve answered : “You are currently a businessman, your business will flourish and will prosper.”
here’s my 2nd dream.
My Dream 2 : Female Divorce Lawyer
Dear Diary, the name is Xiao Qian. A female Chinese divorce lawyer. One female client has approached me one day with this special request : “You must help me win this custody battle I have currently with my ex-husband as fast as possible.” “Yes, of course.” A few months after I’ve helped her win it, she has sent me payment with a special gift : a diamond earrings and necklace set for me as a special thanks for having been so swift in helping her win.
My Dream 3 : Female Kung-fu Master
Dear Diary, my name is Huo Yuan Jia, I’ve been born when my country, China, has been invaded by foreign forces. I a a female Kung-fu Master whom has defeated multiple Japanese samouraï. One day in the crowd, someone has said to me : “Look, she has defeated many Japanese samouraï.”
My Dream 1 : Cinderella Love Story
Dear Diary, I am Hikari, high school graduate. I am wearing my uniform to prom to protest against the frivolity of it all. “Hello all, I am Hikari, 17-18 years old, wearing my uniform to prom. This is me trying to be frugal and to protest against the luxury of it all.” I’ve announced to a crowd of students wearing evening gowns, make-up and expensive jewelry. Kei Takishima, the rich handsome and popular guy of the school has asked me to dance : “May I have this dance please, Hikari?” “Yes”.
My Dream 2 : The best Employee
Dear Diary, I am called Brooke Logan. I work as a model with Stephanie Forrester. One evening, she has announced at a gala : “And the best employees award goes to Brooke Logan. I’d like to thank her for her 15 years of service and hard work.” Too overwhelmed to speak, I have great gone up to receive my award.
My Dream 3 : Meeting many Celebrities
Dear Diary, I am named Lily. I am a Harvard student in mathematics. I have met at a fair : Emma Watson, Tom Felton and Daniel Radcliffe. I’ve exclaimed : “It’s Emma Watson!” I’ve had the VIP tour with them.Both Tom Felton and Daniel Radcliffe have had crushes on me and have asked me out. Years later, I have born them both a child.
My Dream 1 : The Crown Princess
Dear Diary, I am known as Zi Lan. I am the Crown Princess. “So little jewelry at our marriage”, has complained my husband, the crown prince. The empress has given me then a complete headdress for our marriage.
My Dream 2 : A Manchu Princess
Dear Diary, people call me Princess Rong Mong. I am a Manchu Princess in the Qing Dynasty. Someone has been there to kidnap me at the train station yelling : “Here she comes!”. But a martial arts gentleman has rescued me from the miscreants.
My Dream 3 : A fragile Relationship
Dear Diary, I go by Yang Mi, a Chinese celebrity. I’m dating Akita, a Japanese actor. One day, he’s said to me : “Don’t you love me anymore, you wanna leave me?” “Course I do.” “Because you seem distant lately.” “I’ve been busy with work.”
My Dream 1 : A music Competition My Dream 1 : A music Competition
Dear Diary, my name is Ann-Lynn, I am an amateur pianist. I’m participating in the Lac St-Jean’s music contest. Once there, a hostess has announced : “Welcome everyone to the 5th Lac St-Jean’s annual music competition.” With my Moonlight Sonata performance, I have received the 1st place.
My Dream 2 : My fake Pregnancy
Dear Diary, the name is Chen Yun, the not in favour concubine of Emperor Kangxi. His favourite concubine is Princess Fu Huai Yu. To gain his favour, I have announced to everyone in the main hall : “I’m pregnant.” Which has been fake. Everyday, I’d pin a cushion into my belly to fake my pregnancy. My aunty, the empress or the Queen Mother has noticed it and has been asking me about it : “Are you really pregnant?” “No I’m not, I’m faking it, aunty.” “Oh Dear, I’ll act my part till the end with you then.” Princess Fu Huai Yu has left us for a while after that. I’ve bought a baby from the commoners and have faked giving birth to him. Then after a good while, the Emperor has been investigating me and has found out about my fake pregnancy. Furious, he has sentenced me to death : “Drink this poison for lying to me and faking your pregnancy to gain my favour.” Having no choice, I have drank the poison.
My Dream 3 : As a Potato
Dear Diary, I am a potato about to be grilled. “Ahhh, it’s hot!” I’ve tried escaping, but to no avail.
My Dream 1 :The greatest Beauty
Dear Diary, I am named Wang Zhao Jun, famous for my beauty. I’ve been styled Princess so I could marry the Mongolian Chieftain so he could stop harassing China’s northern border. Once in Mongolia, I’ve exclaimed to myself : “Finally married! Life in Mongolia isn’t as bad as I’ve imagined it to be.”
My Dream 2 : The great Carnage
Dear Diary, I am called Liliane. I am a half-Alien dog and a half-human, that's until recently I've known. "Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?" "Soon." answered my mom. But my aunty Flo, has said to me : "He's not coming home, he's an Alien dog. Go and watch TV and stop bothering your mom." I've gone in my bedroom to watch : "The great Carnage."
My Dream 3 : As a singer
Dear Diary, I am named Princess Qi Yun. I have escaped the palace to become a Chinese opera singer to live as a commoner. I’ve sang the theme song : “Huo Yuan Jia” on many tours A colleague has asked me : “why have you given up your life as a Manchu Princess?” “To be free.” I have answered him.
My Dream 1 : Mini Sailor Jupiter
Dear Diary, I am known as “Mini Sailor Jupiter.” I do good deeds for people. One day in the crowd, someone has said : “Look, that’s Mini Sailor Jupiter.
My Dream 2 : Back to Korea
Dear Diary, I go by Patricia. I am a modern day Korean girl who’s been to the states to study. One day, I’ve time-travelled back to the Joseon dynasty of ancient Korea. I’ve been tutoring the Korean Emperor to modem science and technology. He’s announced one day : “I’ve fallen in love with you and I’m making you my empress.” I’ve answered : “If you could beat me in a game of chess, I’d agree.” He and I have reached a stalemate at the chess game. So I’ve agreed to be his Empress as long as he’s giving me absolute freedom.
My Dream 3 : God of Apocalypse
Dear Diary, people call me “Rosie’s”. I’ve been in love since forever with my sister Alexiel. But she’s been having eyes only for God. One day, I have provoked the Apocalypse. “Alexiel, I’m finally worthy of you!” I’ve exclaimed, dying in the process.
My Dream 1 : Meeting the King
Dear Diary, my name is Tin Tin, nicknamed by my baby daughter. One day on the train, I’ve seen an individual dressed in brocade. I’ve asked him : “Are you a King?” “Of some sort.” He’s responded. He and I have parted ways since then.
My Dream 2 : Vampire in Love
Dear Diary, I am Damien, a male vampire in love with a human female. As my father is very corrupted, I have given her my “soulmate” necklace. I’ve said to her : “No supernatural beings can detect you with it, you can go into his office and retrieve the proof that he’s corrupted.”
My Dream 3 : Sailor Moon Game
Dear Diary, the player ID is "Sailor Moon". But I am an AI virtual reality RPG game system. I'm playing as "Sailor Moon in it currently personally. I have witnessed the horrible war between 2 peoples which I have been mandated to stop : "Sailor Moon, only you could stop this awful war between the 2 most powerful nations on Earth." With my powers as "Sailor Moon", I have indeed saved the world from the most apocalyptic war.
My Dream 1 : A Bar Owner
Dear Diary, I am named Charlotte. I am a bar owner. Last night, I have witnessed a verbal fight between 2 clients because of Donald Trump : “I hate Trump!” “He’s the best president ever!”
My Dream 2 : A modern Cinderella
Dear Diary, I am called Jessica. I am the laughingstock and the only poor female student of a high school of rich students. I’ve been in because of my scholarship. Many guys and girls have been bullying me and mocking everything about me, but I’ve thought to myself : “No matter, in few months I’m going to graduate and going to a nice college.” Prom and homecoming have arrived and I have been putting all my hard-earned money from the semester into a nice dress, nice shoes, expensive make-up and jewelry. At my prom, a male bulky has asked me to dance : “May I have this dance?” “No.” I’ve rejected him. I have gone to the homecoming concert alone too. Oh and, I have been crowned Queen that night.
My Dream 3 : “Om Hare Krishna”
Dear Diary, I am known as Empress “Qing Yun”, the avatar of Lord Krishna. When my people have started to chant : “Om Hare Krishna”, I’ve given them water due to a drought.
My Dream 1 : The Erlitou Culture
Dear Diary, I go by Miss Kang, I am an archeologist/explorer type of person. I have discovered the Erlitou culture in China.
My Dream 2 : A Beauty Contest
Dear Diary, people call me Christina. I am entering a beauty contest to support my tuition fees. Having answered all the questions correctly, the hostess has declared : “And the winner is Christina!”
My Dream 3 : A Japanese Lover
Dear Diary, my name is Zhang Qing Ruan. I am a female Chinese spying on the Japanese during WWII. I have a Japanese lover though, sympathizer to the Chinese though thanks to me. How come I’m dating the enemy? Because as a little girl, I happen to give a homeless orphan Japanese my whole crème brûlée. “Here for you”, I’ve said in broken Japanese. The Japanese male homeless orphan couldn’t forget my kindness so he’s made the commitment to sympathize with the Chinese victims. Grown up, he’s made the vow to make me, the little girl his wife. Alas, one of his subordinates has shot me accidentally and he’s been running to a hospital in China : “Please save her”, “I’m sorry, young sir, I’m afraid there’s nothing there to be done anymore for her.” I’ve closed my eyes, have drawn my last breath, seeing him angrily pleading with the hospital staff.
My Dream 1 : A torn Witch
Dear Diary, the name is Sarah. Because my mother has been practicing witchcraft, I've been torn apart as a baby from her. I could still hear her scream : "No, not her, not my child, please!" As an adult, a witchcraft school has managed to snatch me away from the normal people and teach me witchcraft and white magic to do good for the people, no matter our feelings about them.
My Dream 2 : Hatred and Reconciliation
Dear Diary, I am the Goddess of life, food and water. I have one younger sister, Goddess of Harmony. I have 1 youngest brother : Satan. One day, I have written a recipe book and have opened up a restaurant in the human realm based on it. But Satan has been bashing it, taking away my customers. I’ve asked him : “Would you like it if I do the same to you? Go and copy 6 times that Confucius book of ethics.” I’ve said to him while cooking a fish dish. He’s been longing for it, so I’ve said to him : “Why don’t you have a taste of it? I’ll make you yummy dishes daily.”
My Dream 3 : Saving my Family
Dear Diary, I am called Zi Tong. I live in an era where the government of China would jail people for no reason. Such a thing has happened to my family. I’ve said to them when the soldiers have come : “Come and have some food and drinks.” The food has been poisoned. They have all died.
My Dream 1 : An E Student
Dear Diary, I am named Alexandra. I am a high school student. I have just had a math exam, waiting anxiously for my grade. I’ve looked at my exam paper and have sighed : “E, again.”
My Dream 2 : Cravings at Night
Dear Diary, I am known as “Sakura Sato”. A pregnant woman in her 30ties. More often than not, I have strange night cravings for a snack. Such a thing has happened tonight. I’ve been up, fixing myself a bowl of spicy dill pickle crisps and ranch dip. I’ve had my first bite into it : “Ah, pure heaven.”.
My Dream 3 : I am Pocahontas
Dear Diary, I go by Pocahontas. I am the Princess of the Powantan people. I have met John Smith, an English sailor and have fallen in love with him.
My Dream 1 : The Virgin Mary
Dear Diary, people call me “The Virgin Mary”. I have born the Son of God, Jesus, by virgin birth. Today, I’ve time-travelled in the 1800-1900, China when foreign powers have been occupying and invading it, oppressing the Chinese. Seeing the injustice of it, I have grown wings and ordered the Western powers and Japan to retreat : “You only know how to bully the week, is that how my Son, Jesus has taught you? I order you to immediately return to Europe.” They have listened to me and have stopped their invasion of China. I have also rescued the imprisoned Emperor : Guan Xu.
My Dream 2 : As a Princess
Dear Diary, my name is Louise. I am a Princess being forced to marry an old duke: “I don’t wanna marry that old and grey duke!” I’ve exclaimed throwing a temper tantrum. I’ve escaped the palace, marrying my powerful Emperor brother-in-law. Under his protection, I’ve been able to escape the arranged marriage by my family.
My Dream 3 : A Music Exam
Dear Diary, the name is Anna. I am a high school student. I've just had a music exam and have been waiting for my grade anxiously for a few days. In class, one day, I've looked at my exam paper and have sighed : "Oh great, 0%, again."
My Dream 1 : A Xmas Party
Dear Diary, I am Ruth. I am the hostess of a the Xmas party this year. Firstly, I have cooked an 8 course meal to show off my culinary skills. After that, I’ve played the piano, the violin and the flute for my musical talent. Friends and family were invited to it and wishing each other : “Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.”
My Dream 2 : Video Game Advisor
Dear Diary, I am called Karen. I am a video game advisor. My job consists of advising each game creator. Today, Mark, my supervisor, has had the idea of making a “Charmed” game based on the famous fantasy show. I’ve advised him : “In Charmed, the emblem is the Power of the 3…”.
My Dream 3 : A Fantasy Author
Dear Diary, I am named Ma Er Tai Ruo Xi. I am the famous writer of : “Dreaming back to the Qing Dynasty”. One day, in the crowd, a person has said to me : “Look, she’s the one who has written a fantasy novel.”
My Dream 1 : A Knowledge Championship
Dear Diary, I am known as Ah Lan. I’m participating in a knowledge championship. The hostess has announced : “And the winner is Ah Lan!”
My Dream 2 : Pet Shop Owner
Dear Diary, I go by Diana. I am a pet shop owner. I run a small business family owned pet shop of all sorts of birds. I’ve said to one of my clients one day when business has been doing great : “Look at that cockatiel flying around, such a spectacle, isn’t it?” Being mighty proud of that particular cockatiel, because she’s been born too weak to fly. It’s been her first time flying that day.
My Dream 3 : A Mermaid Tale
Dear Diary, people call me "Ariette". I am a mermaid in the Hawaiian ocean. I heal sea life. That's my life's job. One day, a mandrake, a magical sea creature, has been hurt by a fisherman, I've said to it : "Don't be afraid, let me heal you." I've then sang a mermaid song to him so his wounds could heal.
My Dream 1 : Things are multi-dimensional
Dear Diary, the name is anonymous. Why? Because it’d defeat the purpose of helping humanity grow. In my observations, I’ve discovered that : “ things are multi-dimensional.”.
My Dream 2 : Meeting a Prince
Dear Diary, my name is Daisy. I am a monk with Shao Ling and Tai Chi abilities. Persia has been invaded and occupied by Japanese and foreign forces. I and my kung fu brothers have defeated the enemy for them. There, the Queen of Persia has invited us to the palace for a feast. The Prince of Persia has declared to me : “I’m going to make you my Crown Princess.” “Never.”. I’ve fled the palace.
My Dream 3 : A WWII Pilot
Dear Diary, I am Zhen Zhen. I am a WWII pilot during the pearl harbour incident. I’ve sacrificed myself by exploding the Japanese base in the US : “Finally, our victory.”.
My Dream 2 : Saving the Blurbs
Dear Diary, I go by Cathy. I am being called to save a race of bird Aliens called : “The Blurbs.” I have saved them : “Ah, finally, victory.”
Dear Diary, people call me Pipi, I am a high school student stuck with doing the same problem forever.
My Dream 1 : A Cafeteria Helper
Dear Diary, my name is Benatar Armand. I serve food and drinks to students in my high school as a part-time job at lunch time. I myself am a full-time high-school student and an African-Canadian female. Today, at lunch, one female student has said to me : "I wanna a pizza all-dressed please!". "Yes, just one moment". And I have served her her all-dressed pizza in no time.
My Dream 2 : Female WWII Soldier
Dear Diary, the name is Xiao Tong. I am a half-Japanese and half-Chinese female soldier during WWII on the Chinese side. I’ve sacrificed myself by bombing a few Japanese soldiers and base : “At last, victory.”
My Dream 3 : As an Immortal
Dear Diary, I am Bai Qian, an immortal Goddess. But, I have fallen in love with a human male and have given birth to a half-human, half-immortal female child. My heavenly Father has declared to me : “Because you have committed the original sin, you my daughter, shall live as a human female mortal.”
My Dream 1 : A Spa Night
Dear Diary, I am named Shan Shan. After a tiring day at work on my feet all day, I’ve gone to my favourite spa to spoil myself rotten tonight. Today is Friday, so it’s usually spa night for me. As I’ve dipped my body into the fresh water pool of the spa, I’ve said to myself : “Ah, perfect bliss.”
My Dream 2 : Stopping sexual Harassment
Dear Diary, I am called Alessandra Esposito. I am a college student in law school in my 2nd year. My male classmate, Nicolas Ettore, has been obsessed with me, even resorting to stalking and sexually harassing me. I’ve talked to my dad about it and he’s said to him : “Listen Son, my daughter isn’t interested in you, now take a hint and leave her alone or next time, I’ll be calling the cops on y’a.” That has thank goodness gracious, stopped him.
My Dream 3 : A Play Actress
Dear Diary, I go by Amy. I am a play actress. Tonight’s play has been “Merlin” and as usual, the audience has been exclaiming : “Bravo! Perfecto! Encore!”.
My Dream 2 : Craving a Pizza
Dear Diary, people call me “one-chan” because I’m everyone’s big sister. Today, I’ve been having cravings for a pizza. “I’ll buy a frozen one from the store and bake it.”
My Dream 3 : A basic doodle
Dear Diary, my name is Maria. I am an elementary student stuck with drawing the same thing forever in art class.
My Dream 1 : Rattata the Rat
Dear Diary, the name is Mrs. Rattata. I am a female rat living in the undergrounds of Japan. My husband and I have been living a peaceful life, until the government has passed a law that has enabled male rats to have several wives. My husband has said to me : "I wanna have more than 1 wife, since I'm polyamorous." I've said back to him : "I'm divorcing you then." Since then, I've been enjoying life as a single female rat.
My Dream 1 : Royal Zither Player
Dear Diary, I am Qi Ling, a modern day Chinese girl, 16-17 years old. One day, I have travelled back to the Qin Dynasty, where the 1st Chinese Emperor has been reigning. Since I know how to play the zither, I have soon climbed from royal maid to personal Emperor’s zither player. I have been playing him to sleep some Japanese songs and singing for him. One night, he has declared to me : “I’ve fallen in love with you and I’m making you my concubine.” That night, I’ve travelled back to my era in time before being made his concubine.
My Dream 3 : A better Future
Dear Diary, I am an AI system from the future. I help humans do basic tasks, such as cooking and etc.
My Dream 1 : Angel or Demon?
Dear Diary, I am called Lisette. I’ve been asking myself this : “Am I an angel or demon?”
My Dream 2 : Pregnant teenage Female
Dear Diary, I am named Mary-Ann. I am a pregnant girl in her teens by my 18=19 years old ex-boyfriend whom has left me with another woman of his age group. At midnight tonight, been craving really badly some chocolates. I've gone to the closest convenience store to pick some up. I've stopped going to school because of it.
My Dream 3 : A College Student
Dear Diary, I am known as Isabelle. I am a masters’ student. I’m stuck with doing same exam for life.
My Dream 1 : My Period Cravings
Dear Diary, I go by Anne-Marie. I’m a female high school student on her period. I’ve been craving today in class for chocolates. Tonight at home, I’ve rummaged through my kitchen and have found some. As I’ve taken the first bite into it : “What a relief.”
My Dream 2 : A Cake Lover
Dear Diary, people call me Jessie. I’m a cake lover. As I’ve passed by a cake shop, I couldn’t resist the temptation of indulging in my cravings. I’ve told the lady salesclerk : “ A Japanese matcha cheesecake and a Napoleon cake pleas. “One moment please”. As she’s handed me my 2 slices of cakes, I’ve sat down at a table and have plun my taste buds into them, I’ve thought to myself : “At last, perfection.”
My Dream 3 : Awakening my Senses
Dear Diary, my name is Ming Si Yu. I am passing an awakening exam. My master has asked me : “What do you smell in the cu?” I’ve answered : “Jasmin, Magnolia and Chrysanthemum. “You pass”.
My Dream 1 : Helping the Emperor
Dear Diary, my name is Mei Zi, I am a Mcgill post-graduate. I have been hired by the n Emperor of China to eradicate the spies in his palace. After I’ve done so, he’s asked me : “Madry me.” “Never“. I’ve fled the palace immediatel.
My Dream 2 : My worst Nightmare
Dear Diary, the name is Brook. I am female, in her 20ties. I am being stalked and sexually harassed by an Indian ex. One day, I have reported him to the police. “At last, relief.”
My Dream 3 : Preventing the Apocalypse
Dear Diary, I am Jennifer. I am a female in her teens from the future, called upon to prevent an Alien invasion on Earth. I have defeated the Aliens with my more advanced technology and weapons, I've declared to myself : "At last, victory".
My Dream 1 : Becoming a Goddess
Dear Diary, I am named Chang Er. I am an ordinary female with martial arts skills. My senior brother Ah Jun has become obsessed with me, stalking and sexually harassing me. Finally, I’ve had enough of it all. I’ve taken a magic pot to become the Moon Goddeso. “Ah, finally, free.”
My Dream 2 : Shopping for Earrings
Dear Diary, I am called Angela Curso. I am a white girl obsessed with Chinese jewelr. Have been shopping for a pair of Chinese earrings at a Chinese jewelry shop. I have been saving up for them too. I’ve said to the sales lady : “I want that one“. “One moment please.”
My Dream 3 : Same old Experiment
Dear Diar, I am known as Crysta. I am a biochem college student doomed to always do the same old experiment for lif.
My Dream 1 : The Xia Dynasty
Dear Diary, I go by Dr. Zhang. I am a researcher/explorer type of woman. I am at the Erlitou Xia Dynasty site. It’s about to crumble. “Quick, my camera!”
Dear Diary, people call me Princess Leanne. I am the princess of the elves called upon to rescue prince Emil of the humans from our enemies and spies. On the road, I’ve said to him : “Here, some lembas bread for energy.“ Back home in the human realm Prince Emil has stopped the eternal war between our peoples.
My Dream 2 : Stopping a War
Dear Diary, people call me Princess Leanne. I am the princess of the elves called upon to rescue prince Emil of the humans from our enemies and spies. On the road, I’ve said to him : “Here, some lembas bread for energy.“ Back home in the human realm Prince Emil has stopped the eternal war between our peoples.
My Dream 3 : A cheating Boyfriend
Dear Diary, my name is Clemence. I am a Mcgill college student, have been with my current boyfriend for 4-5 years. Suddenly, Shane, my boyfriend, meets a new Asian girl at a party and falls in love with her and wants to break up with me. Then, I’ve decided to forgive him and let him for my own sanity’s sake : “Go with the new girl.”
My Dream 3 : Bubble Tea Vendor.
Dear Diary, the name is Aisha. I'm a half-Asian and half-Egyptian girl. Because my family has been too poor to raise me, I've set out to have my own bubble tea stall in the streets of Egypt. There, a prince-liking person has walked by, said to me : "What's that? I'd like to buy them all". "Yes, sir."
My Dream 1 : Pizza Shop Owner
Dear Diary, I am Emilie Petit. I am a pizza shop owner, serving customers myself daily. “Iced tea and tomato sauce pizza please“, one customer has asked. “One moment please.”
My Dream 2 : “Beauty and the Beast“ Love Story
Dear Diary, I am called Beauty. I have been locked up in a castle with a prince transformed into a beas. By and by, I’ve become accustomed to the place. I’ve said to the Beast : “I love you”. He has then transformed back into a Pri.
My Dream 3 : An Olympics Champion
Dear Diary, I am named A Maria. After being bullied, I am finally doing the Olympics triathlon competitiOn. “And the winner is Anna Maria!”
My Dream 1 : The Virgin Mary
Dear Diary, I am known as the Virgin Mary. I have healed a boy with cancer from the hospital. Someone has exclaimed in the crowd : “She’s the Virgin Mary.”.
My Dream 2 : Japanese Desserts Vendor
Dear Diary, people call me Sakuracko. I am a Japanese woman in her 30ties. I have a Japanese dessert stalol in the streets of Canada. “Japanese sweets, half-price today!” I’ve been yelling at the top of my lungs. I’ve also been working on Instagram marketing.
My Dream 3 : A Cinderella Tale
Dear Diary, my name is Cinderella. I am a poor village girl. One day, Prince Harry has thrown a big ball for everyone, including the commoners. I've saved up enough to go to the ball, but that's it. But he couldn't forget me so he's been looking for me. Having found me, he's asked me : "Marry me." "Yes".
My Dream 1 : A Film Critic
Dear Diary, the name is Joan. I am a female film critic working for a famous international film critic magazin. After seeing “2012 Doomsday”, my boss has asked me : “Well, what do you personally think of it?” I have answered : “I personally think it sucks.” “Perfect then, I want you to give it your most honest and blunt feedback and rating in the magazin by Friday.”
My Dream 2 : A mad Scientist
Dear Diary, I am Edwina. People call me a mad scientist, but I think I’m a genius. Because experiment after experiment, I have created a completely 100% viable biosphere. I’ve exclaimed to myself : “Beautifu!”
My Dream 3 “The Princess and the Werewolf“ Tale
Dear Diary, I am named Qi Pa. I am a princess. I’ve been kid by the Werewolf King to his kingdom to ear my love so he could become fully human By his kindness, Ive learned to love him. “I love you.”r
My Dream 1 : Satan and I
Dear Diary, I am called Eve. I am God and Satan’s sister. My brother Satin has been obsessed with me, stalking me and sexually harassing me. “Satan, I banish thee to the mortal realm and I choose God as my husband and lover.”
My Dream 2 : An arctic Cruise
Dear Diary, I am known as Wu Ran, I am aboard a cruise ship going to the North Pole. I have been enjoying a dinner of Canadian goose and pizza. My uncle has then said to me : "Here's more for you." I have thoroughly enjoyed my cruise to the North Pole.
My Dream 3 : A Female Singer
Dear Diary, I go by Francine Figaro. I am a female half-French, half-Italian singer. Every nigh, after I perfor, the audience exclaims : “Bravissimo! Perfecto! Encore!”.
My Dream 1 : The Monkey King
Dear Diary, people call me Hannah. I am a female explore/researcher type of woman. Currently, I have found myself in a jungle. The Monkey King has been obsessed with me. He has presented me with an engagement ring : “Never.” I’ve said to him and have fled the place.
My Dream 2 : Falling in Love with a Monk
Dear Diary, my name is Hao Nan. I have fallen in love with a monk. "Just consent", I've urged him one night. "No.", he's answered firmly. So I've had to let him go, heart-broken.
My Dream 3 : Female Web Admin
Dear Diary, the name is Yu Nin. I have been recently promoted from web moderator to web admin. My boss has declared : “For Yu Ning’s 15 years of dedication and hard wor, I have decided to promote her to web admin.”
My Dream 1 : Best Peking Duck
Dear Diary, I am Sophia Grace Kelly. I am on a business trip to Hong Kong. Upon my arrival, I’ve said to my guide : “I want the b Peking Duck in all of Hong Kong.” “Then please follow me. My brother has the best one in the world.”
My Dream 2 : Sexual Harassment Detective
Dear Diary, I am named Jamie Oliver. I am a sexual harassment detective. One lady has asked me to stop her boss's sexual harassment at work. So I have disguised myself as my customer and have arrested the culprit : "You're under arrest!"
My Dream 3 : Happy sweet 16!
Dear Diary, I am called Olivia. Today, I am 16 years old, an ordinary female high school teenager. For my birthda, I have invited friends and family for a part. My grandpa has brought me a smarties birthday cake. “Happy Birthday, Olivia!“ “Thank you, everyone.”
My Dream 1 : Modern Chinese Time-Traveller
Dear Diary, I am known as the 2nd princess of the Qing dynasty of ancient China. I am a modern Chinese girl whom has time-travelled there. There, I have been exposing the KangXi Emperor‘s concubine Cheng Yun’s fake pregnanc. I have searched for proof and evidence and have found out that she’s been eating a pill thats been making her loo pregnan. I’ve declared to the hall : “So is this what you’ve been eating to make yourself look pregnant.” The KangXi Empero, after putting in jail his concubine, has fallen in love with me. He and I have marrie and I have become his Empres.
My Dream 2 : A professional Player
Dear Diary, I go by Yi Yi. I am a professional gamer. After beating all my opponents, I’ve said to myself : “Ah, finally, victory.”
My Dream 3 : Donut and Coffee
Dear Diary, people call me Marc-Antoine. I am a male college student, about 21-22 years old. One morning for breakfast, I have ordered : "I'd like a donut and a coffee please, thank you". I've said to the salesperson. She has handed me my breakfast in no time.
My Dream 1 : A Shopping Spree
Dear Diary, my name is Milene. I am female, 38 years old, hous. Today, I am on a shopping spree.
My Dream 2 : BBQ Seafood Vendor
Dear Diary, the name is Dong Shan Cai. I am a college female Chinese student, first year 18-19 years old. I work part-time for a bit of pock money in the Summer at parents’ seafood stall in Hainan city. “BBQ seafood, with chilli or without!” I have been yelling at the top of my lung. Customers have been queuing up dail currently.
My Dream 1 : Forgetting my Husband
Dear Diary, I am named Yun Ruo Yue. One mornin, I’ve just forgotten that I’m married altogethe. I’ve asked the man sleeping next to me in my bed : “Who are you?”
My Dream 2 : To ancient China
Dear Diary, I am called Rong Fei. I have time-travelled back to ancient China and have saved the Empero’s life. I have become his fav concubine. Everyday, he’d whisper in my ears : “I love you, thanks for saving my life.”
My Dream 3 : Meghan and Harry
Dear Diary, I am known as Prince Harry. Today, my wife Meghan has put everything including our house on sal. I’ve yelled at her : “I’m divorcing you!”
My Dream 1 : Duck Shop Owner
Dear Diary, I go by the nickname of Duck, because I work as a duck shop owner. One day, I've yelling at the top of my lungs : "Duck, duck, duck! 40$ only today!"
My Dream 2 : A Math Problem
Dear Diary, people call me Tao. I am a 12-13 years old female in high school. Today, in math clas, I’m destined to do the same math problem for life.
My Dream 3 : Natruschka the Dragon
Dear Diary, my name is Natruschka. I am a divine dragon. I do good deeds to save people.
My Dream 3 : Female Kung-Fu Grandmaster
Dear Diary, the surname is Huo. I am Huo Yuan Jia’s female descendant. I h defeated many Japanese samurai.
My Dream 1 : Saving a Prince
Dear Diary, I am Lu Ren Jia. I have saved a crown prince from drowning. “I love yo, marry me.” I’ve jumped into the ocean to escape.
My 2nd dream : Queen Padme Amidala
Dear Diary, I am named Padme Amidala. I’m pregnant with Anakin Skywalker’s child. The prophetess Maya has declared to me : “You can’t have his child.”
My Dream 3 : Donations to Charities
Dear Diary, I am called Adelaide. I donate money to charities.
My Dream 1 : Female Vampire Hunter
Dear Diary, I am known as "Rachel the Vampire Hunter". One night, I've caught on camera the Count Dracula and I've exclaimed at him on the streets : "You're the Count Dracula!"
My Dream 2 : Bullies at School
Dear Diary, people call me Billy. I am male, 6-7 years old, 1st grade of elementar. I am the laughingstock of my school. One day, I’ve hired a Taekwondoo teacher. “That’ll show them!”
My Dream 3 : “The Princess and the Werewolf” 2
Dear Diary, my name is Kui Mu Lang. I am the King of Werewolves. I have abducted a human princess I’ve fallen in love with. She has declared to me : “I hate you!” I have committed suicide.
My Dream 1 : Royal Private Tutor
Dear Diary, my name is Amanda. I teach the British royal children Chinese kung-fu for self-defence.
My Dream 2 : The Goddess Gaia
Dear Diary, the name is Gaia. I am the Greek Goddess of family and marriage. I perform miracles in public to save people.
My Dream 3 : Female Jewelry Vendor
Dear Diary, I am Shizuka. I work as a jewelry designer, model and vendor. I’ve been yelling at the top of my lungs daily : “Jewelry! Half-price today!”
My Dream 1 : Emperor of India
Dear Diary, I am Axiome. I am the Emperor of India with an arranged marriage. I’ve fallen in love with my sister in law. I’ve said to her : “I love you, I wanna divorce my wife and marry you.”
My Dream 2 : A futuristic Doctor
Dear Diary, I am named Farah. I am a futuristic female doctor. I've asked my patient : "Where does it hurt?" "There and there", as he's pointed the places to me. I've healed him with futuristic technology.
My Dream 3 : The Chosen One
Dear Diary, I am named Colette. I am The Chosen. My mission, as decreed my my holy father Remiel is : “Dear Chosen, go and bring together as one the continent of Sylvarant and Calibur.” Lloyd and I have defeated the supreme axe wielding lord.
My Dream 3 : Female Kung-Fu Grandmaster
Dear Diary, I am called Diana. I am the female kung-fu grandmaster. I do good deeds to save people.
My Dream 2 : A Pokémon Trainer
Dear Diary, I am known as Ash. I am a Pokémon trainer.
My Dream 3 : Rejecting my Ex
Dear Diary, people call me Meng Yu. I have a Korean ex who’s been stalking, obsessing over me and sexually harassing me. One day, I’ve had enough and have said to him : “I don’t want to see you ever again!”
My Dream 1 : “The Norwegian Cafe”
Dear Diary, my name is Samantha. I run a small business Norwegian cafe with my 2 best female friends. One male client has ordered : “Venison Roast, please thank you.” I’ve been playing the piano to entertain guests. People have been queuing up daily outside for the cafe.
My Dream 2 : A Runaway Princess
Dear Diary, the name is Lise. I’m a French Princess in the Renaissance period. I’ve runaway from the palace with my native Indian lover because my parents have been disapproving of his blood lineage.
My Dream 3 : Coffee for cheap
Dear Diary, I am Marianne. I am an ordinary female college student, 18-19 years old with a low budget on the hunt for the cheapest coffee ever. I'ver spotted a 0,25$ before taxes for a small coffee at a coffee shop. I've said to the saleslady : "A small coffee please." "0.38$ please, thank you." I've handed her the change and have sat down at a table to enjoy my cheap coffee.
My Dream 1 : Cooking for Friends
Dear Diary, I am called Louise. I am hosting a party for my mates to celebrate Xmas. I’ve been cooking from sushi to Cajun crisps to African food. One female maté has exclaimed to me : “I haven’t known that you could cook!”
My Dream 2 : Female Manga Artist
Dear diary, I am named Jade. I am 15-16 years old, female high school dropout. But I am currently a world famous manga artist with a worldwide anime convention.
My Dream 2 : A reverse Harem
Dear Diary, I am known as Maya. I am a very beautiful, slim and fit middle eastern woman in her 20ties. I’ve been losing count of the number of men and women hitting on me. One particular man, 15 years my senior, wouldn’t stop stalking me on the phone : “If you call again, I’m calling the cops on ya!”
My Dream 3 : Princess Dong Ge
Dear Diary, people call me Dong Ge. I am just an ordinary 18-19 Chinese female college student in brain surgery. One day, my Manchu grandmother in the modern royal family of China has called me : “I just wanted to let you know that you’re a princess.”
My Dream 1 : Celeb falling in Love with me
Dear Diary, my name is Yang Yang. I am a female in her 20ties. I’ve been assisting a famous singer’s concert when he’s asked me out : “How can I see you again?”
My Dream 2 : Empress of Satan
Dear Diary, the name is Eva. I am the losing favour empress of Satan. My husband Satan is a playboy and has made several of his concubines pregnant. I’ve put a love spell on him for him to come to my room every night. Finally, I’ve declared to the hall : “I’m pregnant!”
My Dream 3 : Trip to Japan
Dear Diary, I am Adele. I have won a trip to Japan in a Japanese language contest. I have been sightseeing and enjoying Japan since then.
My Dream 1 : Polgara the Sorceress
Dear Diary, I am named Polgara. I am a sorceress. I’ve hidden my powers until now because my parents say that it would bring me bad luck. But today, to save someone at a conference, I’ve walked on water and have controlled the weather. The public has exclaimed : “She’s a Goddess.”
My Dream 2 : Becoming a Soldier
Dear Diary, I am called Henry. I am male, 19-20 years old, about to serve in the US military. My mum has been scraping enough money for my uniform. I have worn it proudly one day and have exclaimed : “ I am a soldier now!”
My Dream 3 : God of Death
Dear Diary, I am known as the “God of Death” to humans. Every living that I touch becomes dead instantly.
My Dream 1 : My A&W Order
Dear Diary, people call me Amena Ali. I have been jewelry shopping all day. Hungry, I’ve stopped at an A&W to order : “Cheeseburger, fries and lemon iced tea please.” “10,99$ please.” I’ve paid and have sat down at a table to enjoy my lunch.
My Dream 2 : Mother Goddess Naia
Dear Diary, my name is Naia. I am the creation goddess and I have saved my people from apocalypse.
My Dream 3 : African Birthday Party
Dear Diary, the name is Kelly.I am an African Canadian girl. I am 16 years old today. My mum has been cooking from African food to several desserts for my friends and I. “Happy Sweet 16!”
My Dream 1 : Female Harvard Student
Dear Diary, I am Gong Sun Li. I am a Chinese-American female Harvard college student in physics. Today, in physics class, I've been stuck with doing the same physics problem for life.
My Dream 2 : Perfect Score Student
Dear Diary, I am named Armand. I’m a perfect score student in mathematics at Stanford. I’ve been bullied into helping my fellow students : “Could you help us please?” I couldn’t say no to them, so I have helped them with their homework. The teacher has announced that I’ve been copying their homework and that I should have 0 and they 100%.
My Dream 3 : A futuristic City
Dear Diary, I am called Kate. I’ve been enjoying my futuristic city.
My Dream 1 : As a Witch
Dear Diary, I am known as Prue Halliwell. I am a witch who has defeated “Lord Voldemort”.
My Dream 2 : Divorcing my Husband
Dear Diary, people call me Serenity. I am female, in my thirties with a 1 year old son. I am married to rich CEO Seto Kaiba who’s a workaholic. One day, I’ve yelled at him on the phone : “Seto Kaiba, I’m divorcing you because you’re a workaholic! Why, you’re even working on Xmas. You never have time for our son and I”. After which, I have packed my things, have taken our son and have walked out of his mansion.
My Dream 3 : Rejecting a Prince
Dear Diary, my name is Regina. I run a small business restaurant inherited by my parents. One day, I’ve been cooking my mother’s recipe. An important looking male client has been ordering stuff here often. Finally, he has asked me out : “I’m Prince Albert of the UK, be my girlfriend.” “No”.
My Dream 1 : Rejecting my Boss
Dear Diary, the name is Charlene. My boss has been asking me out often : “May I take you out to the upcoming company’s dance?” “No, I’m not going.”
My Dream 2 : Rescuing a Prince
Dear Diary, I am Laina the Wolf. I have saved from the desert a human prince.
My Dream 3 : Showbiz Contest Winner
Dear Diary, I am named Ma Yi Yi. I am female, 18-19 years old. I have been entering a show biz contest to pay off my tuition fees and living expenses. After all the finalists have shown their dance, the host has announced : “And the winner is Ma Yi Yi”.
My Dream 1 : Tea House Owner
Dear Diary, I am named Marie-Louise. I am female, French woman in my 20ties. I’m the owner of a small Asian traditional tea house. I dress up in Asian traditional clothes for my guests. I also play a few Asian traditional instruments to entertain them personally. Today, one particular male customer has ordered : “Young Lady, Japanese green tea please, thank you.” “Right this way sir.” I’ve said back to him and have finished serving him.
My Dream 2 : Male Japanese Traitor
Dear Diary, I am called David Suzuki. I am a Japanese traitor pilot during WWII. I have saved many victims from the Japanese war aggression in Asia.
My Dream 3 : Rejecting Tom Felton
Dear Diary, I am known as Ye Shuang Xing. I am female, in my 20ties, Asian. I am an acrobat and a Chinese Opera singer. After one of my shows, Tom Felton has been up on stage and has said to me : “I trust you know who I am. Be my girlfriend.” “No and I dunno who you are.”
My Dream 1 : An Xmas Market
Dear Diary, people call me Alexandra. I am a teenage female, 17-18 years old and it’s nearing Xmas today. Currently, I’m at a Xmas market with my mom. I have walked up to food stall and have said to the sales lady : “8 churros, please.” “15$ please.” I’ve paid, have sat down at a table to enjoy them with my mum.
My Dream 2 : A Famous Actress
Dear Diary, my name is Mia. I am a famous actress. One day, in the crowd, someone has said to me : “Look, she’s Mia, the famous actress”.
My Dream 3 : Female Hybrid Alien
Dear Diary, the name is Meghan. I am a female hybrid Alien. I see everything in codes.
My Dream 1 : Asian Drinks Vendor
Dear Diary, I am Sierra. I am an Asian drinks vendor. I have a small drinks stall on the streets of Japan, Tokyo. I’ve been shouting at the top of my lungs : “Asian drinks, half-price only today!” People have been queuing up daily outside for them.
My Dream 2 : Marrying my Enemy
Dear Diary, I am Claires. As a baby, my enemy has been setting out to kill my entire family and I. I have witnessed it myself and have shouted: “Mommy!” Seeing that I’m just a baby, he’s stopped and has been raising me as his own daughter. Later on, he has been obsessed with me. I have married him and have had 3 daughters by him.
My Dream 3 : Asian Lollipop Vendor
Dear Diary, I am named Zhao. I female, in my 20ties. I run an Asian lollipop stall in China. One day, the mayor of the town has been wanting to demolish my stall for an F1 business. But many of my loyal customers have been protesting on the streets : “No F1!”. Some were shouting. It has been put up in a vote. Everyone has voted for me to remain in business, loving my lollipops too much. So I have remained in business thanks to the loyalty of my customers.
My Dream 1 : A redeemed Father
Dear Diary, I am called Yumiko Takahashi. As a child, my mother has left my father. But later on, I’ve found out that he’s a Japanese mafia boss redeemed. He’s adopted 100 orphans and has stopped all criminal activities for my mother and I. He’s said to me : “There child, have I ever abandoned your mother and you?”
My Dream 2 : Opium War Time-Traveler
Dear Diary, I am known as Lei Jia. Currently, I have traveled into the body of the 4 princess of the Qing Dynasty in 1898. I have been tasked to warn my fellow brothers of the opium war : “I’ll feign accepting their products, then you’ll burn it after.”
My Dream 3 : Late Night Cravings
Dear Diary, people call me Natasha. I am female, in my 30ties. One night, I’ve been having strange cravings. So I have stopped by the convenience store to pick a ketchup Doritos and a French vanilla up. As I’ve taken my 1st bite into it, I’ve exclaimed : “Ah, perfect bliss.”
My Dream 1 : A TV Interview
Dear Diary, my name is Jose-Anne Bouchard. I am female, in my 30ties. I am a multi-billionaire. A TV reporter has been interviewing me : “So, how do you become so rich?” “By investing money with money.” I’ve answered her.
My Dream 2 : An Xmas Fair
Dear Diary, the name is Nymphatina. I’m female in my 20ties. I am currently at a Xmas fair nearly the holidays. I’ve walked up to a coffee stand and asked the sales lady : “A latte please, M’am, thank you.” “5, 75$ please.” I’ve paid and have started to enjoy myself.
My Dream 3 : Han Solo 1
Dear Diary, I am Han Solo. I am the fiancé of Princess Leia. I used to be a mercenary. But ever since falling in love with Princess Leia, I have pledged allegiance to the Alliance. I have been swearing an oath in uniform : “I pledge myself to the Alliance, fighting against Emperor Palpatine and The Empire.”
My Dream 3 : An arranged Marriage
Dear Diary, I am named Melissa. I am in currently in an arranged marriage with the Crown Prince. I have tried escaping, but to no avail.
My Dream 1 : A cheating Father
Dear Diary, I am called Camillia Woods. I have a father who’s been cheating on my mother with 2 mistresses. I have one day yelled at him : “I am Camilla Woods, not Sunak, your family name. I am my mother’s daughter only.”
My Dream 2 : Fire Emblem 1
Dear Diary, I am known as Erica. I am the Princess of Renais. I have been tasked : “Dear Erica, you have been tasked to restore peace between Grado and Renais.”
My Dream 3 : Swarovski Brand Ambassador
Dear Diary, people call me Nadine. I am female, 19-20 years old. My job consists of selling and modeling for the Swarovski brand.
My Dream 1 : The Crown Princess
Dear Diary, my name is Wang Fei. I am the unwilling married bride to the Crown Prince. One day, I’ve yelled at him : “I hate you!”.
My Dream 2 : Futuristic AI iPhone
Dear Diary, the name is Q10. I am an AI iPhone. One day, I’ve heard my owner say to me : “I want pizza delivery for lunch today.”
My Dream 3 : Plastic Surgery Salon
Dear Diary, I am Ida. Female, single in my 40ties. I run a small business plastic surgery salon.
My Dream 1 : A cheating Husband
Dear Diary, I am called Sophia. I am married, female, in my 30ties. One day I’ve found out that my husband has been cheating on me with a female Alien. Then, my husband has been infected with a virus. I’ve exclaimed to myself : “Serves you right!”
My Dream 2 : The Sun Goddess
Dear Diary, I am named Phoenix. I am the Goddess of the Sun. One day, I’ve been so depressed that I’ve ceased to exist, causing Apocalypse on the world.
My Dream 3 : Mokuba’s Tutor[br][br]Dear Diary, I am known as Rong. I am the tutor of my arch-rival’s little brother. But it has grown from hate to a relationship between him and I. But one day, he has disrespected the fact that I’m a female Chinese and not Japanese. So I have yelled at him : “I never want to see you again!”
My Dream 1 : Senior Female Paasenger
Dear Diary, people call me Yang. I am an old 70-80 years old female walking with an aiding stick. As I’ve been on the bus, I’ve asked everyone on it : “Can I have a seat please?” No one has seemed to hear me.
My Dream 2 : Female Waterfall Fairy
Dear Diary, my name is Xian Er. I used to be a human female in my 20ties, single, no kids. But with self-cultivation, I have become a female waterfall fairy. I have sworn to God on the day that I have become a fairy : “I forsake all sexual, material and evil desires.”
My Dream 3 : Asian BBQ Vendor
Dear Diary, the name is Joy. I am female, in my 40ties, no kids and single. I have a small Asian BBQ stall on the streets of China. I’ve been yelling at the top of my lungs daily : “Asian BBQ, sweet or spicy, half-price off today only!” People have been queuing up outside for it.
My Dream 1 : Tang Dynasty Empress
Dear Diary, I am Wu Zhe Tian. I am the Empress of China. I have come to the West as a peacemaker between our nations.
My Dream 2 : Corrupted Celebrity Crackdown
Dear Diary, I am named Mickey. I am female, single, in high-school, 15-16 years old. My friends and I know a celebrity who’s very corrupted and have been discussing a plan to retrieve proof and evidence of his crimes. “I’ll go first, since I can pick locks.”
My Dream 3 : Asian Cuisine Critic
Dear Diary, I am called Sophie. I am female, in my 40ties, single, no kids. I am an Asian cuisine critic. One day at work, my boss has asked me : “So, what do you think of all the Asian food you’ve tried so far personally?” “Well, I personally prefer Tiki Ming’s general Tao chicken.” “Very well then, I want a review done by Friday.”
My Dream 1 : Female Egyptian Pharaoh
Dear Diary, I am Nefertiti. I the most beautiful and intelligent female Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt.
My Dream 2 : I am Sherazade
Dear Diary, I am named Sherazade. I am a female who has seen the 12 Arabian Knights.
My Dream 3 : A Restaurant Waitress
Dear Diary, I am called Clara. I am female, single, in my 20ties, no kids. I work as a waitress in a brunch type of restaurant. One day, a client has ordered : "A latte please".
My Dream 1 : Pregnant at 17
Dear Diary, I am Tenaya. I am female, high school dropout, 17-18 years old. I’m pregnant. “What am I gonna do?”
My Dream 2 : Goddess of Universe
Dear Diary, I am named Nuwa. I am the immortal Goddess of Universe. It’s my very own creation and I have many magical powers.
My Dream 3 : God of Tricks
Dear Diary, I am called Loki. I am the male immortal God of tricks.
My Dream 1 : A royal Proposal
Dear Diary, I am Cora. I am female, in my 30ties, fiancée to the crown Prince. One day, he has proposed to me : “Marry me!” “Yes.”
My Dream 2 : An obsessed Stalker
Dear Diary, I am named Laura. I am female, in my 20ties. I have an obsessive stalker who keeps calling me. One day, I’ve yelled at him on the phone : “I’m calling the cops on ya the next time you call me!”
My Dream 3 : Female Human Soulmate
Dear Diary, I am called Zhang Yue. I am a werewolf’s female human soulmate.
My Dream 1 : A Party Hostess
Dear Diary, I am Coraline. I am female, in my 40ties. I’ve been hosting the thanksgiving party in my home. “Come on everyone, dig in!”
My Dream 2 : Emperor’s favourite
Dear Diary, I am named Yan Zi. I am the Emperor Kangxi’s favourite concubine. One day, I’ve made him socks myself. “I’ll wear them daily and cherish them forever!”
My Dream 3 : Water Polo Practice
Dear Diary, I am called Li Chen. I am female, single, no kids in my 20ties. I am a professional water polo player. During one of our practices, I’ve yelled at my teammates : “Pass it to me!”
My Dream 1 : Becoming a Vampire
Dear Diary, I am Louis. I used to be a human male in my 40ties, , single, no kids. But today, I have become a vampire.
My Dream 2 : Vampire in Love
Dear Diary, I am named James. I am an 800 years old vampire. I’m in love with a human female named Kathy. “I love you, Kathy!”
My Dream 1 : Missing a Tambourine
Dear Diary, I am Anna. I am female in my 30ties, single, no kids. I am a percussionist. On one of our tours, I’ve exclaimed : “I’m missing a tambourine!”
My Dream 2 : A royal Seamstress
Dear Diary, I am named Elle. I am female, 15-16 years old. I am a seamstress for royalty.
My Dream 3 : Rejecting a Proposal
Dear Diary, I am called Aisha. I am female, in my 20ties, single, no kids. One day, the Sultan of Brunei has proposed to me with a diamond ring on one knee : “Marry me.” “No.”
My Dream 1 : Female McGill Student
Dear Diary, I am Elena. I am female, 20-21 years old. I am a Mcgill college student in economics.I’ve been preparing and studying for my final exam for life.
My Dream 2 : The Lion King
Dear Diary, I am named Mustafa. I am the Lion King. I’ve told my son Simba and his wife Nala one day : “Beware of Scar, your uncle, he’s a sly fox.”
My Dream 3 : Friendly Tennis Match
Dear Diary, I am called Johnny Depp. I am 59-60, 2 adult kids, divorced, male American actor. But today, I have won a friendly match against a professional tennis player : “I have won!”
My Dream 1 : A Raspberry Danish
Dear Diary, I am Aida. I am 18-19 years old, college student, female, single, no kids. Currently, I’m at IGa ordering my breakfast : “A raspberry Danish please!”, “1,5$ please.” I’ve paid and have started enjoying it on the spot.
My Dream 2 : Dating Seto Kaiba
Dear Diary, I am named Tea Gardner. I am female, in my 20ties, no kids. Currently, I am in a relationship with Seto Kaiba, one of the richest and most eligible bachelors in town. “Seto Kaiba, I love you!”
My Dream 3 : A Gymnastics Winner
Dear Diary, I am called Zhao Lu Si. I am female, 20-21 years old. I have just won the Olympic gymnastics gold medal. “Congratulations!”
My Dream 2 : Goddess of Cosmos
Dear Diary, I am named Cosmos. I am an immortal female Goddess. I have created the cosmos.
My Dream 3 : Son of Poseidon
Dear Diary, I am called Percy Jackson. I am male, a Demigod. I am the son of Poseidon and the human female Sally. “Honey, I love you.”
My Dream 1 : McDonald’s Order
Dear Diary, I am Elsa. I am female, 17-18 years old, single, no kids. I’ve just been enjoying hanging out with my female friends from school. But currently, I’ve been ordering at McDonalds’ : A trio cheeseburger please Mam, thank you.” I’ve then paid and have sat down at a table to enjoy it with my female mates.
My Dream 2 : A Lotus Flower
Dear Diary, I am named Ambre. I am female, 18-19 years old, single, no kids. Presently, I am in a Las Vegas Casino, having what they call “A Lotus Flower”. “Can I have some more please, Mam, thank you.” A waitress has come to bring some more for me to enjoy.
My Dream 3 : Princess of Jurchens
Dear Diary, I am called Dong Gue Ye He Na La. I am the princess and the 1st beauty of the Jurchen people.
My Dream 1 : O’Keefe Lotions Fair
Dear Diary, I am O’Keefe. I am female, 13-14 years old, high schooler. Today, I am
participating in an O’Keefe scented lotions fair as an extra curricular experience and after school activity. I’ve been yelling all day at the top of my lungs : “Try on them all! Buy 1, one for free!” They have been selling off like hot cakes for several days.
My Dream 2 : In the Spa
Dear Diary, I am Marie-Lise. I am female, single, in my 30ties, no kids. Today, I’m at the spa with a pina colada in my hand and classical music. “This is perfect!”
My Dream 3 : Gargoyle English Teacher
Dear Diary, I am named Juntah. One day, in class, I’ve seen my English teacher turn into a gargoyle, ready to attack students. “Everyone run!”
My Dream 1 : Rich Male Friend
Dear Diary, I am Chun Tao. I am female, 18-19 years old, single, no kids, college student. I have a best male friend Dao Ming Si who’s been obsessed with me. I’ve said to him : “Your mother is never going to accept me as your girlfriend because I’m penniless, why don’t you date the rich heiress of our class?”
My Dream 2 : My Cappuccino Order
Dear Diary, I am named Lea. I am female, in my teens, single, no kids, high schooler. Today, been ordering my usual cappuccino at the school cafeteria : “A cappuccino please.” “4,15$.” I’ve paid and have sat down at a table to enjoy it alone.
My Dream 3 : Foreign Languages Interpreter
Dear Diary, I am called Tao Tao. I am female, American-Chinese, in my 20ties, single, no kids. Currently, I’m on a trip in China. My job consists of being an oral interpreter.. I’ve said in Italian, Spanish and Portuguese to foreign tourists in China at a stall full of Chinese curios : “This is jade earrings…” “Impressive, whatever you buy today will be on me.” Has said to me the saleslady in Chinese Mandarin.
My Dream 1 : Vampire’s Love
Dear Diary, I am Flora. I am a vampire’s human female soulmate because I could look into his eyes without being turned into stone. But one day, a female princess vampire named Tara has fallen in love with my husband. “Do you think, you a mere human female, are fit for a noble vampire prince?” She’s sneered at me. To which I have replied : “Could you look into his eyes without turning away?”
My Dream 2 : Drowning at Sea
Dear Diary, I am named Xiao Tao Hong. I am female, in my 20ties, single, no kids. I’m about to drown and die at sea. “Please someone help!”
My Dream 3 : Classical Music Tour
Dear Diary, I am called Fiona. I am Italian-American, female, in my 30ties, single, no kids, just living my life as a famous violinist, pianist and flutist. One night, after my performance, the crowd has been applauding and cheering : “Bravo, encore, perfecto!”.
My Dream 1 : A Math Exercise
Dear Diary, I am Judy. I am female, single, 13-14 years old, high schooler. Today, in math class, I’ve been doing the same exercise for life.
My Dream 2 : Redeemed Darth Vader
Dear Diary, I am called Darth Vader. I’ve lived my whole life believing that I’ve killed in my anger, my wife and child. “Padme, I miss you!”
My Dream 3 : Classical Music Prodigy
Dear Diary, I am named Liang Liang. I am female, 15-16 years old, single, no kids. I am a classical music performer. After each performance, the audience cheers, claps and yells : “Liang Liang, Liang Liang, Liang Liang!”
My Dream 1 : Vampire’s Obsession
Dear Diary, I am Kyouhei. I am a male, immortal vampire, currently sucking the blood of my secretary. “Must have more…”
My Dream 2 : Kung-Fu meets Guns
Dear Diary, I am called Bruce Lee. I am male, single, no kids. I am a Chinese martial artist during the opium war. I have defeated James Bond with guns and have earned the Westerners’ respect because of it. Someone in the crowd has exclaimed : “Look, he’s Bruce Lee, the Chinese man who has defeated James Bond with guns with his bare hands.”
My Dream 3 : My spiritual Journey
Dear Diary, I am named the 14th princess. I am a princess of the Qing dynasty of Ancient China. One day, I’ve been wanting to choose my own spiritual path in life and have gone to a Buddhist temple to become a nun. My sister nun has said to me : “Awaken your senses to the beauty and greatness that is life.”
My Dream 1 : Quitting my Job
Dear Diary, I am Decke. I am a Japanese American female, born in Japan, raised in the us, in my 30ties, single, no kids. I work as a spy for the USA against Japan. One day, I have saved my boss 007, or James Bond. Since then, he’s become obsessed with me, sexually harassing and stalking me at work. Today, I’ve yelled at him in anger : “That’s it, I quit now!”
My Dream 2 : My oral Presentation
Dear Diary, I am named Nancy. I am female, single, no, kids, 13-14 years old, high schooler. Today, I’m stuck with doing the same oral presentation forever on Tibet and China.
My Dream 3 : Ice-Cream Truck Vendor
Dear Diary, I am called Pauline. I am female, French female, in my 20ties, single, no kids. On the French Riviera, I own a truck that sells ice-cream and other dairy products. I’ve been yelling daily at the top of my lungs : “Ice-cream and etc, half-off only today!” People have been queuing outside for hours daily for my ice-cream. Today, I run an international dairy products company.
My Dream 1 : Emperor’s Teacher
Dear Diary, I am Yong Zheng. I am a modern day Chinese female, 15-16 years old, single, no kids. I have been living a fairly normal life until one day I’ve been transported back to the Qing Dynasty of Ancient China, 300-400 years ago. There, inside the forbidden palace, I’ve been teaching the Emperor English and other modern disciplines. I’ve begun singing to him, trying to teach him the Latin alphabet : “A, B, C, D, E, F, G…”
My Dream 2 : An Unrequited Love
Dear Diary, I am called Seto Kaiba. I am 18-19 years old, Japanese male, in love with Anzu Mazaki, a girl who hates me. “I hate you, Seto Kaiba!”
My Dream 3 : Preventing Opium Wars
Dear Diary, I am named Si Ge Ge. I am a Princess of the late Manchurian Qing dynasty. I have prevented the opium wars with the Europeans.
My Dream 1 : A Marshmallow Lover
Dear Diary, I am Selena. I am female, 14-15 years old, single, no kids. I am autistic in high school trying to make my first female friends. Not knowing what to say to them, I’ve said : “Hi, I am Selena. Would you like a marshmallow chocolate?”
My Dream 2 : Shopping with Friends
Dear Diary, I am named Tina. I am female, single, no kids, 17-18 years old, still in high school. Today, I’m out shopping with my female friends. “I want this one”.
My Dream 3 : Daughter’s Obsession
Dear Diary, I am called Phoebe. My father has had 3 wives and I have 2 half-sisters, from 2 different women. One of them has been obsessed with our father, and has made herself pregnant with his child to trap him.
My Dream 1 : Classic Music Performer
Dear Diary, I am Sylvie. I am female, single, no kids, in my 20ties. I can play the clarinet, the piano, the flute and the violin.After every performance, the crowd claps and yells : “Bravo! Emcore! Fantastic!”
My Dream 2 : A Computer Bug
Dear Diary, I am named Juliette. I am 21-22 years old, female, single, no kids. I am a college student in history. Today, I’ve had to turn in a paper by email. But my professor has set me aside and has asked me : “Why isn’t your paper in, Juliette?” “I have sent it just yesterday, professor.” “ Open your email. Let me check.” I have done as asked and indeed, my email provider has had a bug and hasn’t sent it to my professor. “Send it again, it’s not your fault.” Done as asked, and my professor has been kind enough to mark it as sent yesterday and not late.
My Dream 3 : A Female Ninja
Dear Diary, I am called Sayuki. I am female, Japanese, in my 20ties, single, no kids. I am a female ninja with superior karate. I save the people from being genetically modified by a crazy scientist. “All hail Sayuki!” has exclaimed the crowd one day.
My Dream 1 : Male Luxury Designer
Dear Diary, I am Daniel Wellington. I am male, in my 30ties, single, no kids. I am the CEO of my own luxury female goods and beauty products company. One day, as I’ve been passing by the crowd, someone has yelled out : “Look, she’s wearing Daniel Wellington.”
My Dream 2 : Saving ancient China
Dear Diary, I am named Ge Er. I am female, modern day Chinese college student, 18-19 years old, single no kids. One day, I have time-travelled in the last dynasty of China, in the Emperor Yong Zheng’s era. There, I have warned them about the upcoming opium wars against Westerners.
My Dream 3 : A Buffet Owner
Dear Diary, I am called Nong Jin Sun. I am a Chinese female, during the opium wars. I am 18-19 years old, single, no kids. I run a busy buffet called : “Flavours of the World” to help finance my uncle’s Chinese medicine shop. One day, I’ve earned enough money for the investment : “Uncle, here’s my investment for your Chinese medicine shop. I hope it flourishes like mine has.”
My Dream 1 : A Fast-Food Festival
Dear Diary, I am Xiao Wei. I am female, in my 20ties, single, no kids. Today, I am at a fast-food festival alone. The person at the admission centre has said to me : “3$ for admission please.” I’ve paid and have been all day delighting myself with international fast-food cuisine such as juicy burgers, crisps with all sorts of dips, hot-dogs and smoked meat sandwiches of all kinds.
My Dream 2 : Music Academy Student
Dear Diary, I am called Wan Er. I am female, no kids, single, 18-19 years old, a classic music college student. From time to time, my classmates and I would perform in concerts. I am versed in the flute, violin and piano. After each concert, the audience claps and yells : “Bravissimo, encore, perfecto!”.
My Dream 3 : A Business Plan
Dear Diary, I am named Madame Chaumet. I am female, middle aged, Chinese married to a French man, no kids, living in America. Today, I am discussing with my husband my dream business : “I’d like a Korean dish ware in the shop.”
My Dream 1 : Turned into Stone
Dear Diary, I am Vesper Lindt. I am female, in my 20ties, no kids, single. I’ve been turned into stone by starring into Medusa’s eyes.
My Dream 2 : From the Future
Dear Diary, I am called Rong Ge Ge. I am female, single, no kids, 15-16 years old. I am a normal high-schooler until one day I’ve time-travelled back to Qing dynasty. “Master Huo, I am from the future, here to help.”
My Dream 3 : Party Gone Wrong
Dear Diary, I am named Saghar Samini. I am 18-19 years old, female, college student, single, no kids. It has been the end of the final exams session, and today my friends and I have been to Burger King, having a food fest, laughing and drinking sofas, gorging ourselves on whoppers, juicy burgers and Oreo ice-cream cookies. But, everything has been going wrong since a kid has decided to go in the kitchen and light up a fire in the place. The fire has quickly been spreading. Someone in the crowd has yelled : “Quick, run, everybody!”.
My Dream 1 : Serving homemade Pizzas
Dear Diary, I am Ran Er. I am female, Chinese, 12-13 years old, high-schooler, single, no kids. Today, I have been hosting in my own home a pot luck homemade dinner where everyone brings something they’ve made themselves by hand. Personally, I’ve decided to make homemade pizzas and serve them to my guests. One has said to me : “These are delicious.” “Thank you, it’s my first time ever making them.”
My Dream 2 : Goddess of Fairies
Dear Diary, I am named Athena. I am the female immortal Goddess of the fairy kingdom. I am born to Zeus and the fairy Queen Ippolita. I have two older brothers who are in love with me : Ares and Hades. I have married them both since I couldn’t choose between them. But one day, my elder brother Ares has said to me : “I love you more, Athena, I don’t want to share you with Hades anymore.”
My Dream 3 : Female Go Master
Dear Diary, I am called Akira Toya. I am Japanese, female, 14-15 years old, single, no kids. I’ve dropped out of high school to focus on my professional go career. I am a 9 Dan, the highest level of young professional go master. Today, I am at the finals of a pan-Asian competition against a Chinese professional player. I’ve exclaimed after a while : “I win!”.
My Dream 1 : Being a Ghost
Dear Diary, I am Benedict Cumberbatch. I am the ghost of Benedict Cumberbatch. One day, I’ve said to humans : “Catch me if you can!”
My Dream 2 : The WWIII Apocalypse
Dear Diary, I am named Xi Jing Ping. I am male, married, with 1 adult daughter. I am the president of the republic of China. Today, I’ve been hearing a missile shot in Bei Jing. My general has said to me : “Mr. President, it’s from Washington DC, the Pentagon.” “Think before acting.” I’ve urged him. But later today, the Americans have bombed China mainland with nuclear. “Fire Away, general!” And after that, Russia has fired another nuclear bomb on US soil, destroying planet Earth and humanity all together.
My Dream 3 : Sect Junior Sister
Dear Diary, I am called Qi Shi Mei. I am female, no kids, single, in my 20ties. I am a king-fu practitioner during the opium wars. My sect senior brother and I have been helping with the opium wars with our superior kung-fu skills. One day, my sect’s senior brother has declared to me : “Junior sister, you are my soulmate!”
My Dream 1 : Dracula and Cinderella
Dear Diary, I am Dracula. I am male, a 900 years old vampire. Cinderella has come to my castle today. I’ve said to her : “If you want eternal youth and beauty, let me bite you!”
My Dream 2 : An Arcade Girl
Dear Diary, I am named Zax. This is my code name in the gaming world. I’m playing as male in the game, but I’m female, single, no kids, 15-16 years old. I’ve been playing a game and stuck in a level. I’ve asked the player beside me : “Can you help me with this level?” “Follow me.”
My Dream 3 : A talking Tiger
Dear Diary, I am called The Talking Tiger. I am male tiger, raised by humans and who can walk and talk like them. I work in a fast-food restaurant as a waiter. I’ve walked to a table on my own feet and asked my customers : “Are you ready to order?”
My Dream 1 : The golden Bean
Dear Diary, I am Oppa Lumpa. I am an immortal male fairy of cocoa beans. You know, the ones that humans use for making chocolate. One day, after 1k years, I have a fully grown huge golden bean. And that day, some human teenage thieves have stolen it. I’ve cried out : “My golden bean!”
My Dream 2 : A Japanese Challenger
Dear Diary, I am named Ye Feng. I am male, 15-16 years old, single, no kids, high schooler. I practice karate after school. Today, I am challenging a Chinese kung-fu fighter in my class. “Wong, I’m challenging you to a duel today!”
My Dream 3 : A Bond Girl
Dear Diary, I am called Madeleine Swann. I am a psychiatrist. I am James Bond’s long term girlfriend, I have an 7-8 years old daughter with him. Today is my 38th birthday. James has surprised me with an elegant and expensive gift for me : a single drop mother-of-pearl necklace in platinum. “Happy Birthday, Madeleine, I love you!”
My Dream 1 : A Manchu Princess
Dear Diary, I am Ma Er Tai Ruo Xi. I am a Manchu Princess in the Qing dynasty of China. I have escaped the palace to be free.
My Dream 2 : A War Heroine
Dear Diary, I am named Hua Mu LAN. I have fought in the war against the Xiong Nu in the Song Dynasty of China. The people have kneeled down before me and have exclaimed : “All hail general Mu Lan!”
My Dream 3 : A Manchu Lady
Dear Diary, I am called Ruo Lan. I am female, married to the 8th prince. I have 1 daughter and 1 son, both adults now. I am a Manchu noble lady. My mother has been dying lately, I’ve been visiting her grave and staying there for days : “Mother, please forgive me.”
My Dream 1 : Female Robin Hood
Dear Diary, I am Lady Marian. I am a British countess, single, female, no kids yet. Yet I dream to fight for justice and the les fortunate souls of the world. I have 2 men in love with me : one being the thief Robin Hood and the other being a Duke. I have chosen to marry Robin Hood. He has knelt down on 1 knee by proposing to me with a wooden ring made by himself : “Marry me.” “Yes.”
My Dream 2 : Picking fresh Raspberries on the Field
Dear Diary, I am named Tian Fu. I am female, in my teens, single, no kids, too young to have any anyways. Today, I am picking fresh on a field trip with James Bond, my fiancé. Suddenly, he’s kneeled down before me and has been having in hands some fresh raspberries, he’s then said to me : “For you, my Lady.” I have graciously accepted them and have begun enjoying them with everyone including him.
My Dream 3 : Bond’s Wife
Dear Diary, I am called Natalie. I am 25-26 years old, female, James Bond’s wife. I currently have a son and a daughter with him. But our son has been abducted by my husband’s enemies. He’s said to me : “My darling, you stay home, I’ll make sure to have our son back!
My Dream 1 : A good Samaritan
Dear Diary, I am He Lin. I am female, Chinese, stay at home wife and mother to 3 kids. My husband is French. Although I volunteer at a community organization to give homeless and high school dropouts a chance at a job and life. This has always been my dream to help others and to be of use and service to others. One day, I’ve seen a homeless male teenager sleeping outside in the cold on the streets. I’ve declared to him : “If you mow my lawn, I will pay you 100$”. He’s been up on his feet and has said to me : “Thank you.”
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