When i was young, i used to do stupid things.. But now im a teen. Heres how my story goes: I used to cry alot when i was little and i used to show people my private area when i was little. So i had to stay inside using the computer. The computer was my only friend.. Now im addicted to it. When i went to school people always use to pick on me. They wouldnt stop. Eventually they did stop when i was in 5th grade. I was happy at least. Then later in 6th grade, this girl called me cute. Soon enough there were other girls that i thought they tought i was cute. Later in 8th grade i liked her alot. Now i dont since she got in to fights back then. In middle school years 6-8, no one liked me that much. They said i was annoying which i thought is right. Since then i started having little depression and sucidal thoughts. In 9th grade, the first few weeks of school was great.. You already know why theres a hint here. The girl went to some other school and as of last week returned to my school. I was really pissed she was back. I told some of her friends i dont like her. When she came back my life was turning upside down. Everyone started hating me. Girls wouldnt hug me anymore. I feel corrupted. Now almost most people think im annoying. I cried last night thinking of this but now im pissed at my self.. I feel like i should die. I grew up in a wicked family. My family is poor and my pearents always argue. My brother is crazy (hitting himself etc..) I feel like killing my self.. I dont know what to do.. I ignored people long enough. What should i do? Can someone please answer me? I feel very miserable. Im literally crying.