The other hosting account I had (Forum Advertiser's) has expired. Now I'm down to one account (this one). Which is a good thing because I don't want to be bothered with having multiple hosting accounts. Both accounts are on Hawk Host.
This marks my one year anniversary with Hawk Host.
I must say that I have had an excellent experience with this host. I haven't had any issues with them and there has only been a couple instances of slowness or downtime for the site's Ive ran in that time.
In the nearly 3 years Ive been running forums, Ive been on a couple other paid hosts (all shared hosting accounts because I cant afford a VPS or Dedicated Server). Which are Lunar Pages and Cirtex Hosting. I DO NOT recommend either one of those.
I did have an account on Just Host for a very brief amount of time but I was not impressed with the low limits for MySQL databases. My largest SQL file was 14 MB's at the time (if I remember correctly) and it would not allow me to upload it. Even in parts. I put in a support ticket and they told me to upload my sql file by FTP somewhere and they will restore it for me. I figured they were a waste of my time. How can I get any work done when they have such strict settings for everything. So I asked for my money back 3 days later and got it.
My biggest complaint on Lunar Pages was that they would always threaten to suspend me for using too many resources. A couple times they moved me to a different server and told me I had X amount of time to get the resource usage down to avoid account suspension. The 1st time that happened I had moved one of my forums over to another host (Cirtex) to cut down the resource usage. That kept them satisfied for a month or two they were back at me again with the treats. Suggesting I rent one of their $100+ a month dedicated servers. When my year was up there I didn't renew despite the offers and discounts they were trying to throw at me every time I said NO.
On to Cirtex... This host was by far the worst. They had extremely high security settings on the server. The server was banning people left and right. Anyone who browsed around the forum too quickly or hit refresh a couple times was hit was a permanent IP ban from the server (I suppose the server thought they were a bot or something_. However the members didnt know they were banned. All they saw when they tried to get to the forum was a blank screen. Most people figured it was down and never came back. Others would contact me by email or from other forums and ask me what was wrong. I was sending daily with lists of IP's for them to un ban. They also were telling me that I should rent a dedicated server as well. About six months in, I asked for a refund for the remainder of my time remaining with them and they did it which was shocking because most would say there is no refunds.
... So that's my experience with these hosts. Just thought I would share.
This marks my one year anniversary with Hawk Host.
I must say that I have had an excellent experience with this host. I haven't had any issues with them and there has only been a couple instances of slowness or downtime for the site's Ive ran in that time.
In the nearly 3 years Ive been running forums, Ive been on a couple other paid hosts (all shared hosting accounts because I cant afford a VPS or Dedicated Server). Which are Lunar Pages and Cirtex Hosting. I DO NOT recommend either one of those.
I did have an account on Just Host for a very brief amount of time but I was not impressed with the low limits for MySQL databases. My largest SQL file was 14 MB's at the time (if I remember correctly) and it would not allow me to upload it. Even in parts. I put in a support ticket and they told me to upload my sql file by FTP somewhere and they will restore it for me. I figured they were a waste of my time. How can I get any work done when they have such strict settings for everything. So I asked for my money back 3 days later and got it.
My biggest complaint on Lunar Pages was that they would always threaten to suspend me for using too many resources. A couple times they moved me to a different server and told me I had X amount of time to get the resource usage down to avoid account suspension. The 1st time that happened I had moved one of my forums over to another host (Cirtex) to cut down the resource usage. That kept them satisfied for a month or two they were back at me again with the treats. Suggesting I rent one of their $100+ a month dedicated servers. When my year was up there I didn't renew despite the offers and discounts they were trying to throw at me every time I said NO.
On to Cirtex... This host was by far the worst. They had extremely high security settings on the server. The server was banning people left and right. Anyone who browsed around the forum too quickly or hit refresh a couple times was hit was a permanent IP ban from the server (I suppose the server thought they were a bot or something_. However the members didnt know they were banned. All they saw when they tried to get to the forum was a blank screen. Most people figured it was down and never came back. Others would contact me by email or from other forums and ask me what was wrong. I was sending daily with lists of IP's for them to un ban. They also were telling me that I should rent a dedicated server as well. About six months in, I asked for a refund for the remainder of my time remaining with them and they did it which was shocking because most would say there is no refunds.
... So that's my experience with these hosts. Just thought I would share.