Nobody can make another person happy. But how do you know that person is "unhappy"? Having a quieter or more introverted personality often results in others ASSUMING you are "not happy" because you are not an outwardly expressive person. I have had many years of being attacked by the Smile Police. People who judge my face, tell me to "smile". Like I am supposed to mainipulate my face to suit someone's false presumptions about my mood ? It's ridiculous. I don't go about telling the Sunshine pumpers to tone it down or smile less. My face is my face. And i can't help how my genes formed together lol. Nor do i have the need to be "happy'. I don't chase "happiness". I don't describe or live my life in terms of happiness. I don't buy into the "Positivity" movement. I think we should feel ALL of our feelings. Glad, mad, sad, etc. That's real life to me. And there are times I feel joy and excitement , etc but I don't necessarily go about with that on my face.
So anyway, sorry for going on a tangent there. But, happiness is an indivual thing. So someone else's baseline is perfectly fine for them but from your perpective you may see "unhappy" when they really are not.