I was reading an article from my local newspaper and want to know your thoughts on it.
People convicted of driving while intoxicated will now be forced to use a new device that monitors their behavior in a vehicle. Interlocking devices will be installed for a minimum of six months in vehicles of those convicted of DWI to prevent them from driving drunk again.
How It Works: The driver must blow into the device, which records the blood alcohol level, before the vehicle can be started. If the driver blows a blood alcohol level of more than .025, the car will not start. In addition, the device will require the driver to blow periodically while driving. If a positive reading comes up, the vehicle will shut off. Some devices also have cameras on them to make sure the right person is blowing into the device. Some also have global positioning systems to monitor the whereabouts of vehicles to see if defendants are visiting bars while driving.
My question to you reading this: Do you think this new device will be a deterrant for drunk drivers? Why or why not?
People convicted of driving while intoxicated will now be forced to use a new device that monitors their behavior in a vehicle. Interlocking devices will be installed for a minimum of six months in vehicles of those convicted of DWI to prevent them from driving drunk again.
How It Works: The driver must blow into the device, which records the blood alcohol level, before the vehicle can be started. If the driver blows a blood alcohol level of more than .025, the car will not start. In addition, the device will require the driver to blow periodically while driving. If a positive reading comes up, the vehicle will shut off. Some devices also have cameras on them to make sure the right person is blowing into the device. Some also have global positioning systems to monitor the whereabouts of vehicles to see if defendants are visiting bars while driving.
My question to you reading this: Do you think this new device will be a deterrant for drunk drivers? Why or why not?