I was just checking one of my email accounts and seen this:
This was like the 2nd or 3rd email they sent me apparently. Threats don't make me want to go and participate on that forum to save my account from being put to death. Go ahead and delete it. I should be able to login at my leisure and participate whenever participating is convenient for me. Being pressured into being active on a forum wont work on most people.
Ever got one of these sorts of emails? How does it make you feel?
Dear Nebulous,
We have recently written to you with regard to your lack of
participation/activity on -Edit-
There has been no change in activity from your part since that mail. We
would like to make you aware that we consider deleting your account as you
appear to be no longer interested in the community of -Edit-.
In case you just have misplaced your log in details, please find them
We look forward to your participation on -Edit- shortly.

Ever got one of these sorts of emails? How does it make you feel?