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So it looks like the Playstation Plus subscription cards are being sold by Neo Games for 10 dollars less than MSRP. Also, if you buy three or more, you will get 5% off your order.
If you’ve never had a Playstation Plus membership, here’s some of the perks that having one grants you:
Playstation Plus is also required to play a lot of online multiplayer games on the PS4, such as Destiny. If a membership is what you’re after, then best to take advantage of this deal going on now.
- Instant Game Collection Access- The most popular games will be available on demand for you to play as long as you’re a subscriber of Playstation Plus. Your Plus membership also carries over to other Playstation systems that you may own, such as a Vita, or PS3, or PS4. So basically if you have any or all three of these systems then your subscription will carry over across all three.
- Discounts- Pretty much self-explanatory but if you want an idea of exactly how much one can save with a Plus membership, discounts can range from 20%-80% percent off on Playstation Store purchases.
- Full Game Trials- Trials of full games. Play a game that you select for up to one hour from the Playstation Store to decide if you want to buy it or not. You can also save up to 3GB from access to an online cloud game storage.
- First To Receive Beta Invites- You’ll be the first to be invited to any game beta invites over those without a Playstation Plus membership.
Do you (or do you plan to) have a Playstation Plus membership?