Temerit said:
Wow, that lady is such an idiot. Conservatives are such idiots. She is advocating the removal of the Federal Reserve, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, People Without Insurance Getting Care at an Emergency room, The National Parks act.... Conservatives are so self centered and so ignorant so much of the time. Providing health care for all Americans is not slavery.
Who the hell is she to say that those many many people working very hard across the country at minimum wage jobs for small businesses shouldn't be able to get healthcare? Its idiot like her that are the reason we have the 37th best health care in the world. Our private insurance system is so corrupt and so overrun by greed its fucking ridiculous. You pay into a system all your life and then when you get cancer they say, oops we don't have any money for you, it all went to our executive's mansions because unlike you sir, they work very hard and deserve to have the money that they have, and their lives have value.
Conservatives are the reason why we are falling behind in the world. They refuse to accept the fact that society changes and evolves over time. I hear Glenn Beck bashing on Obama and everything he does, saying they are terrible and ridiculous proposals, but I never hear solutions from the conservatives. Never. All they care about are their damn guns that they shouldn't even have, they don't care about hard-working people who are getting screwed over by the system. That woman is what is destroying America, that type of voter. Not some meek elderly and incompetent candidate for an elected office.
It makes me so frustrated for people to continue to argue that healthcare shouldn't be a right, when we have/had 50 million uninsured, the vast majority of those working, working hard. Conservatives only care about them and their own family, anything that does good for others but hurts them in the least is no good. They don't care about others. And it pains me to see the reality of our nation, and how conservatives continue to oppose measure that would fix so many of our problems.
If I had to align myself with a political party it would have to be the Democrats of course, but I would prefer not to. I generally agree with the generalization that Republicans are ****ing assholes and Democrats are ****ing pussies.
Here check out this Republican candidate for Governor of Tennessee:
For the record, I am uninsured & I oppose government run healthcare.
I don't associate myself with either of the mainstream parties. I'm a Libertarian.